The State of CMDA: a Presidential Perspective
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Dr. Gloria Halverson joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss her goals for the new CMDA RED (Racism, equality, diversity) Committee.
Show Notes for this Episode:

Meet Our Guest(s):

Gloria Halverson, MD was born and grew up in New Jersey , went to college in Minnesota where she met her husband Paul, and went to Medical School at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) (then Marquette School of Medicine) where she was a member of AOA. She was the first married woman at that school and the first female resident in their OB/GYN residency program. She stayed at MCW for several years before opening her own private practice.
She and Paul began serving in medical missions in medical school and they have done short term missions in Abu Dhabi, China, Peru, Rwanda, Guatemala, India, Belize, Macedonia, Ecuador and 12 trips to Nicaragua.
When her children were grown, Gloria returned to MCW and rose to the rank of full professor.
In 1995 she became a member of CMDA. She and Paul have taught extensively and in 2000 became active in CMDA’s Continuing Medical and Dental Commission (CMDE) which she chaired from 2012-2016. She served on the CMDA ethics commission (now committee) from 2004-2010. She also is an active participant in Women Physician’s in Christ which she also chaired when it was named Women in Medicine and Dentistry (WIMD). She served on the CMDA board of trustees from 2008-2016 and again from 2017-present where she currently serves as President of CMDA. She loves and believes in CMDA! A few years ago, in trying to discern how God would have her “finish well” she left the full-time faculty as professor emeritus but she “refocused” rather than retired. She continues to do volunteer work with medical students, co-leads the local CMDA chapter and uses the time which has been freed up for ministry work, primarily in teaching health care professionals, and in human trafficking work which includes raising awareness through education and working directly with trafficked victims.
She and Paul have two children and 3 grandchildren who are the light of their lives.