CMDA Ethics Statement on Homosexuality

In this position statement, CMDA provides biblical, social and medical support for a biblical view of sexuality defined as sexual activity within the confines of a marriage between a man and a woman. After detailing that support, the statement makes recommendations for the Christian community regarding how to respond to individuals struggling with same-sex attraction. The statement also provides recommendations regarding compassionate medical care for individuals struggling with homosexuality to Christian healthcare professionals. The statement concludes with recommendations regarding the importance of nondiscrimination.

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George Carneal: From Queer to Christ

George Carneal joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss his book From Queer to Christ: My Journey Into the Light.

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Dr. Andre Van Mol: Transgender Tsunami

Transgender has risen to the top of concerns that trouble our members. This interview with Dr. Andrè Van Mol will help you navigate the waters as you come in contact with patients who are struggling with their identity. In addition, our position statement on transgender identification can be found on our website at, along with many other resources including blog articles that Dr. Van Mol has written.

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Negative Health Consequences of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior

Photo: Pixabay

The health effects of same-sex sexual behavior are many. The public, government, and judiciary are being lead to believe that same-sex sexuality is a normal variant with interactions and results equivalent to heterosexual sexuality. However, this position runs contrary to professional literature and the track record of history.

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