Recent Pulse Video Podcasts

Pulse Audio Podcasts

From Zero to Fifty: A Medical Student’s Journey in Building a Thriving Chapter
Kayla Grooters, 3rd year medical student from Western Michigan discusses how God can grow a student chapter simply by using student’s faithful steps of obedience.
Defining DEI, Racism, Segregation, Gender Affirming and More in the Body of Christ
Bill Reichart and Dr. Omari Hodge discuss some of the hot button issues that we as CMDA members and Christ-followers face every day.
Finding Resilience and Blessing Within a Medical Marriage
Bill and guests, Bryan and Sharon Stoudt, discuss the importance of preparing for marriage.
Exploring Embodied Faith
Bill Reichart and guest, Rev. Dr. Stephen Ko, author of the latest book “Faith Embodied”, discuss how we glorify God with our physical and spiritual health.