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Negative Health Consequences of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior

The health effects of same-sex sexual behavior are many. The public, government, and judiciary are being lead to believe that same-sex sexuality is a normal variant with interactions and results equivalent to heterosexual sexuality. However, this position runs contrary to professional literature and the track record of history.

July 27, 2011

The health effects of same-sex sexual behavior are many. The public, government, and judiciary are being lead to believe that same-sex sexuality is a normal variant with interactions and results equivalent to heterosexual sexuality. However, this position runs contrary to professional literature and the track record of history.

By any repeatable measure, the percentage of the population identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (GLBT) is small. The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that men having sex with men (MSM) comprise approximately two percent of the population, or four percent of the U.S male population.1 The University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center has conducted surveys regarding homosexuality since the late 1980s and deems that approximately two percent of the U.S. population identifies as either gay, lesbian, or bisexual.2 The 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth conducted by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics found that among women ages 18 to 44, 3.5 percent identified as bisexual with 1.4 percent identifying as homosexual, gay, or lesbian. Among men of the same age group, 1.7 percent claimed gay identity with 1.1 percent identifying as bisexual.3

The question of the ultimate origin of sexual orientation is not yet definitively answered, but there is very little evidence that anyone is inherently of alternative sexual orientation.

A 1993 scientific literature critique by Byne and Parsons in Archives of General Psychiatry reviewed the major studies on the subject and found no evidence favoring sexual orientation being either genetically or biologically determined.4

Researchers Friedman and Downey of Columbia University School of Medicine remarked, “At clinical conferences one often hears . . . that homosexuality is fixed and unmodifiable. Neither assertion is true. . . . The assertion that homosexuality is genetic is so reductionist that it must be dismissed out of hand as a general principle of psychology.”5

Dr. Francis S. Collins, current Director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health and former director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, asserted that homosexuality “is genetically influenced but not hardwired by DNA” and that “whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predeterminations . . .” 6 Predisposition is not destiny.

The 2008 American Psychological Association’s brochure Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality: Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding states, “There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.”7

GLBT-oriented men and women may not choose their attractions, but, short of force, they do choose their sex partners. From a national health perspective, the issue is not the origins of homosexual or GLBT orientation, but the consequences of engaging in such sexual activity.

The negative health consequences of alternative sexuality are made more understandable by first recognizing the nature of the sexual practices at issue. A 1979 survey in the book The Gay Report revealed the percentage of gay men who engaged in the following practices: 99% oral sex, 91% anal sex, 82% rimming (analingus), 22% fisting, 23% golden showers (urination on another), 4% scat (defecation on another). 8 The book’s two authors were of same-sex sexual attraction. A May 2011 medical journal article found that felching (“sucking or eating semen out of someone's anus”) was a sought-after practice in one-sixth of men’s profiles in “one of the largest Internet websites specifically targeting MSM looking for partners for unprotected sex.”9

The Gay Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) web site describes the following detrimental effects associated with same-sex sexual practice: higher rates of HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, depression/anxiety, hepatitis, sexually transmitted illnesses (anal papilloma/HPV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia), certain cancers, alcohol abuse, tobacco use, eating disorders, and (in subsets) obesity.10

In February 2009 a Canadian GLBT group filed a human rights complaint against the Canadian government and Health Canada asserting that the Canadian GLBT population had poor statistics for life expectancy (twenty years short of standard), suicide, alcohol and illicit drug/substance abuse, cancer, infectious disease, HIV/AIDS, and depression. This is noteworthy in that it challenges the assertion of those claiming the negative health statistics attributed to individuals of GLBT orientation are merely a function of the lack of acceptance of such individuals, and that said statistics would improve with their increased acceptance. Canada provides a highly supportive government, celebration from liberal churches, and a public coerced into silence by hate speech codes, yet the poor health indicators for the GLBT populace remains. This demonstrates that acceptance and affirmation of same-sex sexuality is not the promised antidote for the problems inherent in GLBT sexuality.

To reiterate, The Gay Report, the Gay Lesbian Medical Association, and the Canadian GLBT coalition’s human rights complaint are sources from within the GLBT population.


Dr. J. Satinover documents that homosexuals lose twenty-five to thirty years of their lifespan. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes, HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections, enteric infections and disease, cancers, alcoholism, suicide, and numerous other causes are listed. 11

A 1997 Canadian study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology noted that in urban gay areas, homosexual men had a life expectancy comparable to that in Canada in the 1870s. The researchers concluded, “In a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men.”12


Data presented at the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention's 2010 National STD Prevention Conference showed the rate of new HIV diagnoses among men who have sex with men (MSM) was over 44 times that of other men and more than 40 times that of women. The rate of primary and secondary syphilis among MSM was over 46 times that of other men and more than 71 times that of women.13

Furthermore, a study discussed at the International AIDS conference in 2000 documented that sixteen percent of HIV-positive gay men in a nationwide sampling in the United States admitted to at least one incidence of unprotected intercourse with an unaware partner.14

The CDC also warns on their Viral Hepatitis Scientific Information - Populations at Risk web page, “Men who have sex with men (MSM) are at elevated risk for certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia . . . Approximately 15%–25% of all new Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections in the United States are among MSM.”15

The CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention reported in April 2011 that, “The sexual health of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States is not getting better despite considerable social, political and human rights advances. Instead of improving, HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) remain disproportionately high among MSM and have been increasing for almost two decades.”16

A study in a 1999 edition of the American Journal of Public Health found that bisexual women were more likely than heterosexual women “to report drug use in the 3 months before the study, a greater lifetime number of male partners, a sex partner who had had sex with a prostitute, an earlier age at sexual debut, and forced sexual contact,” and concluded, “Health workers should be aware of bisexual experience among women, since this may be a marker for multiple risk behaviors for HIV/STDs.”17

A 2000 study in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections asserted that women who have sex with women (WSW) had higher rates of bacterial vaginosis, hepatitis C, and HIV risk behaviors (specified as “more likely to report previous sexual contact with a homo/bisexual man . . . or with an injecting drug user . . .”) than the heterosexual control group.18

These sources demonstrate that GLBT individuals not only have higher positivity rates of STIs and HIV, but do not always inform their sexual partners of the presence of such, and that some of their sexual partners could still be of the opposite sex despite a self-identification as same-sex attracted. STIs among GLBT persons are not exclusively a GLBT problem, but can affect the population at large.


A 2011 study published in the journal Cancer found gay men demonstrating 1.9 times the odds of reporting a cancer than heterosexual men, while “. . .lesbian and bisexual female cancer survivors had 2.0 and 2.3× the odds of reporting fair or poor health compared with heterosexual female cancer survivors.” 19 In a related interview, lead researcher Dr. Boehmer specified that said cancers were both AIDSassociated and non-AIDS defining. Examples of the latter were given as, “anal, lung, testicular cancer, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.”20

The American Cancer Society’s web page Cancer Facts for Gay and Bisexual Men specifies that gay men are at increased risk for lung, testicular, colon, and anal cancers.21 Their web page Cancer Facts for Lesbians and Bisexual Women indicates this population finds an increased risk of breast, lung, colon, ovarian, and endometrial cancers.22 For both the groups listed, the risk factors are described as stemming in part from higher rates of tobacco use, alcohol use, and being overweight. For breast and gynecologic malignancies, the Cancer Facts for Lesbians and Bisexual Women page clarifies, “Women who have not had children and have not breast-fed, have not used oral contraceptives, and are older when they first give birth – all factors more likely to affect lesbians and bisexual women – are also at a slightly higher risk.”

