Mentoring with a Coach Approach is the integration of a coaching mindset into the mentoring relationship plus practical tools to help with spiritual mentoring
If you want a profoundly meaningful and impactful life, determine to mentor another person. I promise you, no matter where you are, no matter what specialty of medicine you practice, you are surrounded by younger healthcare professionals and students who are longing for a seasoned mentor who can come alongside them in a meaningful relationship.
– Ken Jones
What things matter most and will have lasting value in my life?
How can I focus on those elements of life that will enable me to know with assurance that I am living the life God had in mind when He thought of me?
Mentoring has been proven to promote the academic and professional growth of healthcare professionals. Coaching can facilitate well-being and grow leadership skills. Combining the skills of mentor and coach can result in more satisfying and effective mentor-mentee relationships.
An exciting journey lies ahead. It starts with a safe, trusted relationship. As mentor, you are on this journey to promote learning, growth, and discovery in your mentee, and you can do this without having all the answers.