Who Am I?

January 18, 2022

“What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet” (Psalm 8:4-6, ESV).

Last night I went to bed stressed over a basketball loss by my favorite college team. The same night I received an accidental call from a young patient dying from brain cancer, sat with my wife discussing our upcoming mission trip to Albania, stood frustrated by a daughter who was not answering my phone call, typed a text to a friend who would soon be released from federal parole and read the seventh chapter of Mark that spoke of evil thoughts within us, recognizing myself. I realized that all of these experiences point to profound centers of my personhood. Each is deep and valuable. Each can honor or disparage my Lord. Who the heck am I?

A new year is upon us. Who will I be when I walk through it?

It’s somewhat complicated to sort out who I really am, and it’s probably important that I gain some glimpse of my identity so that I might live it out authentically. Perhaps the Bible has me figured out.

So, who am I?

  1. Child of God: Psalm 82:6
  2. Created in the image of God: Genesis 1:26
  3. Born a sinner: Romans 3:23
  4. Saved by grace: Ephesians 2:8-9
  5. Righteous but pestered by sin: Romans 7:15
  6. Created with purpose: Ephesians 2:10
  7. Dead: Colossians 3:3
  8. Alive forever: Colossians 3:4
  9. Safe: John 6:39
  10. Disciple: Luke 9:23
  11. Voluntary slave: 1 Corinthians 7:22
  12. Ambassador for Christ: 2 Corinthians 5:20
  13. Evangelist: Matthew 28:19-20
  14. Friend of Christ: John 15:15
  15. One with whom God walks: Leviticus 26:12
  16. Husband: Ephesians 5:25
  17. Father: Ephesians 6:4
  18. Physician: Mark 5:26
  19. Church leader: 1 Timothy 4:16

If this is who I am, how then shall I live so that all these centers of personhood mold together into one identifiable follower of Christ?

Dear God,
Hold together all the parts of me, so that I might honor you.

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