The Gay & Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) web site features the page Ten Things Lesbians Should discuss with Their Healthcare Provider, which states the following: “Lesbians have the richest concentration of risk factors for breast cancer than any subset of women in the world.” And “Lesbians have higher risks for many of the gynecologic cancers.”23

The GLMA’s web page Ten Things Gay Men Should Discuss with Their Healthcare Provider warns, “Gay men may be at risk for death by prostate, testicular, or colon cancer.” It also notes, “. . . the increased rates of anal cancers in gay men.”24


The Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS) asserted, “people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders.” Mood disorders, anxiety, having more than one psychiatric diagnosis, and substance use disorders were specified. 25

A 1999 New Zealand Study found that gay, lesbian, and bisexual young people were at increased risk for suicidal behavior and ideation, major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, conduct disorder, tobacco dependence, and multiple disorders compared to the heterosexual subsample.26 The study also reported a prevalence rate of two percent for homosexuality/bisexuality, 2.8 percent if counting any same-sex encounter after sixteen years of age.

A 1999 co-twin control study in adult men, “Sexual Orientation and Suicidality,” showed same-sex sexual orientation was significantly associated with four measures of suicidality (thoughts about death, wanting to die, thoughts of suicide, and attempt). After adjustment for substance abuse and depressive symptoms, three of four measures (except “wanting to die”) remained higher in same-sex attracted people than heterosexuals.27

A 2001 study came to similar conclusions: “Homosexual orientation, defined as having same-sex sexual partners, is associated with a general elevation of risk for anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders and for suicidal thoughts and plans.”28


Domestic violence is higher in same-sex relationships. In 2004, with a 50,000 U.S. dollar grant from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association launched the "LGBT Relationship Violence Project" to educate medical professionals about the high rate of domestic violence in those communities. "The Blue Shield of California Foundation recognizes that little attention has been paid to domestic violence in LGBT contexts..." said Marianne Balin, manager of the Blue Shield of California Foundation's anti-violence program. 29

In 1993 a Boston program for gay-bashing victims noted that half the calls they received regarded domestic violence. Same-sex-couple domestic violence is called “the second closet,” and has been a taboo subject for conversation. “In a sexual minority, there’s always resistance to airing dirty laundry,” reported Terry Person, director of San Francisco’s Community United Against Violence. 30

One might assume said violence is mainly a male-on-male phenomenon, but the literature refutes this. The Journal of Social Service Research in 1991 published a survey of more than 1,100 lesbians with over half reporting, “they had been abused by a female lover/partner. The most frequently indicated forms of abuse were verbal/emotional/ psychological abuse and combined physical-psychological abuse.”31

A 1994 study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology reported that 37% of lesbians had been physically abused as adults or children, and 32% were either raped or sexually battered. 32

YOUTH AT RISK The CDC reported on June 6, 2011 the findings of the 2001-2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys, which revealed, “gay or lesbian students had higher rates for seven of the 10 health risk categories (behaviors that contribute to violence, behaviors related to attempted suicide, tobacco use, alcohol use, other drug use, sexual behaviors, and weight management).”33

In conclusion, we see a substantial body of scientific literature repeatedly confirming that same-sex sexual behavior carriers with it increased rates of HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, tobacco use, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidality, obesity, hepatitis of various forms, numerous sexually transmitted infections, various cancers, and domestic violence, with substantially shorter life expectancy. The infectious disease problems cross over to the heterosexual population through multiple avenues addressed in the sexually transmitted infections section of this testimony.

Though people generally do not choose their sexual orientation, they do choose the people with whom they have intercourse, save for cases of coercion or violence. One’s sexual orientation will not protect one from the consequences of same-sex sexual behavior, and those consequences can and do affect the population at large. Increased societal acceptance of same-sex sexuality has not thus far proved helpful in reducing the negative health consequences of those sexual practices.

Those who challenge the normalcy and equivalence arguments of GLBT advocates are predictably met with the jamming tactic of being labeled bigots, haters, and homophobes so as to pre-empt reasonable debate. Disagreeing with GLBT sexual practice is neither hatred, harassment, phobia, nor violence, but the expression of opinion firmly grounded in medical literature.

Behavioral consequences exist and the results are not the same for all sexual behaviors. Technology cannot correct this and blame shifting the negative results of same-sex sexual practice is misguided. Encouragement, let alone celebration, of same-sex sexuality is not a benign mistake, as the record of the health statistics of those practicing GLBT sexuality demonstrates.


1 Center for Disease Control and Prevention press release: “CDC Analysis Provides New Look at Disproportionate Impact of HIV and Syphilis Among U.S. Gay and Bisexual Men,” 2010.

2 Smith, T. American Sexual Behavior: Trends, Socio-Demographic Differences, and Risk Behavior. National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago. 2006. 6FFBF288E183/0/AmericanSexualBehavior2006.pdf (pp. 57).

3 Chandra A, et al. Sexual behavior, sexual attraction, and sexual identity in the United States: Data from the 2006–2008 National Survey of Family Growth. National health statistics reports; no 36. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2011. (pp. 29, 30).

4 Byne, W. & Parsons, B. (1993), “Human sexual orientation: the biologic theories reappraised.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, p. 229-239.

5 Friedman, R.C. and Downey, J.I., 2002, Sexual Orientation and Pscyhoanalysis: Sexual Science and Clinical Practice, New York: Columbia University Press, p. 39.

6 Collins, F. S. (2006). The language of god, a scientist presents evidence for belief. (New York: Free Press) p. 257-263.


8 Jay, K., Young, A., The Gay Report (New York: Summit Books, 1979)

9 Klein, H. “Felching Among Men Who Engage in Barebacking (Unprotected Anal Sex).” Arch Sex Behav. 2011 May 14. [Epub ahead of print].

10 and

11 Satinover, J. Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. (Baker, 1998) pp. 51, 68-69.

12 Hogg, Robert S. et al. “Modeling the Impact of HIV Disease on Mortality in Gay and Bisexual Men.” International Journal of Epidemiology. 26. 1997. 657.

13 Center for Disease Control and Prevention press release: “CDC Analysis Provides New Look at Disproportionate Impact of HIV and Syphilis Among U.S. Gay and Bisexual Men,”

14 Torassa, U. Some with HIV aren't disclosing before sex: UCSF researcher's 1,397- person study presented during AIDS conference. San Francisco Examiner. July 15, 2000.


16 Wolitski, RJ, et al. “Sexual health, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in the United States.” AIDS Behav. 2011 Apr;15 Suppl 1:S9-17.

17 Gonzales, V, et al. Sexual and drug-use risk factors for HIV and STDs: a comparison of women with and without bisexual experiences. American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 89, Issue 12 1841-1846 (1999).

18 Feathers, K, et al. Sexually transmitted infections and risk behaviours in women who have sex with women. Sex Transm Infect. 2000;76:345-349.

19 Boehmer, U., et al., “Cancer survivorship and sexual orientation”, Cancer, article first published online: 9 MAY 2011 (DOI: 10.1002/cncr.25950).

20 “Cancer Rates, Poor Health Higher for Gay Community,” BU Today, May 10, 2011,





25 Sandfort, et al., “Same-Sex Sexual Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders,” Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001; 58:85-91.

