Do you want to know the latest information and news about today's important healthcare topics? Join the conversation with The Point, CMDA's blog focusing on breaking news stories in bioethics and healthcare. CMDA's experts contribute to the blog and also recommend additional resources and information.

The purpose of this blog is to stimulate thought and discussion about important issues in healthcare. Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily express the views of CMDA. We encourage you to join the conversation on our website and share your experience, insight and expertise. CMDA has a rigorous and representative process in formulating official positions, which are largely limited to bioethical areas.

Lies, Love and Civil Discourse

By Robert E. Cranston, MD, MA (Ethics) | July 11, 2024

Today, recognizing the numerous forms of lying to which we are tempted, our communication is to be characterized by veracity, courage and love. Especially in our highly polarized society, when we see the stakes of political decisions as being so high, it is tempting to fudge the truth to win an argument, or avoid speaking the truth, in order to keep the peace and avoid painful confrontation.

The Anxious Generation

By Steven Willing, MD | July 1, 2024

Are skyrocketing rates of mental illness among the young caused by smartphones? A growing chorus of mental health professionals and research psychologists say “absolutely yes.” What does the evidence show, what can we do about it and why are religious conservatives largely being spared?

A Declaration Heard Around the World: Protect Our Children from Harm

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 13, 2024

Whether a healthcare professional, legislator, mother, father or concerned citizen, it should be our highest priority to protect children. Several healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations and others are doing just that.

Suffering and Facing Death

By JC Bicek | June 6, 2024

No fewer than 20 states introduced assisted suicide bills so far in 2024, and polling suggests the majority of Americans are sympathetic to the cause. According to the stats, this must mean a number of supporters would at least call themselves Christians, which strikes me as a sad development considering the rich tradition of Christian thought regarding how we should live in our final days.

Inconsistent Ideology from ACOG

By Steven A. Foley, MD | May 30, 2024

How can the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) fully support gender-affirmation surgery but strongly condemn female genital mutilation?

The Cass Review Final Report (UK), 2024

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | May 29, 2024

The final Cass Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People was released in April 2024.

The Debasement of Title IX

By Jeffrey Barrows, DO, MA (Bioethics) | April 23, 2024

The latest update to Title IX regulations, introduced by the Biden Administration, will be devastating for women’s sports.

8 Principles of Sound Christian Thinking

By Steven Willing, MD | April 22, 2024

Beliefs have consequences. All other things being equal, false beliefs have worse consequences. Pick any issue on which people are divided. COVID treatments? Sexuality? Evolution? It doesn’t matter what.

Xenotransplantation: What’s New and Should We Be Concerned?

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 9, 2024

In the last month, a patient with kidney failure was discharged from the hospital, off dialysis, with a new kidney—from a genetically modified pig. What an incredible accomplishment.

Responding to ACOG…Again

By Steven A. Foley, MD | April 4, 2024

On February 27, 2024, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a “Consensus Statement on Threats to Reproductive and Maternal Health Care.” ACOG and 12 other organizations act as though they are speaking on behalf of all OB/Gyns to further their agenda that abortion is healthcare. I would like to respond, because they do not speak on my behalf.

Why You Need Church

By Amy Givler, MD | March 28, 2024

A 2023 report by Pew Research Center reported that 13 percent of Americans reported attending in-person worship services in the summer of 2020. I was not one of them. Until we had a vaccine, I did not want people gathering in groups.

LGBTQIA+ and the Political Divide

By Elizabeth Woning | March 21, 2024

To many, the Sexual Revolution evokes nothing more than memories of the summer of love, the emergence of contraception and the “freedom” for sexual expression. However, after years of warnings by Christian cultural commentators, the Sexual Revolution has overtaken the mainstream.

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