Scholarship | WPDC Mission Trips


Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ organizes mission trips to help women and orphans around the world. These trips offer participants an opportunity to make a difference in 1) the lives of girls and women caught in human trafficking—addressing their physical, spiritual, economic and educational needs; 2) orphan care trips to Zambia, where there are over a million orphans and very few organized orphanages; and refuge care trips, where female providers are essential in order for women and children to come for care.



Through the generous donations of WPDC graduates, scholarship(s) of $500 are available for female medical and dental students wishing to participate in WPDC trips.


Prerequisites for applying:

  1. Currently enrolled as a medical or dental student
  2. CMDA membership (membership is free to students and has many benefits)
  3. This would be your first missions trip


Application Process

  1. Complete your scholarship application on this page.
  2. A reference letter must be received from any active graduate CMDA member (not a student or resident member). This letter must be attached to the online application, or mailed to, WPDC, P.O. Box 7500, Bristol, TN 37621.
  3. Applicants will be notified of the recipient within two weeks of application. Please contact the WPDC Administrator using the form below with any questions.
Gho Mission Scholarship

Online Application:

Through the generous donations of WPDC graduates, scholarship(s) up to $500 are available for female medical and dental students wishing to participate in joint GHO / WPDC trips.

  • Scholarship Application Form

    Before completing this application, please thoroughly read the guidelines for this award. Please give thoughtful and complete responses to every question.
  • Before submitting your application, please copy your application from this page and save it to a Word document. If after submitting you do not receive a message thanking you for completing the application, please contact WPDC at 423-844-1000. Thank you for your patience.