26 Fergusson, et al., “Is Sexual Orientation Related to Mental Health Problems and Suicidality in Young People?” Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999; 56:876-880.

27 Herrell, et al., “Sexual Orientation and Suicidality: A Co-twin Control Study in Adult Men,” Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999;56:867-874.

28 Vickie M. Mays, et al., "Risk of Psychiatric Disorders among Individuals Reporting Same-sex Sexual Partners in the National Comorbidity Survey," American Journal of Public Health, vol. 91 (June 2001): 933-939.

29 Jones, S.,“Domestic Violence in LGBT Relationships Targeted,” October 20, 2004,

30 Patricia King, “Not So Different, After All,” Newsweek, Oct. 4, 1993.

31 Lie, Gwat Yon, et al. “Intimate Violence in Lesbian Relationships: Discussion of Survey Findings and Practice Implications.” Journal of Social Service Research. 15. 1991. 41-59.

32 Bradford, J. et al. “National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Implications for Mental Health Care.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1994. 239.

33 CDC press release, “CDC Report Finds Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Students At Greater Risk for Unhealthy, Unsafe Behaviors,” June 6, 2011.

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  1. Elisa Angstead on June 24, 2020 at 4:00 pm

    This is a good article. I wish we would stop lying to our young people.

    • Mike Parker on April 14, 2021 at 7:51 am

      These are facts about the individuals that are the most infected with HIV / AIDS around the world .
      1. Homosexuals
      2. Bisexual Males
      3. Male Homosexual Prostitutes
      4. Illegal IV Drug Addicts
      5. Those that have sex with the above
      It seems that immoral and self destructive acts are the cause .

      • Bryan Ward on June 21, 2022 at 3:47 pm

        Does the act of being gay/homosexual automatically lower immunity to STD’s in a human body? Is it the environment that they occupy as a group which concentrates the likelihood of being closer to another human infected or again just the fact of being gay makes one more susceptible because it changes their human body into a gay body, which catches detrimental habits as part of a lifestyle choice or inherent in the new conformed body? This WHOLE article states facts around their sexual activity as its infectious avenue for earlier deaths, and the additional psychological issues because of the same, yet not taking in the environment of patriarchal misogynistic humans in the community which MOSTLY shunned or look down on them on an EVERYDAY experience. IDK, what makes anyone anything, yet I fail to be convinced from any study that being homosexual changes the workings of the bodies immune system or automatically causes bad habits to effect their body more than a heterosexual body. Living with a society that more often than not, speak out against the lifestyle is in my opinion more the factor for lower health and life expectancy.

        • Dr. Steven Willing on June 22, 2022 at 6:33 pm

          Two reasons:
          1. Anogenital intercourse is inherently more dangerous for clear cut biological reaons.
          2. Gays have many more lifetime sexual partners.

        • Richard Murphy on August 23, 2022 at 5:05 pm

          Sorry Bryan… I’m a retired nurse of 32 years. I’ve taken care of many HIV patients. Homosexual men lead a very promiscuous, grotesque life style. Sexually transmitted diseases reak havoc on the human body, 100% factual. The porn industry is a multi billion dollar business. What they don’t want you to know is that STDs in the business is out of control. The health of many of these men and women is in dire straits.

          • Hp on November 26, 2022 at 1:43 pm

            You said it best it is a promiscuous lifestyle no matter sexual orientation that is the issue here. Educate humans that having a lot of sex with untested humans comes with consequences. Just like it did for the Greeks in their time. There is not a biological difference in terms of infection and spread. Is a matter of poor sexual education and taboo around this topics. That most be discussed and explained accordingly.

          • Kathryn Rose on December 14, 2022 at 10:41 pm

            Grotesque? I’m sorry, I wouldn’t call having unusual sexual desires grotesque. Being a homosexual teenager myself I find it completely ridiculous that people are trying to find ways to label being homosexual as dirty and negative. If straight men can find women beautiful and soft, why can’t queer women appreciate women’s beauty in the same way? If straight women can find men attractive, then why can’t queer men love other men? We are not living in the 1800’s, if people want to love their own gender, why can’t they? The bible was written during a time where being homosexual would get you killed, and Jesus didn’t write the bible..So how can we know what he is truly thinking? Jesus could have been gay or bisexual, would you love him any less? He did all of these miracles.. does being gay change that and automatically make him a bad person? I think not. Gay people have feelings too. Don’t make it hard for them to come out. Love thy neighbor, I know that I do, regardless of their beliefs.

      • Jackline on January 25, 2023 at 4:21 am

        I think the negative response of the environment is nothing to all the negatives facing the GLBT because there’s no way society is going to cause disorders to their bodies it’s the guilt haunting them psychologically because they also can’t believe they are the reverse of normality because such behavior is abnormal and different and naturally nature can’t take something that’s so awkwardly different from it’s expectations and it be against it. It’s really abnormal so I don’t think society is to blame. Because it’s not even possible for a sheep regarded as the dumbest animal to mate with a fellow male or female then what about humans and imagine if you found sheep male and male mating wouldn’t it be an absurd phenomenal to your eyes?

        • ann on February 18, 2024 at 8:42 am

          jackline, go and do a comprehensive research about sheep and there sexual behaviour then come back and comment

          • Bruno on August 22, 2024 at 10:12 pm

            Yes. Homosexuality is such a natural sexual orientation that it does not only occur in humans, but also in other species of the animal kingdom. Yes, there are animals that prefer to have homosexual relationships and animals that prefer to have heterosexual relationships. Sexuality is simply something plural and normal. Studies on non-reproductive behavior in mammals indicate that in several species, homosexual behavior is widespread, and can often surpass heterosexual behavior and, in many cases, can precede and stimulate direct reproduction (SOMMER et. al, 2006), as is the case with many primates and felines. Therefore, and from an evolutionary perspective, homosexual behavior emerges as an adaptive social function, that is, even if it does not provide direct allelic transmission (generation of offspring), it promotes a series of benefits for the entire species with the cultural transmission of this behavior, being “a product of evolutionary processes and explicable in adaptive terms” (SOMMER et. al, 2006). It is strange how a behavior as natural and normal as homosexuality is still debated as to whether it is “right” or “wrong” today in the 21st century, given that it is a normal and natural behavior in several species of the animal kingdom, and in several species the behavior often even surpasses the heterosexual. To say that homosexuality is “unnatural” or even not normal is the result of complete hypocrisy.

          • Alex Restrepo, UNC on August 29, 2024 at 6:04 am

            Ann, research is no answer. Anti-gay sentiment is primal. It was first characterized as a deep visceral contempt for men and women who violate gender norms and traditional sexual roles. More often exhibited by men than women, anti-gay sentiment reflects an intrinsic motivation to harm and banish lgbt. Education makes little impact to passion. Big Data studies placed male incidence between 31% – 35%. (Female incidence proved too variable to place.) So, for every gay man in the world there are several straight men with an unyielding heartfelt contempt for his existence. Discussion and argument are useless. Societies committed to gay men and women living out must explicitly protect them. One cannot educate or research this particular sadism away. One can only inhibit.

    • Cheque on June 18, 2021 at 5:03 am


    • Alan on October 5, 2021 at 9:02 am

      This is true, the media never potrayes this. It must be spoken out. Even if love is love. Nature is Nature. Health is Health. If homo sex causes this then the whole “pride” factor changes this. I even had to see in other websites and all this info is true. Those who say its a choice its actually both. Some people are just gay and cant help it. Some choose to be. Ive seen it with my own two eyes.

