Continuing Education

Through CMDA's Department of Continuing Education, you can earn continuing medical and dental education credits at a variety of CMDA events around the country.
Continuing Medical Education Statement
The Christian Medical & Dental Associations is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Continuing Dental Education Statement
The Christian Medical & Dental Associations is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2026. Provider ID #218742.
*The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (AGD PACE) does not allow 'Applied For' or 'Pending' language for CE promotional purposes.
Are you a healthcare professional who is considering organizing a conference or seminar and want to offer continuing education as a component of your event? If so, let CMDA join your efforts.
Earn CE Credits with CMDA 'LIVE' Events (check each event for availability):
Events Calendar
American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)
Other Courses/Events
Learning Center
Physicians' and Nurses' Online Course in Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound
Institute in Limited Obstetric Ultrasound
Christian Medical & Dental Associations® (CMDA) Continuing Education (CE) Mission is to enhance our learners' competence and performance by developing and implementing a broad range of educational activities designed to convey up-to-date clinical practices and professional staff development. For CMDA CE to achieve its mission, 70% of the activity respondents will indicate changes through improvement in competence, performance, or patient outcomes on their outcome surveys.
CE is a vital part of the CMDA strategic plan as it supports constituent professional development. In addition, CE builds bridges with stakeholders; fosters an inter-professional team approach to education as well as identifies and delivers the specific educational needs of its members.
Essential to our mission is the program evaluation and analysis to assess the efficacy of its educational activities in accomplishing the intended changes in our learners, the identification of needed or desired changes in the overall program and improve our ability to meet the mission. Lastly, CE supports the mission of Christian Medical & Dental Associations, which “motivates, educates and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God by serving with professional excellence as witnesses of Christ's love and compassion to all peoples, and by advancing biblical principles of healthcare within the Church and to our culture."
Christian Medical & Dental Associations is interested in joining with like-minded individuals and organizations to provide continuing education as a valuable component to your next activity. It is the goal of the CMDA CE Department to work along with you or your planning committee and join in the effort! We have a team of experts that will work with you to organize your continuing education event and ensure that all requirements are met for your participants. We are equipped to manage the continuing education content for you from local meetings and workshops, lasting only a few hours, to national and international conferences lasting several days. Not only is CMDA accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ but we are also an Approved PACE Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). Furthermore, we are able to provide a wide variety of additional services including:
- Assist with development of the conference and the application
- Apply for additional continuing education credits (i.e., AAFP, Nursing and more)
- Develop a program evaluation
- Summarize program evaluations and provide copy to conference director
- Assist in the development of the CE components of promotional pieces
- Promote the activity on our CMDA Event Calendar and on our Continuing Education web page
- Provide attendance certificates and transcripts
- Maintain historical data for participant support
- Provide a website for online courses
*PLEASE NOTE: ALL conflicts of interest should be resolved with the planning committee PRIOR to planning.
Continuing Education Services
- Continuing Education Disclosure Form (PLEASE NOTE: Activity Directors/Coordinators are required to have disclosure forms completed by all planning committee members and submitted to the CE Director prior to beginning the process to plan for an activity. These documents will be reviewed by the CE Department for any conflicts of interest prior to acceptance of an application.)
- Continuing Education Course Director Manual
- Continuing Education Medical Application
- Continuing Dental Education Application
- American Medical Association Physician's Recognition Award Booklet
- AGD PACE Guidelines
- AGD Subject Codes
- ACCME Standards
John Pierce, Jr, MD – Chair
Jeff Barrows, DO – Adjunct Member
Trish Burgess, MD – Staff
Mike Chupp, MD, FACS, FCS(ECSA) – Ex-Officio Member/CMDA CEO
Stan Cobb, DDS – Member
Gary Goforth, MD – Member
Mary Hermiz, BSN, MSN, EdD – Member
Doug Lindberg, MD – Adjunct Member
Bruce MacFadyen, Jr, MD – Member/Peer Reviewer
Kirsten Madea, DO – Member
Dale Michels, MD – Member
Shawn Morehead, MD – Member
Michael O'Callaghan, DDS – Member
Barbara Snapp – Staff Liaison/CE Director
Jonathan Spenn, DMD – Member
Sharon Whitmer, EdD, MFT – Accreditation Officer
The Christian Medical & Dental Associations Department of Continuing Education office respects your privacy. Personal information collected from participants of our medical educational activities will not, unless required by law, be shared with any third party. The primary reason we collect your personal information is for accountability and documentation of your continuing education activities in compliance with Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) regulations. We do not distribute unsolicited e-mails, nor, unless required by law, do we share the names of our subscribers with any third party.
– The CMDA CE Committee
Continuing Education
P.O. Box 7500 • Bristol, TN 37621
Barbara Snapp, CE Director
Jim Creg, Accreditation Officer