Standing Strong with the Church

As the newest edition to CMDA’s long list of resources for our members, Standing Strong with the church is new curriculum that helps the church stand up against the cultural pressures facing Christians within healthcare today.

The curriculum’s seven modules are designed for group settings, allowing attendees to solidify their foundational worldview beliefs regarding important issues, such as the beginning of life, end of life and biblical sexuality. Each module also offers ideas of how to winsomely defend biblical values and positively interact with others in developing their worldview beliefs.

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Standing Strong with the Church – Modules

As the newest edition to CMDA’s long list of resources for our members, Standing Strong in Training is new curriculum that helps healthcare students and residents stand up against the cultural pressures facing Christians within healthcare today.

The curriculum’s seven modules are designed for group settings, allowing attendees to solidify their foundational worldview beliefs regarding important issues, such as the beginning of life, end of life and biblical sexuality. Each module also offers ideas of how to winsomely defend biblical values and positively interact with others in developing their worldview beliefs.

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Standing Strong Curriculum

As the newest edition to CMDA’s long list of resources for our members, Standing Strong in Training is new curriculum that helps healthcare students and residents stand up against the cultural pressures facing Christians within healthcare today.

The curriculum’s seven modules are designed for group settings, allowing attendees to solidify their foundational worldview beliefs regarding important issues, such as the beginning of life, end of life and biblical sexuality. Each module also offers ideas of how to winsomely defend biblical values and positively interact with others in developing their worldview beliefs.

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Standing Strong in Training – Modules

As the newest edition to CMDA’s long list of resources for our members, Standing Strong in Training is new curriculum that helps healthcare students and residents stand up against the cultural pressures facing Christians within healthcare today.

The curriculum’s seven modules are designed for group settings, allowing attendees to solidify their foundational worldview beliefs regarding important issues, such as the beginning of life, end of life and biblical sexuality. Each module also offers ideas of how to winsomely defend biblical values and positively interact with others in developing their worldview beliefs.

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Standing Strong in Training

As the newest edition to CMDA’s long list of resources for our members, Standing Strong in Training is new curriculum that helps healthcare students and residents stand up against the cultural pressures facing Christians within healthcare today.

The curriculum’s seven modules are designed for group settings, allowing attendees to solidify their foundational worldview beliefs regarding important issues, such as the beginning of life, end of life and biblical sexuality. Each module also offers ideas of how to winsomely defend biblical values and positively interact with others in developing their worldview beliefs.

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“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed” (Proverbs 31:8-9, NLT).

That scriptural challenge is a driving factor for the work we do in advocacy here at CMDA. As one of the core aspects of CMDA’s ministry efforts, we are dedicated to serving as a Christian healthcare voice in the public, to the media and to the government. And we do that through our grassroots advocacy efforts on both state and federal levels as we stand together to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world through advocacy.

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Latest information on the transgender movement. The transgender debate is becoming an all-encompassing topic in the United States and has begun an all-out assault on the Christian worldview. Issues such as education, law, government, entertainment all fall in the crosshairs of the transgender debate, and our culture is moving with such intensity and speed that Christians and Christian healthcare professionals are getting overwhelmed knowing how to respond appropriately.

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