      • hailie sanders on October 8, 2021 at 2:38 pm

        yes nature is nature but it happens in all kinds of relationships. you can get hiv/aids in a straight relationship just as well as you could in a gay relationship. doing drugs or drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes really has nothing to do with same-sex relationships, same with cancer.

        • Taylor on June 3, 2022 at 11:52 pm

          You’re at a higher risk for aids and these other things even if it happens in straight relationships. Especially for men, you have no option for natural vaginal sex in a homosexual relationship and men were designed to penetrate which is why the vast majority participate in anal sex…which is the highest risk factor for AIDs. Along with this are the general differences between men and women psychologically, where men and women complement one another. Stepping outside of that has consequences

          • Jackie on January 25, 2023 at 4:40 am

            I think having such sexual attraction towards the same sex is psychologically mutation am sorry to say the bitter truth but even the most attractive peacocks would never mate with a fellow peacock because of the attractiveness I think there’s a deeper reason to why some of you turn out that way and I don’t find a problem with you because I believe you just can’t also afford to believe that you can’t reverse nature man was never bound for man and neither woman for woman the day you will appreciate that you were made that way is the day your mental pieces will be gathered to form a better picture of you but if not you will continue to believe that you’re seen as dirty even when nobody cares because that’s the truth and the truth always prevails because the rapid developing world nolonger has time to spare for a few wayward people it’s just that we are only concerned about the dangers it can bring to us but not directly concerned about your category think about it . You think the whole world will stop functioning if you die of some STD or so on? No we will continue to live,love and laugh as long as you keep it to yourself and don’t let it out to others okay. I love you all.

          • RC Walker on March 20, 2024 at 12:27 pm

            Well well I just don’t know what to think about educated people it’s the risky Behavior not the fact that somebody straight or gay most studies are influenced by the media that was around being gay in the 70s 80s and 90s remember back when women could not get HIV come on we’re educated people

  2. Trish on August 23, 2020 at 5:47 am

    I agree. The truth will always overcome but how many people will suffer from all the lies until we bring that day. We must speak out.

  3. Daisy on October 4, 2020 at 10:34 am

    I appreciate this report as it is based on data, may I know when was it published so I will cite it as a reference using the APA format. Thank you!

  4. Abbadon on October 20, 2020 at 11:43 pm

    There are some aspects of this paper that could be improved such as evidence of credibility for certain sources, expansion of the call to action/overarching message, and a proposed alternative solution to the “normalizing this community doesn’t improve the decaying health of the LGBT community” argument (propose a solution to the dilemma instead of simply applying criticism). Other than those critiques, it was quite a fascinating read!

  5. Julie on November 9, 2020 at 10:46 am

    This article it terribly inaccurate. First off, it is the LGBT community, and second off, the health issues related from being LGBT are from societal problems like failing to a dress safe sex practices or discrimination. Not to mention a lot of these claims could be made against straight people.

    • Caz on December 26, 2020 at 4:48 pm

      The only thing I think they kinda got wrong was the you cannot choose your sexual orientation part, being gay, les, bi, trans and or queer are choices and to become gay, les or bi requires sexual experimentation and or that one follows their heart, has gender confusion, and has been raised perhaps by a bad family. None of these things that are true will ever change, even if there is something genetic its just an excuse.

      • Pearl on June 6, 2021 at 7:48 pm

        Hey, are you gay or trans? Did you make that choice? Because all gay and trans people say it’s not a choice, and they have actually experienced it. Nobody would CHOOSE to be gay or trans because of how badly our society has treated LGBT people. You are wrong about it being a choice.

        • Anonymous on June 11, 2021 at 3:49 am

          This “choice” thing is only prompted by society. Do you realize how psychology affects these subconscious choices? Like how once there was this woman who wanted a daughter, but only had a son. He became trans afterwards, and the mother told everyone, “This is how I always wanted it – a daughter.” Family pressures, social pressures, and the fact that people label you if you have certain feelings or are confused make it seem as if immediately that is your status of gender or romantic interest. I had a friend who first claimed she was A-sexual, then a year later, began dating another girl, suddenly changing to lesbian, then after breaking up, decided she was hetero-sexual instead. Capitalism also fuels this – as mentioned in the statistics, many diseases are transmitted. Sure, you can make these claims against straight people, but the percentage of transmissions is higher. Many trans people – I’m not saying all, but most – regret their decisions later on in life. Doctors are eating up their money as they try to go against the nature of their body with drugs and such, trying to sustain their health.

        • B@dIntentiØnZ on March 2, 2023 at 3:35 am

          Nothing in the world is out of control to the knowledge of man, God gave man a gift called wisdom to deal with all challeges even the earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis can be avoided by staying out of their way and territories. Of course not everyone has got wisdom, some choose not to take it at all in the name of self defense denial trying to prove an abnormality.
          If a baby or person is born with an abnormality which is not by choice Doctors & scientists have been given the gift to put it right either through Medical Operation if it’s physical abnormality or through Medical Therapy if it’s Phycological or Mental abnormality. If Scientists didn’t exist life on Earth would be history.
          Humans have different IQ capacities if yours is lower it can be improved but don’t defend it or convince the world that it’s perfect and that it should be accepted the way it is. First of same sex bullshit pleasure is not productive anything that’s not productive has 0 Dollar value, very useless and has no place in this world.
          Every micro second In this world a life is lost a baby, girl or boy, man or woman dies in some places millions of life are lost at a blink of an eye in other words life on Earth depends on sex that is productive.
          These same sex bullshit pleasures don’t add on human life thus LGBT lifestyle is an enemy of Humanity nothing Personal.

    • Akanvirta on May 5, 2021 at 11:10 am

      I’m going to assume you didn’t read the article or look at the FACTS and EVIDENCE that was clearly given and easy to see.

      The article explicitly details why “societal problems like failing to address safe sex practices or discrimination” are not the core issues. (If you read it you would know that)

      To your last point, yes, these claims can be made against someone who is straight. However, that does not mean those claims are true. This article highlights statistics and studies performed by the LGBT+ community itself that prove that an LGBT+ lifestyle can lead to serious health and mental issues.

    • Alan on October 5, 2021 at 9:05 am

      I have fully revised this and its all true sorry. Safe sex cant solve problems like issues with the bodily harm caused by it. This is science. Science is accurate. You guys are trying to find a terrible excuse that has no support or truth to it

      • Amir on August 9, 2022 at 6:16 am

        Sorry but it seems like non of you guys understand that if something’s not controllable, then it’s not controllable. LGBT ppl don’t choose to be gay or les or whatever, this is not a life style, this is an orientation that is not chosen, whatever the consequences may be. Despite it’s not proven but if you talk to a real gay or les person you’ll find out that it’s not controllable and it’s a kind of disorder and disorders have their own problems but it doesn’t mean we should force them to live straightly and like other ppl.

        • Asher Broome on December 20, 2022 at 11:11 am

          Yes they do. I don’t care what you think about it, that is the world’s truth. They all chose to be gay and then say that they didn’t because they don’t want to take the blame for their sin. BUT a time will come when you stand before the gates of heaven and take all the blame for your sin.
          Good luck brother, I hope you seek God’s truth

          • Sam Treeble on June 23, 2024 at 11:30 pm

            That is so funny you think that. It is not possible to choose to be gay. If that were true, that means YOU could choose to be gay. That means you could all of a sudden no longer have any sexual attraction to people of your opposite sex and suddenly find people of your same sex attractive. That is so foolish.

