Why Do I Believe?

June 6, 2023

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24, BSB).


We had dated in high school and then parted as I left for college. When I returned home, I tracked her down. I vividly remember our encounter when, at last finding her, I visited her on a babysitting gig for one of her boss’ friends. She slipped out to greet me skeptically in the apartment parking lot. I remember the words I spoke that are embarrassing now but wholly sincere at the time. “Is it okay if I love you?” This year we celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.


Romance should not be the center of our meaning to life, but often God does use it to place us in His plan for His kingdom. Now 54 years after that apartment encounter, still working at the tasks God has given us, my wife and I often affirm those words of Helen Keller, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”


Ours has been an adventure of love and oneness in God’s service.


I know God does not plan such a union of love for everyone. He has different and important plans for others with the freedom of singleness (1 Corinthians 7:7-8). But I am grateful for the adventure infused with romance that He ordained for Becky and me, with the goal that, through our union: the lost would be brought home again, the broken made whole again and He would be glorified.


I cannot list any successes He has accomplished through our union, that being His business, not ours. Nevertheless, I am confident He has accomplished through us as one what He would never have accomplished had we ignored the romance in His will and remained apart.


Dear Father,

Thank you for the blessing of marriage that you have provided for so many. Let us not waste it solely for ourselves, but in union let us pour it out for you.


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