Transgenderism | Gender Identity | Gender Dysphoria: Crosstalk

Despite the Authority of Scripture, there are those who are confused on this issue and from that confusion (combined with political correctness) there are professionals guiding individuals through the process of hormonal treatment (as normal) and very tragically, even surgical interventions.

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.” (Genesis 1:27) Despite the Authority of Scripture, there are those who are confused on this issue and from that confusion (combined with political correctness) there are professionals guiding individuals through the process of hormonal treatment (as normal) and very tragically, even surgical interventions.  Today’s guest will address this and several issues.

What is transgenderism? Gender Identity? Gender dysphoria? Are these just phases? What about puberty blocking drugs? Can someone “change” their gender? What about reassignment surgery? What are the long term affects? Is there help? What about conversion therapy and those who are banning it? What about depression and suicide by these we mention? What can parents do?

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