      • Asher broome on December 20, 2022 at 11:13 am

        I agree but there is one thing that is more accurate then science
        Good luck my brother

  6. John Gray on December 17, 2020 at 5:43 pm

    Get antiga sentiment and Christianity off the worlds no, no list.
    Traditionally the Christian church as well as other faiths have never had a favorable attitude toward the LGBT populous where-ever found in the world.
    For this very large, thinly vailed group sexuality “should be confined” to necessary reproduction and for no other reason. Even masturbation is a violation of this “norm”.
    Science has been studying homosexuality for generations and as such has identified exclusive and no exclusive homosexual behavior among an approximate 1,500 animal species. Mankind is part of the animal kingdom. Over millennia human homosexuality has been evidenced in societies large and small, in human art, literature and every known human subspecies.
    “Science” can and has been used for and against human societies just as it has been within nonhuman societies. Within human society religion has been used less as a helpful addition and more as a irrational reason to divide rather than unite people. The same is true when the topic is sexuality. “Holy Scripture” within general society haas created more distrust, hatred and war than any other factor. “My God(s) is bigger, better and more powerful than yours”.
    It would seem that some omnipresent entity or entities have decided conflict and war are the rationale for humans continued dominance on earth. Similarly sexuality has become a wedge in tearing down any peaceful resolution when dominance, ownership and war predominate.
    Therefore any deviation from such mores are a cause for more conflict; in this case human sexuality and moreover homosexuality.
    Within Christian teaching and philosophy the mere idea of differing sexual yearnings is to be though of as a blasphemous subject which is a direct affront to Christian, Judaic and Islamic theologies; certainly more if history is to be considered.
    A “slap in the face” to an unerring, infallible, omnipresent deity that does not make room for diversity in “Its” creation.
    For over two thousand years (longer if Judaic beliefs are considered) sexuality without reproduction is an unequalled sin.
    If there had been such an infallible deity “in the beginning” why did it make it possible for anything approaching LGBTQ to ever exist?
    Why this unconquerable war that has been raging endlessly? (Oh yes, worshiping an idol instead of the “Godhead”; a decision left to puny mankind). A tear in creation itself to be mended by pleading and absolution from the “Most High”.
    Still it does exist no matter from which pulpit some pious saintly Presbyter ascribes such a travesty as belonging to “the most evil one cast down from heaven.
    A war in heaven? with the Most Powerful and ultimate source of energy within all creation?” How could anything best or challenge such an infallibility?
    So, homosexuality, bisexuality, Transexuality, masturbation, two spirited peoples are automatically condemned to eternal damnation. But these “Gods” are incapable of error. How?
    The Dark Ages killed countless persons found guilty of such felonious mischief ( including the Great Witch trials); of those accused of disagreeing with an absolute authoritative reasoning with its lineage leading back to St. Peter. Remember the Spanish Inquisition, the Black Plague, the Authority of a Pope whose very utterance could send anyone and anything to hell by way of the stake.
    Then along came a reformer Martin Luther, and another heretic, an English king named Henry VIII who decapitated the Absolute Roman autocracy outright and its Papal authority among the many unfortunate Englishmen and women he also dispatched.
    Ok, so the fully qualified and uneducated among Those Closest to Heaven itself finally got hammered.
    Then there’s
    All the wars since history was written on parchment, of ancient mankind including WWI, WWII, The Korean and Vietnam wars and all those we have yet to do battle with. Where is this Absolute Monarch? Why did it not stop the killing?
    How did It make a mistake with these sexual outlaws when it could have never created them to begin with???
    Stop trying to return to antiquated laws and mature, evolve, grow up, cease enslaving by word or deed.
    The LGBTQ community will continue to exist in one form of another no matter how many more your theologies you dream up.
    Do something useful, like live and let live; love and let love.
    It is YOU who are this Godhead! Use it wisely or lose it.
    Leave us LGBT people alone. Learn a thing or two about how to live with an iron boot on your bigoted neck.

    • Stan on May 7, 2021 at 10:14 pm

      Look the article was not a historical analysis it was an analysis of the health risks associated with LGBTQ behaviour and whether it is a normal phenomenon which is a resounding no, therefore society should not look at LGBTQ as something normal but should rather encourage society to condemn it, further while homosexuals existed most of the time in most civilizations it was negatively perceived and even in societies where the perception was not negative it was most often ignored, just because you exist does not mean we should promote you as a group and have your parades on the street especially when most people have already a negative perception and rejection of your activities as a whole and this sort of rejection is required to make sure society does not engage in your destructive behaviours, LGBTQ people should seek psychological help and not force people to accept them.

      • Amir on August 9, 2022 at 6:27 am

        If you have ever talked to a LGBT person, then you would know they are not mentally sick so that they don’t need to seek for a psychological help. Governments are accepting this thing bc they understood the origin of the issue and I hope for the day that all people understand it too. GL

        • Brandon on December 20, 2022 at 11:05 am

          Um, yes I have talked to a gay person, many in fact because I’m in high school and those people are not okay 90% of them had problems with friends or family that they blamed on themselves so they seemed out homosexuality, the other 10% are gay because all of their friends are gay. So when someone says that there aren’t any mental of health problems, you are dead wrong.

        • Jackie on January 25, 2023 at 4:53 am

          But you clearly stated it’s a disorder, Or are also not sure of how to describe the absurdity

    • Jkjk on May 10, 2021 at 9:57 am

      Umm bro, this article is about the health problems in the lgbt community not historical or religious things. Did you even read?

    • Anonymous on June 11, 2021 at 3:53 am

      Just saying, just because you think you’re standing up for the LGBT community doesn’t justify for you to put down other people’s religions and dump hate on them. I’m Christian, I’m not homophobic. I have friends who are and I don’t hate on them, and even if I don’t agree with their beliefs, we co-exist peacefully and happily.

      • Amir on August 9, 2022 at 6:31 am

        Wish you the best bro

    • Carolyn Sue Seepe on June 28, 2021 at 4:04 pm

      John – this is on the Christian Medical Society website – so the vast majority of us are Christians who take our faith seriously. Your post shows that you have been deeply hurt by religious people. Jesus is not the same as historical Christianity. Yes, there was war in heaven as Lucifer attempted to take over from the Almighty. Yes, Adam and Eve sinned and that fall lead to all the sin and pain that followed. What you left out was the forgiveness and love that God has for His children. I have seen gay men leave the gay lifestyle as they have drawn closer to Jesus – some to a life of celibacy, some to heterosexual relationships. We serve a powerful and loving God who loves you and wants the best for you. That best will not include homosexual relationships because it is harmful (and one of those harms is spelled out in this article). Praying for you.

    • Anonymous on October 18, 2021 at 11:56 am

      If there had been such an infallible deity “in the beginning” why did it make it possible for anything approaching LGBTQ to ever exist?: Free will. God can’t *make* us do anything; rather we choose to do it ourselves.

      Why did it not stop the killing?: God values our free will. Like the book, Statement of Principles of Conservative Judaism, says: “Much of the world’s suffering directly results from our misuse of the free will granted to us.” The consequences that follow are not God’s fault.
      How did It make a mistake with these sexual outlaws when it could have never created them to begin with???: People choose to be part of the LGBTQ community; God can’t make us do anything.

