Recent Pulse Video Podcasts

Pulse Audio Podcasts

Being a “Daniel” in our Day
Recent medical school graduate Caroline Wilson, MD discusses her steadfast determination to uphold the sanctity of life of all human beings from conception to natural death.
How To Become a “Cultural Heretic”
Host Bill Reichart and Dr. Thaddeus Williams discuss his newest book, “Don’t Follow Your Heart.”
Don’t Waste Your Suffering
Bill and Timothy, current student at Edward Via COM in Alabama, discuss his journey through cancer while in medical school and his article in JAMA that led to an unexpected phone call.
An Essential Ministry for Women in Medicine & Dentistry
Host Bill Reichart and WPDC Chair Dr. Connie Hahn discuss the CMDA Commission WPDC (Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ) ministry, its history and impact and how it serves and supports women in medicine and dentistry.