The Marriage Enrichment Ministry was started by Christian Medical & Dental Associations® members who saw a need to minister to married healthcare professionals. This ministry provides four to six conferences per year, known as Marriage Enrichment Weekends to provide healthcare couples with an opportunity to nurture and grow in their marital relationships. The conferences are led by members of the Marriage Commission of CMDA. They have a three-fold format consisting of brief information sessions, private time for couples to work on assignments to assess their marital relationship and small group sessions which address the unique needs and stresses of healthcare marriages.
Marriage Enrichment Weekend Events
A weekend conference that provides healthcare couples with an opportunity to nurture and grow in their marital relationships. These weekends offer a comfortable, get-away-from-it-all setting, allowing couples to communicate and experience a deeper appreciation for their marriage partnership.
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General Information
The weekend conference offers a three-fold format consisting of brief information sessions, private time for couples to work on assignments to assess their own marital relationship, and small group sharing sessions which address the unique needs and stresses of healthcare marriages. The Marriage Enrichment Weekend will help you to:
- Have a healthier marriage
- Improve communication
- Develop spiritual intimacy
- Achieve balanced priorities
- Rekindle romance
Our preference is that you reserve the time and resources to stay in the conference hotel for maximum benefit. Commuters tend to benefit less if responsibilities of children, home and work are not set aside during the weekend. Your marriage will reap greater dividends if the full time of the conference is devoted to marriage enrichment.
Although CMDA feels that children are very special, we request that you do not bring them to the conference. To get the most out of the weekend, it is best if these responsibilities are set aside for the weekend so you can focus on your marital relationship.
Please make your own hotel reservations by calling the phone number listed, unless otherwise noted. Identify yourself with the CMDA Marriage Enrichment Conference. The selected hotels provide a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere which will enable you to rekindle your partnership and enjoy your time away from the responsibilities of home, work and children.
Program Staff
Each conference will have its own unique staff consisting of members of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations® Marriage Enrichment Commission.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Should you be forced to cancel your registration, the following cancellation schedule applies:
- 30 days or more before the conference - Refund of registration fee minus $50 processing fee
- Less than 30 days before the conference - No refund