Podcast Mission

Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower listeners to understand and combat racial injustice. Through in-depth discussions, personal narratives, Biblical referencing, and expert insights, we aim to amplify marginalized voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. We are committed to promoting empathy, understanding, and actionable change by providing a platform for critical conversations about race, justice, and humanity.

Current Episodes of R2ED Out Loud Podcast

12 Deceptions About Discipleship

February 7, 2024

Bert Jones shares from Matt. 28:19-20 about how we are to make disciples, not converts as we are in the process of becoming who Jesus would be if He were you.

The GHO Dental Experience

February 5, 2024

Dr. Bill Griffin shares about the exciting opportunities for dentists to use their skills on GHO mission trips.

Exploring the Perkins Justice Pilgrimage

February 1, 2024

V. Elizabeth Perkins from The John & Vera Mae Perkins Foundation about racism and reconciliation and how they relate to healthcare.

An Inside Look at State Advocacy in 2024

February 1, 2024

On the inaugural episode of The Voice of Advocacy podcast, Senior Vice President of Bioethics and Public Policy Dr. Jeff Barrows is joined by Director of State Public Policy Nicole Hayes to keep you informed about ways you can make a difference and advocate for the vulnerable.

Knowing God’s Will

January 30, 2024

Gene Rudd, MD shares from Psalm 19 about how knowing God and His word are the key to understanding His will for us.

What Is The Gospel?

January 25, 2024

Alan Waldecker shares from I Thessalonians  1 about how we must examine our beliefs about the Gospel to determine if we are we following the authentic truth or a counterfeit belief.

From Healthcare to Public Service

January 25, 2024

On this week’s video episode of CMDA Matters, Dr. Mike Chupp and J.C. Bicek are joined by Dr. Ralph Alvardo, a physician who uses his experience in healthcare to now serve as the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Health.

The Consequences of “Straight Talk,” with Diversity and Equality of Opportunity in Healthcare

January 24, 2024

What trumps diversity every time? Why is ‘straight talk’ so important in the medical field? In this episode of Student Pulse Podcast, we talk with Kenny Xu, President of Color Us United to explain equality of opportunity over equity in healthcare.

What Are You Willing To Invest In The Kingdom?

January 23, 2024

Eric Fields shares from Galatians 6 about how we have to invest our time, money and talents now to reap a harvest for the Lord in the future.

Transgender Dilemma in the Young

January 18, 2024

Dr. Jeff Hansen, a pediatric and adolescent clinical psychologist, recently wrote a new book entitled Transgender Dilemma in the Young that speaks into the transgender topic in a clear and concise way.