      • Amir on August 9, 2022 at 6:34 am

        Talking to a real LGBT person would help you understand the truth better. Wish you the best

        • Joseph L on February 19, 2024 at 7:15 am

          I have few LGBTQ a friend & family one named Sadie & she’s real LGBTQ trans. She told that it was her choice to Become a Trans/lesbian not that she was born like that. A lot of my LGBTQ friends have said the same thing. They were born heterosexual. But as time passed. They chose to be what they are now. My sister was born heterosexual but know she chose to identifies as “bi” after the abuse she went through in her last relationship. I’m Christian & I’m good friends with Sadie . I’m also really close to my sister. Your point of talking to LGBTQ isn’t really happening your case my friend

    • Emma on June 1, 2022 at 10:05 am

      That was a lengthy and rediculous attempt to justify your acting on perverse lusts. Didn’t work. The general population will always find your behaviors abhorrent and nauseating.

      • Alex Restrepo, UNC on August 29, 2024 at 12:42 pm

        I believe you Emma. Base instinct governs your judgement on lgbts and won’t change. Fortunately a majority of the American general population has more compassion. Enough of us see your cruel intent and oppose it for our country and our conscience. The lgbts need not ‘justify’ anything to you so long as we are standing between. You are to us as jackals surrounding a stricken pup.

  7. Larry Pero on December 17, 2020 at 11:42 pm

    This article is true and left out some facts. A few years ago the CDC had an article titled There are over 30 diseases unique to Lesbians and I made photo copies of it. I took it to school and blew the minds of my classmates. When we read it we couldn’t even pronounce most of the diseases. Years later I found the copy of the article I printed out and it was damaged so I threw it away. I hate that I did that because when I tried to get another copy from the CDC website it was gone! When I call I get sent to a part of their site where that article isn’t found. In fact I found this site from once again trying to find that old article. Nothing. I hate that I trashed the article, it wasn’t in that bad of condition and had I knew it would be deleted from the CDC site I would have kept it. The same sex lifestyle is totally rife with diseases but that is downplayed in the name of political correctness. Not only that, but the official UN definition for genocide is given and they list 5 criteria. Homosexuality meets FOUR out of the five criteria for genocide.

    On their official site it says: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    A. Killing members of the group;
    B. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    C. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    D. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    E. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

    Homosexuality meets A-D, especially D. To meet the definition for genocide something has to only meet one of these criteria. Homosexuality is being used to lower birthrate, especially for Black America. They have remained at 13 percent of the population for over 25 years and nobody can possibly think that is normal. It isn’t. Homosexuality is the new birth control and used to target select groups.

    • Dracul on December 26, 2020 at 5:18 pm

      I agree, homosexuality is being used as birth control but…It isn’t necessary, we can all hold our heat/lust in, we don’t need to have sex with the other gender to keep the world from being overpopulated. I think something more sinister is going on and that its more complicated than this cause someone is working behind the scenes. Someone who cannot be seen.

      • Dracul on December 26, 2020 at 5:20 pm

        I meant sex with the same gender, I made a mistake.

      • Sarah on May 1, 2021 at 7:32 am

        The Devil is the only one who is more sinister than anyone and he would do anything to drag others to sin so he wont be alone in hell and since homosexuality is one of the major sins in Christianity he is using it to lure people to come down and be with him instead of being with God.
        Here are the following scriptures that state that homosexuality is a major sin:
        1. Colossians 3:5
        2. l Corinthians 6:8-10
        3. Jude 1:7 (talks abt Sodom and Gomorah where homosexuality originated)
        4. l Timothy 1:9-10
        5. l Corinthians 6:18-20
        6. Romans 1:26
        7. Genesis 19:1-38 (again with Sodom and Gomorah but longer)
        8. Galatians 5:19
        9: Leviticus 18:22
        10. Leviticus 20:13(for lesbian/gay/bisexual to read)
        11. Ezekiel 16:49-50 (Sodom and Gomorah again)
        12. l Thessalonians 4:3
        13. l Thessalonians 4:3-7
        14. l Corinthians 5:9-11
        15. Revelation 1:1-20
        16. Romans 1:32 (for the people who support or approve of homosexuality and/or other sins)
        17. Romans 1:26-28
        18. Deuteronomy 22:5 (for the transgender people)
        19. l Kings 14:24
        20. Hebrews 13:1-5
        This is proof from the bible that My religion is against LGBTQ and the churches didn’t really favor them they were just forced to let the LGBTQ members in when they don’t know they are invading our churches spiritually and yet physically and the Devil is taking advantage of these innocent people that are either in the LGBTQ or support/approve of it.

        • We need Jesus on May 14, 2021 at 6:34 pm

          And they say “Love is Love” to influence the Younger Generation (Generation Z and Generation Alpha) that this abnormal sex orientation is ok. The Devil has away of targeting the humans mind you know. (especially when he is unseen) and this is what makes them think they are gay, lesbian or bisexual when they are really not. It is clear that every bad thing that is also considered a sin in every religion is meant to target the younger generation because of their lack of intelligence in this world.

        • Hans Jolen on June 12, 2021 at 6:36 am

          Good reply. In our humanistic culture there is less room from biblical guidance and moral reasoning. Sin remains sin.

          When pastoral care resulting in healing from homosexuality becomes forbidden, and even a threat, true evidence of becoming a new person in Christ is hidden.

          Freedom to change is at stake. There are many who are cured, and continue to fight the good fight not to get tempted, and fall back in old desires.

          God bless you sister.

        • Magezi on December 19, 2024 at 9:21 am

          Thanks sis

  8. Anamika on February 18, 2021 at 11:25 am

    I don’t think there is any homosexuality, actually I feel like a girl and have attraction for men so can you call it homosexuality?

    • Percy on June 24, 2021 at 10:20 pm

      Okay that’s deep

  9. Samuel Lee Gilbreath on June 16, 2021 at 4:34 am

    Imagine citing a survey from 1970 and thinking it applies to today’s queer population. This article gave me a good laugh. Thanks for that. Terrible inaccuracies and out of date sources aside, there is absolutely nothing in the Bible about homosexuality, the “a man shall not lie with a man” is a mistranslation from “a man shall not lie with a boy” aka pedos are bad, not gays. If God is real he loves his children and since he created gays and we are modeled in his image God is gay. Sorry not sorry.

    • Annonpmus on November 5, 2021 at 4:47 pm

      God never made a man and a man or a woman and a woman or a man who behaves like a woman but a man and a woman plus it is natural how can you penetrate someone in an area used for another purpose that is not nature he had a reason to make a male and female because he wanted the two to have children people who are lgbt are innatural thats not nature thats choice why would God even create the two gender.s if He did not want them to result in birth this suport lgbt is as fake as lgbt itself because it is inatural anal ,oral and other sex practices are deviations and are not natural the anus is made for defecating the penis is made for penetrating the vagina and urinating and the mouth is made for taking in food other supposed uses are inatural todays wide support for lgbt is making them think there demonic actions are natural if God created lgbt so why is the bible against why is it punnishable by hell and why is it tabbo in many societies such as the dominate Christianity and Islam this all proves it is innatural but what can i say God himself will punish all lgbt people and all there supporters no mater if they are religious leaders

    • Emma on June 1, 2022 at 10:14 am

      Pathetic example of complete self deception, not to mention blasphemous.

