Education Standards for Optimal Sexual Development

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Lori Kuykendall joins Dr. Mike Chupp and Dr. Jeff Barrows on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast to talk about the Medical Institute for Sexual Health’s efforts to launch and distribute new K-12 education standards for optimal sexual development.


Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

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Lori Kuykendall serves as the President and CEO of Medical Institute for Sexual Health, headquartered in Dallas, Texas. Medical Institute is committed to “advancing wholeness by empowering optimal sexual health.” Lori earned her BS in community health education from Texas A&M University and her master’s degree in public health in health promotion from Liberty University. In 1995, Lori started as prevention coordinator for the Women’s Pregnancy Center in Houston, Texas. She then co-founded Fort Bend ALERT (Abstinence Leadership, Education and Resources for Teens). She later served with LifeTalk Resource Center and Aim for Success/Just Say YES youth development organization. She held several other non-profit leadership positions, including an international medical and dental missions organization where she developed health education programs in Romania, Guatemala and Honduras. Her passion is helping young people and families be healthy—physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. She and her husband Chris have four adult children.




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