
Your healthcare is vitally important—but in today’s world, it’s just as critical that your healthcare professionals understand your faith and know how to incorporate your values into your care. When you see a Christian healthcare professional for your healthcare needs, you know your faith will be respected and valued. That’s part of our ministry at CMDA. As the nation’s largest faith-based professional healthcare organization, we represent thousands of healthcare professionals who are dedicated to standing together and advocating for biblical values in healthcare. Encourage your healthcare professionals to join CMDA today, and learn how you can join us in bringing the HOPE and HEALING of CHRIST to the world through HEALTHCARE.

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An exclusive Lifetime Member benefits and the first webinar series of its kind at CMDA! Throughout this inaugural series you will have a unique opportunity to interact and engage with CMDA leaders and hear updates about the impact you and your membership have in CMDA’s Strategic Plan and the four Key Result Areas: Community, Advocacy, Service and Equipping (CASE).

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When you become a member of CMDA you are joining the largest community of Christian Healthcare professionals in the world!

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Join CMDA – Retired & Friends

When you become a member of CMDA you are joining the largest community of Christian Healthcare professionals in the world! Welcome Retired Healthcare Professionals & Friends of CMDA.

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Membership Dues

One of the most common reasons healthcare professionals give for not joining or renewing their membership is that they do not have time to be involved. Membership does not obligate you to participate in any of the ministries of CMDA. These ministries are there when or if you need them, either serving you or serving others.

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Membership does not obligate you to participate in any of the ministries of CMDA. These ministries are there when or if you need them.

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Member Search Terms and Conditions

Christian Healthcare Professionals Search Terms and Conditions The Christian Healthcare Professionals Search uses only those CMDA Members who have opted to be included in the search directory. The Christian Healthcare Professionals Search uses our extensive member database to return names and contact information of physicians and dentists matching your search criteria. CMDA strongly enforces the…

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HOME TRAINING EVENTS RESOURCES FAQs DONATE CONTACT US FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is the Difference Between Coaching and Other Helping Professions? When many people hear the word “coach,” they immediately think of a football or tennis coach. In those “coach” settings, the coach corrects a faulty swing or pattern of activity, setting goals for the…

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Member FAQ

One of the most common reasons healthcare professionals give for not joining or renewing their membership is that they do not have time to be involved. Membership does not obligate you to participate in any of the ministries of CMDA. These ministries are there when or if you need them, either serving you or serving others.

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When you become a member of CMDA you are joining the largest community of Christian Healthcare professionals in the world!

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