The Cure for Your Real Estate Headaches
May 26, 2021

Reduce Taxes and Burdens by Giving Property
Sometimes the cost and hassle of owning real estate outweighs the benefits your property once offered.
Can you relate to any of these ownership headaches?
- Managing rental property: repairs, finding tenants and collecting delinquent payments
- Maintaining and paying the bills for a vacation home you seldom visit
- Deciding what to do with farmland or commercial property, in which your children have no interest
If you have real estate you no longer need or care to manage, you can reduce your costs and headaches by giving all or part of it to CMDA.
When you give real estate to CMDA, you will receive a charitable deduction at the time of the gift AND avoid the immediate tax bill on its sale. Even better, there are ways you can give real estate that will generate lifetime payments for you and your loved ones. You’ll receive the steady income you need without all the hassles! We’d love to show you how.
Is real estate the best giving option for you? Learn more by calling Paul Montgomery at 423-844-1011 or email [email protected].