Christian Medical & Dental Associations® Membership Dues

As we bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare, much of our influence comes directly from our members and, most crucially, their financial support. We as an organization greatly depend on your membership to continue our invaluable ministry around the world. That’s why we structure our membership rates to accommodate all healthcare professionals who would like to be members. No matter where you are in life—whether you are a practicing physician, a student, a resident, a retired physician or even a non-healthcare friend of CMDA—we can mold and shape your membership to fit your specific needs.

Practicing Healthcare Professionals in These Areas

($39 per month)
  • MD (medicine)
  • DO (osteopathic medicine)
  • DDS (dental surgery)
  • DMD (dental medicine)
  • DPM (podiatric medicine)
  • OD (optometry)

Practicing Healthcare Professionals in These Areas

($14 per month)
  • Physician assistants
  • Nurses
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physical rehab specialists
  • Dental hygienists
  • Pharmacists
  • Healthcare administrators
  • Mental health counselors
  • Academic PhDs

Retired Professionals & Friends of CMDA

($10 per month)
  • All retired healthcare professionals of any degree/specialty
  • All non-healthcare persons interested in joining CMDA

Current and Future Healthcare Professionals in These Areas

  • Healthcare students
  • Pre-healthcare students
  • Individuals completing a residency
  • Individuals completing a fellowship
  • Full-time career international missionaries

LIFETIME Membership

Varies by Age

Did You Know?

All categories receive 10% off and are eligible for monthly billing when signing up for auto-dues.

Practicing healthcare professionals are eligible for 50 percent off their first year in practice.

Contact for info regarding discounts for groups of 15 or more to receive 25% off each category of membership!