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Introducing CMDA's Community

Our outreach ministries are dedicated to transforming the lives of healthcare professionals just like you through evangelism and discipleship.


The core of CMDA’s ministry happens in local communities where healthcare professionals, residents and students live out the character of Christ.

What Area(s) of CMDA Are You Interested In Learning About?


If you would like more information on CMDA community areas, simply drop us your name and email address in the form, and select the areas of interest. You will receive a reply from each ministry area you select containing more details and ways to connect.


By dropping us this form, several of these ministries will provide you a free download of one of their recent newsletters or other free resource. We look forward to hearing from you!

Get More Information About CMDA Community

I would like to learn more about:

CMDA Student Life transparent

Campus & Community Ministries:


Our network of more than 300 campus chapters and 90 local graduate ministries provide opportunities for you to connect and live out your Christian faith in your practice, on your campus and in your community.

Specialty Section Docs

Specialty Sections:


Organized by volunteer members of CMDA, Specialty Sections give you the chance to equip, network and fellowship with colleagues in your specific healthcare specialty.

Dental Ministries:

CMDA’s Dental Ministries is dedicated to encouraging and supporting dental professionals and students as they strive to integrate their faith into all aspects of their lives, while providing opportunities for training and equipping.

The Dental Blog
Photo: Pixabay

Women Physicians and Dentists in Christ (WPDC):

A ministry that encourages and supports Christian women physicians and dentists in the unique challenges women face. It is a key resource for women in integrating their personal, professional and spiritual lives.

Side By Side Official Brand Black

Side By Side:

A network of about 100 local chapters to encourage, support and minister to women in healthcare marriages through fellowship, Bible study and prayer. Each local chapter meets the unique and individual needs of its community.