We are a multidisciplinary group of healthcare professionals and Jesus followers who have a passion for using and teaching ultrasound, with the goal of equipping Christian international healthcare workers to incorporate ultrasound into their practice of medicine in the most challenging of settings.
We are a multidisciplinary group of healthcare professionals and Jesus followers who have a passion for using and teaching ultrasound, with the goal of equipping Christian international healthcare workers to incorporate ultrasound into their practice of medicine in the most challenging of settings.
Taking our plans to the throne: Our only hope of success is through prayer. “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9, ESV).
Bringing glory to Christ: Marveling at this creative power in the human body.
Removing obstacles to training: Traditional ultrasound courses are very long and expensive, or they are too short and too focused on entertainment. We have lots of fun working hard together. We keep costs to a minimum to get the training done.
Provide high intensity Point of Care Ultrasound training: Through jam-packed days of focused didactics, very small groups, affordable high quality tablet based ultrasound technology and cutting edge (creative) uses of ultrasound, we start the transformation process of making ultrasound a seamless part of the initial physical exam and medical decision making.
Make it personal: Our courses are learner-goal-directed. We survey the applicants and tailor a course to their individual experience and needs in their projected international setting. No two courses should ever be the same.
Get creative: In special circumstances, if the need arises for a full-time missionary/healthcare professionals to receive more training than can be provided in one of our intensive courses, we will strive to place the learner one-on-one with one of our clinical faculty in the U.S. (or abroad) or in a external ultrasound training course for more long-term training.
We strive to fulfill our mission by our commitment to be:
- Christ-like
- Controlled by the Holy Spirit
- Committed to Scripture
- Communing in Prayer
- Compassionate
- Competent
- Courageous
- Culturally Relevant
(While each of us holds fast to additional beliefs important to our relationship with God, the following statement outlines the tenets that provide a foundation for our fellowship and participation in the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.)
- In the divine inspiration and final authority of the Bible as the Word of God;
- In the eternal God revealed in Holy Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
- In the unique Deity of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, whose death and resurrection provide by grace through faith the only means of my salvation;
- In the transforming presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
- Provisions which require membership in the Associations for all officers of the section Eligibility:
- We agree that all officers and members of the section will be members of CMDA in good standing, and such officers will uphold the policy and ethical statements of CMDA. We agree that the members of this section shall be engaged in the practice and training of ultrasound.
- The vote for officers takes place during the CMDA National Convention/May or on an as needed basis in emergencies.
- The Board of Trustees may, after prayerful consideration and application of 1 Corinthians 5 and Matthew 18, terminate the membership of a member whose actions demonstrate a clear and present conflict with the stated goals of the Section and CMDA.
- Membership in the Ultrasound Education Section does not require any specific level of proficiency with ultrasound.
- Leadership and teaching within events sponsored by the Section require prior approval by the Section leadership team. Ultrasound training is diverse, so no clear criteria are set forth as requirements, however the Section leadership team will review each request to participate in teaching on a case by case basis for approval.
- Provisions which require the officers of the section when functioning in their official capacity to uphold the policies and Ethics Statements of the Associations.
- The role of being an officer not only requires a commitment to CMDA as a whole, but a commitment to one another on the leadership team. We must recognize the time commitment of the office as well as the spiritual impact we may have on others. We should encourage each other in our relationships with the Lord.
- Leadership terms of the Section will be two years. Officers may not hold the same position for more than two consecutive terms.
- Amendments
- These Bylaws may be amended or revised at any annual meeting of the members, or at any special meeting if notice of such proposal for the special meeting is given and approved by the majority of votes cast at such a meeting, including proxy votes. Votes and changes may be done by electronic methods.
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming Ultrasound Education events at this time.

Become a Member
We encourage you to become a member of CMDA and then get involved with our section and the activities we offer. To become a member, visit www.cmda.org/join.
Contact Us
If you would like to know more about our activities and outreach, be placed on our mailing list, join the section or have any questions about membership, please contact us ([email protected]).