Washington Office

We are dedicated to serving as a Christian voice on today's current healthcare topics by speaking for our members to the government, media, church and public. Our Washington Office links our members with Congress, the Administration and policy organizations in Washington, D.C.; presents life-honoring perspectives through the national media; and publishes resources on vital issues.

Get Involved

Get involved with the Washington Office and engage in federal public policy through several different resources and opportunities.


Keep up to date on the latest in conscience rights, healthcare and pro-life issues through Freedom2Care, a coalition to bring together organizations and individuals who recognize the value of preserving life-honoring principles and historic American civil rights and freedoms.

The Freedom2Care coalition seeks to educate and motivate:

  • the public, so that citizens recognize and advocate for their First Amendment freedoms of religion and speech;
  • policy makers, so that our leaders recognize and act in accordance with the historic American ideals that undergird life-honoring principles, religious liberty and conscience rights; and
  • the medical community, to protect the freedom to adhere to life-affirming standards of medical ethics and to preserve professional judgment and integrity, free from undue political influence.

Connect with Freedom2Care

Federal Service Opportunities

Serve on federal commissions and provide expert testimony and counsel to act as a Christian voice on today's current healthcare topics.

News, Analysis, and Resources

Student Internship Opportunities in the metro DC area (a sample listing not officially endorsed by CMDA):

Learn More

Contact Us

c/o: Washington Office
PO Box 7500, Bristol, TN 37621