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Saline Process Witness Training:
Equipping Christian Healthcare Professionals

Integrating Faith and Healthcare with Confidence and Compassion


Listen to an episode of CMDA Matters, where Dr. Mike Chupp and Dr. Bill Griffin sit down with Dr. Mark Topazian and Dr. Gábor Győri to talk about the new opportunities to participate in the Saline Process Witness Training.

Many studies demonstrate the fact that a majority of patients want their healthcare professionals to consider their spiritual needs and desires. Yet many in healthcare are uncomfortable addressing their patients’ religious concerns. How can clinicians address both the physical and spiritual aspects of their patients? What can we offer to patients that goes beyond their physiologic needs in a truly holistic way?


A Saline Process seminar includes 10 hours of concepts and practical tools for integrating faith into day-to-day patient interactions with sensitivity and respect. This includes incorporating spiritual history-taking, praying with patients and fostering real-time connections with God during patient care. It is a descendant of Saline Solution, a course created by Pastor Bill Peel and Dr. Walt Larimore of CMDA over 20 years ago. Since that time, Saline Process has been taught to 50,000 healthcare workers in more than 120 countries around the globe, many of whom work in secular or other majority religion settings wary of Christianity.

Would you consider having a Saline Process event in your area?

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Comments from recent Saline Process attendees:

How does the Saline Process compare with Faith Prescriptions?

Faithrx Dental Page

These two resources are fully compatible, with both emphasizing the calling to treat patients with sensitivity and respect as we integrate spiritual care into their treatment. The ten hour Saline Process training is more in-depth and provides an excellent foundation for spiritual care, while Faith Prescriptions addresses a broader variety of healthcare situations and provides an excellent follow-up to provide continued learning and ongoing accountability.