CMDA Ethics Statement on Transgender Identification

In this ethical statement, CMDA provides biblical, biological, social, and medical support for an understanding of gender dysphoria that aligns with Scripture and includes an extensive glossary of terms. While gender dysphoria is not addressed directly in the Bible, Christians affirm the biblical understanding that humankind was created male and female. After detailing the biological, social, and medical evidence, recommendations are made for the Christian community in general as well as for Christian healthcare professionals regarding their interactions with individuals suffering from gender dysphoria. The statement concludes with recommendations that Christian healthcare professionals should not refuse care to patients with gender dysphoria but should also not be forced to assist patients in gender transition.

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CMDA Ethics Statement on Homosexuality

In this position statement, CMDA provides biblical, social and medical support for a biblical view of sexuality defined as sexual activity within the confines of a marriage between a man and a woman. After detailing that support, the statement makes recommendations for the Christian community regarding how to respond to individuals struggling with same-sex attraction. The statement also provides recommendations regarding compassionate medical care for individuals struggling with homosexuality to Christian healthcare professionals. The statement concludes with recommendations regarding the importance of nondiscrimination.

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CMDA Ethics Statement on Abortion

The active termination of pregnancy has existed since 1550 BCE, with the first documented abortion occurring in Egypt. The School of Hippocrates included the following prohibition against abortion in the oath named for him in approximately 400 BCE: “I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.” The attitude toward abortion throughout its 3,500-year history has varied from general acceptance to criminalization of the act, including the death penalty in certain circumstances. That range of perspective, except for the death penalty, remains today with the overall trend worldwide toward increasing cultural acceptance of abortion. The Christian Church from its earliest recorded Patristic writings outside of the New Testament condemned abortion as murder. This statement outlines and supports CMDA’s affirmation of the historical prohibition against abortion.

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CMDA Ethics Statement on Persons with Acquired Cognitive Impairment

This ethical statement outlines CMDA’s affirmation of the value of all persons with cognitive impairment, recognizing their inherent dignity. CMDA believes that in spite of their cognitive impairment, they can lead meaningful lives with the help of caregivers, who deserve our help support and prayers.

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CMDA Statement: Advance Directives

Whereas modern medicine has made available technologies that can prolong life, medical science alone cannot answer questions of whether life-sustaining technologies should be used in particular circumstances or whether such technologies are consistent with patients’ goals of care, values, and beliefs about health, life, and death.

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CMDA Statement on Medical Marijuana

The Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) has developed this policy on “medical marijuana” with both an inherent belief that the Bible is the Word of God–that it speaks into our time and culture and that God gave us his creation to use to its fullest potential—and with the incorporation of scientific evidence which provides a window into the truths about God’s creation.

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