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Introducing CMDA's Equipping

In Ephesians 4:11-12, Paul talks about those receiving Christ-given gifts and how it is, “Their responsibility to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (NLT).


The resources we provide are specifically designed to equip you to integrate your faith into your practice.

Want more information?  A free resource download?  Maybe both?


If you would like more information on CMDA equipping resources, would like to suggest a CMDA resource for the future, or simply would like a free electronic PDF copy of Leadership Proverbs: Wisdom for Today's Leaders, simply drop us your name and email address in the form and you will receive the resource within minutes!

Leadership Proverbs, by David Stevens, MD (Ethics) and Pastor Bert Jones. Proverbs are not only an enduring form of communication; they are one of the most viral. They are easily memorized. They change behavior and enhance skills. They are readily passed on to others. They are the germs of an infectious leadership movement.

Comments, Suggestions, and a Free eCopy of Leadership Proverbs:

CMDA Learning Center:


A variety of original continuing education courses that provide medically reliable, biblically sound knowledge to equip you in your practice.




Check out the weekly CMDA Matters podcast, the Dental Sound Bytes podcast, the CMDA Student Pulse podcast and more.

Podcast Apps

CMDA Publications:

You can find something to fit your needs, such as e-newsletters for your specialty, Weekly Devotions to encourage you or The Point blog to inform you on the latest ethical topics. CMDA Today is your quarterly magazine devoted to today’s issues in healthcare, Faith Prescriptions can help you share your faith and Bridging the Gap equips you to speak truth into ethical issues.


CMDA Go! & Student Life Mobile Apps:

Our two mobile apps, CMDA Go and CMDA Student Life, give you access to the latest CMDA news and help you connect with other CMDA members.

Conferences & Events:

We host a variety of local, regional and national conferences around the country each year, including the popular CMDA National Convention.

Speaker Bureau
Lifetime Member Resources

CMDA Life & Health Resources:

Our online store, which includes books published by CMDA, healthcare missions related books, books on hot topic issues, CMDA logo wear and more.