      • Buyi Lawrence on April 13, 2023 at 11:57 am

        God does promote wickedness, people are supporting gay with hidden agenda because seeing dangers of anus tearing and go ahead and call it good and then you blame God. Please don’t envolve God in your wickedness.

    • Jackie on January 25, 2023 at 5:03 am

      He loves his children surely but he didn’t creat gays a point of correction he created you and gave you self drive so you drove your self to gay got the point sweetie

  10. Cheque on June 18, 2021 at 5:13 am

    This is the most truthful article I’ve seen online.

    • Killian on December 10, 2021 at 4:57 am

      I’m replying to you because I can’t seem to start my own comment. However I want everyone to see this. First of all a lot of these claims are disproven or taken out of context, then you need to think about how the studies were done and if these small points of data really represent the majority of us. First I’d like to address your point about Canada, yes it’s legal to marry who you want and you can’t discriminate against anyone but just because there is protection and support doesn’t mean culture there is really that accepting. Many people came from religious or just plain unsupportive families. They still had to grow up being told that what they were feeling was immoral. So of course that’s gobba cause some issues. Next up cancer claims, bet you right now I could pull up which groups are more at risk for what and try to make an argument against any of those people, like how sickle cell is more common in black people doesn’t mean we need to hurt them. Another point you need to think about is our population is much smaller than the average so what heterosexual people were they using as a control, maybe they have absolutely nothing in common with the gay people in the study and that’s gonna cause an issue with reliable data. So basically it is hate and a shitty justification. I also love how you center on sex instead of committed healthy relationships for your basis.

  11. Charlie on October 2, 2021 at 9:19 am

    i am gay and ive never had these diseases, you cant possibly compare heterosexual people with gay people according to their numbers because one is minority and the other is a huge majority. gay people are so much more oppressed than heterosexual people so talking about getting advice on the kind of sex of their sexuality and it doesnt usually happen in our society majoritary. for heterosexual people though, its easier to get advice on sex and its less oppressed enough to be easier to talk about with the majority of people. you can get disease through anything, gay people can have safe sex and also healthy ones if they can be careful with it. heterosexual sex can be dangerous too, you can see that one who had aids have to be careful and always wear a condom no matter what kind of sex it is.

    • Hearing the truth can be painful. on July 22, 2022 at 12:25 pm

      Hearing the truth can be painful.

      • Steve on March 1, 2023 at 6:18 am

        Homosexual,,, Jesus loves you please change 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • Hp on November 26, 2022 at 2:04 pm

      Love it! Well said.

  12. Mairi on December 6, 2021 at 10:26 pm

    This is the most inaccurate, harmful and horrible article I’ve read.

    • Umph on March 9, 2022 at 12:28 pm

      You are very biased. I bet you are one of the people whose whole job is to convince people that harmful behavior is “normal” that was cited in the article.

    • Emma on June 1, 2022 at 10:18 am

      Hearing the truth can be painful.

      • Wyatt on June 22, 2022 at 7:12 pm

        Nice smokescreen guys, keep hating!

        Happy pride month! The rest of the world says hello from the future.

  13. Boo on March 18, 2022 at 9:28 pm

    I have been around the block enough to know that a lot of this is actually true and I have been not even dated for 20 years because of it …it’s a choice at least it’s mine.I believe the majority these people lead a very unhealthy lifestyle and also very emotionally abusive to each other at least compared to other experiences I had not to say that it can’t be that way with the straight Community as well but I just feel there’s a lot of domination with lesbians and it’s just different the cruelty they Exchange

  14. alessia on May 24, 2022 at 4:18 pm

    Honestly When I found out I had herpes virous, I was completely lost because I didn’t know what to do and I worried about how the incident would affect my relationship. I couldn’t go about it but positive thinking and a healthy approach keeps me going. I tried finding help in all possible area but my efforts were to no avail. But with the help of a Dr, I discussed the issue with him and I was treated so after some times I went back for another test which came out NEGATIVE and I was totally healed with no side effects.

  15. Byron on August 25, 2022 at 9:29 am

    Very informative. Two suggestions:
    1. This would benefit from a statement letting the reader know this information is not intended for the purpose of bigotry, hatred, or otherwise harm to those in the LGBTQ+ community. It is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
    – Those who identify as LGBTQ+ need to be loved. Information concerning the emotional and physical harm associated with this community need to be shared. We should seek to do both.
    2. I wish this information was presented in a video. Given our day and age, this may make easier for some to digest.

  16. priscilla molyneux on August 26, 2022 at 7:36 am

    I am glad there is such a thing as a Christian medical association willing to speak out. I was a nurse 40 years and I, too, have had homosexual friends. I don’t have any happy stories about them to tell other than some had professional success, but they all caused major pain and dysfunction in their families and sadness for most of their friends, like me, because I saw what it caused in the families they came from or because I saw the havoc it raised at work because they often expect to be mistreated and act/talk like a victim of past wrongs they are unwilling to move beyond (it gives them an excuse for misbehavior). Perhaps children are not told how God made the two bodies of men and women complimentary to each other and when the rectum is entered in male to male intercourse, there are microscopic tears which occur due to the poor fit and this is what leads to the ease of disease transmission and other rectal problems. I know some of you will cringe at my word “misbehavior,” but no society has existed very long after it embraced the debauchery that comes with it for many in that lifestyle. Thanks for giving the many Bible verses that are meant to lovingly teach us the truth! I dare every homosexual to read through the Bible once!

    • Lee Mae on December 22, 2022 at 3:02 pm

      Every heterosexual I know are either drug addicts or child molesters and brought extreme pain to they’re family and friends so it can go either way

  17. Matt on September 9, 2022 at 3:44 am

    this is the most pathetic reasoning. of COURSE we have mental health issues, because of DISCRIMINATION. Domestic violence is simply offensive for bringing up, you are essentially blaming victims of domestic abuse, just WOW. You’re a DOCTOR?? Wow..

  18. Rodegick Miele on December 25, 2022 at 3:11 pm

    Not much science in this paper and a lot of prejudice and even hate which is again not very scientific. Pretty obvious this is a marginal ‘scientific’ group which puts opinions before scientific facts.

  19. B@dIntentiØnZ on March 2, 2023 at 4:05 am

    Beautiful and we’ll Researched data over time. Evil is Bad and can never be justified to be right by the Majority. But if the minority think they Reason better than the Majority then it’s by Choice.

    The saying LGBT Lifestyle is “Not by Choice” is story on Fools Day.

    Temptations of attraction are at a blink of an eye in Every Living Man and it’s the CHOICE one makes that determines the action.

    Nothing in the world is OUT OF CONTROL to the knowledge of man, God gave man a gift called wisdom to deal with all challeges even the earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis can be avoided by staying out of their way and territories. Of course not everyone has got wisdom, some choose not to take it at all in the name of self defense denial trying to prove an abnormality.
    If a baby or person is born with an abnormality which is not by choice Doctors & scientists have been given the gift to put it right either through Medical Operation if it’s physical abnormality or through Medical Therapy if it’s Phycological or Mental abnormality. If Scientists didn’t exist life on Earth would be history.
    Humans have different IQ capacities if yours is lower it can be improved but don’t defend it or convince the world that it’s perfect and that it should be accepted the way it is. First of same sex bullshit pleasure is not productive anything that’s not productive has 0 Dollar value, very useless and has no place in this world.
    Every micro second In this world a life is lost a baby, girl or boy, man or woman dies in some places millions of life are lost at a blink of an eye in other words life on Earth depends on sex that is productive.
    These same sex bullshit pleasures don’t add on human life thus LGBT lifestyle is an enemy of Humanity nothing Personal.

