FCPA Mission Matching Grant Information
Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants
The Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants (FCPA) seeks to encourage the sending forth of laborers Matthew 9:37-38 into the fields which are white with harvest. This fund was established to offer financial and prayer support to FCPA members who are called by the Lord to medical mission work around His world. Each member of the FCPA is a fellow laborer either as one who sends or one who goes, I Thessalonians 3:2, all to the glory of God.
- Must be a fellow or student member in good standing of the FCPA for at least one year prior to making application for a matching grant.
- Must complete an application with recommendations and have it approved by the missions committee.
- Must not have received a prior matching grant from the FCPA.
Grant Procedures:
- Upon request, the application is sent to FCPA member via e-mail or regular mail or downloaded off this website.
- Upon receipt of completed application with two recommendations, missions committee chair distributes the application to no less than three designated FCPA members (BOD and/or missions committee).
- The applicant is notified via e-mail of receipt of the application, distribution of same and expected approval timeline.
- Additional information or clarification may be requested from the applicant by any reviewing member via the missions committee chair.
- The decision to approve or disapprove applicant request requires a unanimous vote on the part of those reviewing the application.
- Missions committee chair then contacts the applicant and if application approved requests notification of total amount of funding raised by the applicant which determines the match funds given.
- Missions committee chair then contacts the FCPA treasurer with contact information and check sent to sponsoring non-profit organization designated by the applicant.
- Grant recipient receives final notification of total matching amount awarded from the missions committee chair.
- Request made by the recipient for follow up article highlighting the work of the Lord during the STM trip to be published in FCPA newsletter upon return.

Online Application: