The Wayne & Vivian Day Mission’s Scholarship

To provide financial assistance for future medical, dental and other students to participate on their first Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions experience; enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental needs in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved and to train and mentor the next generation of missionaries in the name of Jesus.
The applicant must be:
- A CMDA member (CMDA membership is at no cost for student members). You can join CMDA at Membership.
- A student in a professional or pre-professional course of study expected to lead to a position in healthcare, i.e., students of medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physician assistant, physical therapy, (pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, and others). Medical and dental residents and fellows are also welcome to apply.
- A first-time Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions participant.
Using the form on this page, applicants must complete the form and submit to Global Health Outreach. Applications will be reviewed in the order they are submitted. The application must be submitted at least one month prior to the trip departure, and the applicant must be accepted as a Global Health Outreach trip participant before applying for the scholarship. There is a maximum of one scholarship per Global Health Outreach trip, pending available funds.
Awards will be announced by email as they are awarded. The amount of the award is $1500 and is to be used for project and transportation-related expenses.

Online Application:
Using the form on this page, each applicant must submit a letter of no more than 300 words that describes their current course of education and their motivation for serving in medical missions. This letter should address what they hope to learn from their participation in the short-term medical mission’s experience.