  20. Disco Inferno on June 10, 2023 at 2:12 pm

    This section above leaped right out at me from the page: “Also, the effects of such [sex] sins can be far-reaching. A new life can be created and if or when that happens, it has eternal consequences for all parties involved. A . . . new life begins that will live for all eternity, even if not allowed to see the light of day. Clearly a high stakes game.”

    I could not agree more emphatically! This may be the most important reason that God treats sex so seriously. Indeed, the stakes are so high, that any reasonable person must concede, that birth control failure rates are unacceptably high.

    But, alas, there is a huge ‘loophole’ in this otherwise unassailable argument: Why is homosexuality forbidden? Men NEVER get pregnant! If Christians strongly sexually tempted resort to homosexual practice, as a ‘stop-gap’ until marriage, to prevent the Creation of new Eternal Souls, does this motive make homosexuality become by far the lesser sin? Remember, Christians still sin occasionally.

    Even more dramatic, is the case of persons with known serious genetic defects, and/or too disabled to properly care for a child even in marriage. The moral imperative for them, to not Create any Eternal new Souls, may last throughout life. What are these people to do, given that Christians still sin occasionally? It only takes once to Create that new Eternal Soul! Also, the Bible concedes that lifetime celibacy is a gift given only to some.

  21. Al on August 14, 2023 at 4:56 pm

    What a load of hogwash! Activities lead to these detriments, not sexuality. If you’ve been treating homosexual patients, you likely haven’t encountered the healthy ones, so the sample reported by the nurse is pointless. The idea that homosexuals are losing 30 years of their lifespan is ridiculous.
    I wonder how many “heterosexual” married fathers of three have been studied, all while getting a weekly supply of men in their sexual activities. Let me know when you have a study composed of men married to women, who engage in homosexual activity on a regular basis. They aren’t that difficult to find. Conversely, over the years I’ve known many long-standing (30+ years) homosexual couples who don’t engage in many of the activities people believe are taking place.
    So many ways to skew a study to get the results you want, and it seems that happened here with Full Effect.

    • Steven Willing on August 16, 2023 at 8:55 pm

      Anogenital intercourse is inherently dangerous regardless of who is doing it. Even the CDC admits that, though they lack the integrity to advise against it.

  22. Bruno on February 4, 2024 at 7:23 pm

    Well 40 years on the gay road , having had sex with millions of people. and having gone through a lot of challenges myself . I just want to say that yes, I am gay and I also think that the majority of gay people probably 60% are putting the rest of society at risk, because this 60% of gay men love promiscuity, they usually have low hygiene standards, they can’t afford medical treatment and dont seek medical treatment when sick and keep engaging in sexual practices spreading diseases. An even bigger problem is the bisexual group who help spread sdts to straight women who consequently spread to straight men. Because let’s be honest everybody is having sex, including the pastor of the most homophobic church who is also a risk of contracting stds.

  23. Christina Mossing on August 13, 2024 at 9:58 pm

    As a Christian physician, this article is an appalling abuse of both Christianity and medical expertise.

    Being sexually promiscuous with multiple partners without taking precautions against STIs is risky behavior. This is true for both homosexuals and heterosexuals. We should be *grateful* that the advent of condoms and vaccines and PrEP/PEP and antibiotics to treat bacterial STIs have all improved health outcomes for anyone who has multiple partners. Let’s also be compassionate and remember that many people in the world have multiple partners because they don’t have a choice, because they are forced into prostitution or are trafficked.

    Nobody chooses their sexual orientation, but we all recognize that everyone deserves to love and be loved for who they are. Claiming that homosexuals should simply choose to be celibate is indefensible. Instead, we should foster a culture where queer youth don’t feel rejected as outcasts, forced into hiding who they are, living in fear of being kicked out of their family and their church for the way they were born.

    The persistence of the article in 2024 is a travesty that is the farthest thing in the world from the love of Christ and a witness for our beautiful faith. Repent, and please retract it.

    • Javier Bernal-Martinez on August 26, 2024 at 12:54 pm

      The article is suspect starting with its broad-brush approach to same-sex sexual behavior. That said, it still provides an opportunity to discuss how, as Christians, we can provide guidance and encouragement to our GLBT children and neighbors beyond the extreme troupes of stern rejection and unqualified acceptance. There are healthier ways in body, mind, heart and spirit to be GLBT. Our counsel need not be restricted to shrill condemnations and uncomfortable silences. Serial monogamy, for instance, greatly reduces the risk of contracting STIs and conveys many other benefits. There’s no bigotry in encouraging healthy romantic and sexual practices. I realize you are understandably sensitive towards ‘outsider’ advice to GLBTs. Verbal gay-bashing is common to the point of pastime. We regularly witness a whole spectrum of it from the finger-wagging variety exampled here by Steven J. Willing, MD to the vulgar classic boys-in-the-locker-room. Yet not all the advice is bad or mean-spirited. Supporting a GLBT child or neighbor without concern for the dangers and temptations of popular gay culture does them no favor.

  24. Steven J. Willing, MD on August 16, 2024 at 11:35 am


    What a strange comment from someone who identifies as a Christian physician.

    On what basis do you reject 2000 years of consistent Christian teaching on sexuality, given that 50 years of social, scientific, and medical research have established Biblical sexuality as the optimum paradigm for human flourishing?

    Since everything in the article is well-cited, and none of the referenced articles were ever retracted, why in the world would someone feel a need to retract this? How does giving objective data on the consequences of MSM constitute an abuse of anything at all?

    How is it that calling upon people to refrain from anal sex (an irredeemably dangerous practice) would be indefensible?

    The one issue in the above paper that is even the least bit questionable is the data on life expectancy. That source came from the height of the AIDS epidemic (driven in the US, of course, by MSM promiscuity). Because of all the comorbidity, it must certainly be lower, just not by that much.

    This article was posted in 2011. It should be updated, because data in the intervening 13 years only makes for a stronger case.

  25. Javier Bernal-Martinez on August 26, 2024 at 9:07 am

    Peer review. Peer review. Peer review. We’ve suffered too many papers that, upon institutional examination, turned out to be hack jobs with data misused or taken out of context. A 2024 update is in order. I’d also like to see suggestions for improving the outlook of GLBTs, youth in particular, that don’t reduce to “don’t be gay”. Otherwise the article reduces to a smear. Rather than rejecting / ignoring the risks to gays, the Church would do better to call out the specific pitfalls in popular gay culture with remedial education. Encouraging gays to embrace serial monogamy, place greater emphasis on intimacy, and remind them of their responsibility to self, partners and community would drastically improve many of the health effects cited, short and long term, without ignoring their need to love and be loved per their nature. As Christian outsiders to GLBT experiences, our response should be tempered by compassion and the 5th gospel of experience. I’m hoping subsequent articles on this topic would be so guided rather than making excuses for smug dismissal of gays and gay relationships and reviving the old ick-factor.

  26. Suzanne on January 30, 2025 at 9:45 pm

    I think it’s safer to be gay than to risk the higher suicide rates of lgbtq+ who have to repress who they are and live in self-loathing. What’s actually really bad for people’s health is not having proper gun control.

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