Transgender Identification Ethics Statement

A novel way of thinking about one’s body has entered into popular culture. “Transgender” individuals refer to their “gender” as a sexual identity that may be male or female, something in between, or neither. This self-identification differs from, and takes priority over, their biological sex as recognized in their chromosomal DNA and innate physical sexual characteristics.

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Street Medicine: Running a Free Clinic in the Era of COVID

When I contracted COVID-19 on March 18, 2020, it was so early in the outbreak of the pandemic that my illness sent shock waves of fear through Inland Vineyard Medical Mission and Free Clinic where I serve as director. Everyone on our team was worried, including our student workers. How would we keep our team safe? And how would we still treat our patients? For most of our patients, we are their main source for both food and medical care. Where would they go if we suddenly shut our doors?

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Revisiting the Topic of COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. Jeff Barrows joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s special edition of the CMDA Matters podcast to revisit the topic of COVID-19 and the safety, efficacy and ethics of the vaccines.

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One Person at a Time

I have a soft spot for public health. True, I’ve been a family physician for 32 years, and have touched many people’s lives, but decisions made by public health practitioners have an outsized impact on health.

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Vaccines and Conscience Protection

It has been over a year since the first diagnosis of COVID-19 in the United States. Due to this pandemic’s effects, our society has experienced limitations in personal freedoms to a level we have never known. Social interactions and work environments have been changed by social distancing, masks, hospital and nursing home visitation restrictions and working from home. Freedom of movement about our communities and the nation has been limited by “stay-at-home orders” and mass travel restrictions. The availability of vaccines provides a sliver of hope but also raises many questions. Issues our society must address include prioritizing equitable vaccine distribution and the potential for coercive mandates on vaccine use.

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COVID-19 Fact or Fiction?

A growing proliferation of blog posts, podcasts and online videos presenting confusing information regarding COVID-19 has increased over recent months. Many of these controversies are propagated by physicians speaking to large church audiences. In this blog post, I will address the most common disputes.

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Physician Support for Ethical Vaccines

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, our society has had to adapt to unprecedented restrictions and limitations. During this trying time, it has been difficult to find points of optimism. The rapid development of vaccine candidates utilizing varied techniques remains encouraging.

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Tara Sander Lee: COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Dr. Tara Sander Lee joins Dr. Mike Chupp and co-host Dr. Jeff Barrows on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss how COVID-19 vaccinations are being developed and fetal cell line research.

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Steve Sartori, MD: Coaching and Well-being

Dr. Steve Sartori joins Dr. Jeff Barrows on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss Well-being and the impact of COVID-19.

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Daniel Lewis, MD: From Doc to COVID-19 Patient

Dr. Daniel Lewis joins Dr. Jeff Barrows on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss being a patient of COVID-19.

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Peter Saunders, MD: COVID-19 International Crisis

On the podcast today, Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by Dr. Peter Saunders, the Chief Executive of the International Christian Medical & Dental Association (ICMDA) who provides an inspiring message of opportunity with an update on COVID-19 from a global perspective, as well as an update on the amazing things ICMDA is doing to support Christians in healthcare and hospitals around the world.

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Christian Healthcare Professionals and Coronavirus: A Global Ministry During a Global Pandemic

Since the start of 2020, our world has seen a viral pandemic sweep through and ravage countries and nations. COVID-19 and its medical sequelae has uprooted and deeply impacted mankind, regardless of the assembly of the human race—the young and the elderly, the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor. Many are speaking out and also searching for answers amidst what some people fear as God’s judgment on His people.

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Be Prepared. Not Scared.

As a board-certified family physician and hospital medical director with over 25 years experience in emergency, hospital and nutritional medicine, I want to encourage you to do everything you can to stay as healthy as possible during this devastating epidemic.

As the U.S., state and local governments and healthcare professionals labor tirelessly in compassionate and effective efforts to protect American citizens from the spreading COVID-19 Coronavirus, governments in certain countries instead are reportedly exposing persecuted religious groups to the threat.

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On the podcast today, Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by Drs. David and Janet Kim, who are working to fight COVID-19 at ground zero in New York City. Their ongoing prayer and hope is that their story shows they are still trusting in a God who is a perfect Shepherd, even as they walk obediently through the valley of the shadow of death.

In addition, we have included in this week’s podcast a “Quiet Moment” with Ken Jones from CMDA’s Center for Well-being. Ken asks the question, “What are you doing?” He encourages that a time of reflection is needed in order to answer that question and three additional questions he asks in this “Quiet Moment.”

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