Video Modules

This curriculum was developed for the church at large to help Christians better understand some of the current bioethical issues within our culture so that they can respond with biblical insight. The bioethical issues addressed in this curriculum include the beginning of life, biblical sexuality, transgender ideology, the end of life, and addiction. Each of the five modules contains a didactic portion that concludes with several discussion questions and a list of resources, allowing a small group within the church to dive deeper into the topic. A medical degree is NOT required to facilitate these sessions.
Module 1
Beginning of Life
The beginning module will discuss bringing the bioethics discussion into the church, help the church understand issues that touch the lives of everyone in the Body of Christ and help the church be salt and light to those struggling with these issues. It will discuss biblical, ethical, medical and the world's views on when life begins.
Module 2
End of Life
This module will discuss bringing the bioethics discussion into the church, help the church understand issues that touch the lives of everyone in the Body of Christ and help the church be salt and light to those struggling with these issues. It will discuss biblical and secular world views on when life begins ends. The module will cover areas such as, medically assisted suicide and euthanasia and what the church should be doing with these issues.
Module 3
This module will discuss sexuality and the viewpoints of the topic from multiple perspectives. It will discuss biblical view and the world's views on sexuality, defining the biblical views on sex and comparing the secular verses the Christian perspectives on this issue.
Module 4
Gender Identity
This module will discuss gender identity and the viewpoints of the topic from multiple perspectives. It will discuss biblical view and the world's views on gender, defining the biblical views on gender and comparing the secular verses the Christian perspectives on this issue.
Module 5
Understanding Addiction
How does the Bible see addiction? This module will discuss addiction, its definitions and the different models used to describe the problem of addiction in our world. We will look at addiction from a psychiatric, biological, social and spiritual aspect and how the church should engage the subject.