Call for all Elective Abortions to be Suspended

As representatives of over 30,000 physicians who practice according to the Hippocratic Oath, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons decry the call to continue elective abortion during the COVID-19 pandemic made by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and others which falsely characterize elective abortion as essential healthcare.

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Group letter to Alex M. Azar II, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

As you know, several U.S. jurisdictions have passed legislation giving doctors immunity from civil and criminal liability for assisting the suicide of persons diagnosed with terminal disabilities. Tragically, in these jurisdictions and for this class of persons, and for them alone, suicides are now facilitated by physicians, usually with no psychological assessment or other medical treatment, typically with no consultation with family and loved ones, and in every case without the interventions and protections provided as a matter of course to all other suicidal persons.

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American Medical Association Meeting: June 2019

Your assistance is critically needed on two items at the American Medical Association meeting. One, the AMA will vote at its June 8-12 annual meeting in Chicago on assisted suicide, specifically to affirm the slightly revised Council on Ethics and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) report. Two, New Mexico has submitted Resolution 020 (A-19) for Engaged Neutrality as it refers to the Physician-Assisted Suicide position statement in an effort to speak against the CEJA report.

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