Recent Pulse Video Podcasts

Pulse Audio Podcasts

Battling the Scourge of Human Trafficking
Bill Reichart and Ashleigh Chapman, JD discuss the reality of human trafficking and how healthcare professionals are uniquely positioned to make a difference on behalf of its victims.
2024 Student Pulse Highlights
We’re coming to the end of our 2024 Student Pulse podcast season. And as an opportunity to remember the variety of interesting guests and fascinating discussions, we’ve curated several clips of those conversations from the past year. We hope these clips will whet your appetite and encourage you to do a deep dive into the full conversations that we’ve had with our guests, as well as sample many of the other 24 conversations we’ve had throughout the year.
Anatomy of Faith: A Medical Student’s Journey Out of Mormonism to Finding Christ
Indy Hanson and host, Bill Reichart discuss his journey from being LDS, born and raised, to finding Christ in an anatomy lab at medical school.
The Key to Christian Growth and Faithful Witness within Academia
Dr. James Tour discusses How To Stand Strong as a Christian within Academia and the one thing that James has done for over 40 years that has been the foundation of his faith and Christian growth.