To apply for a trip with Global Health Outreach, simply find the trip you are interested in and fill out the trip application on the trip's page. Click here to view a list of all upcoming trips with Global Health Outreach.

Please read this entire page before applying for your trip.

Anyone is eligible to apply to serve on a Global Health Outreach trip as long as there is availability and the applicant understands the spiritual foundation of our service (above) and agrees to adhere to the standards of personal conduct (above). Acceptance to the team will be based on the location of the team, the specific needs for that team and the qualifications and experience of the applicant. Read GHO's Non-Discrimination Statement.

Our teams provide mainly primary medical and dental care, and some of the positions available in the clinics include:

  • Physicians
  • Surgeons
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physician assistants
  • Nurses
  • Physical therapists
  • Optometrists
  • Ophthalmologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Scrub nurses
  • Scrub technicians
  • Pharmacists
  • Dentists
  • Dental hygienists
  • Dental assistants

We also strongly welcome undergraduate and healthcare students who are in training for these clinical positions. Be sure to apply early, as teams fill up quickly for specific specialties.

In addition, about one-third of our teams are actually people with no medical training whatsoever. We call these the “servant” positions, and they help out in the pharmacy, eye clinics, pastoral settings, photography/videography, and other various areas. The logistics positions for those without medical training usually fill up first, so we encourage you to apply early for these positions.

The easiest way to apply is to visit You’ll find a list of our upcoming trips, and then you can fill out an application for any trip you are interested in. Our online application system will walk you through all the necessary steps to apply, but please contact us if you have any questions.

Before you start, make sure you have your passport. Your passport will need to be valid at least six months beyond the date of your return. Visit for comprehensive information about applying for or renewing a passport. Normally, it takes about six weeks to get your passport. If you have an urgent need, visit

To be considered for a trip, all applications must be submitted with a $150 registration fee and completed Travel, Waiver or Responsibility & Assumption of Risk Form. This fee is non-transferable and non-refundable. If circumstances prevent you from participating on the team, your registration fee will not be refunded, but it can be held for up to one year for participation on another trip. The fee will only be refunded if the trip you apply for is full.

Once your application is submitted, it is reviewed for completeness and then forwarded to the team leader for that particular trip. The team leader has to balance how many slots are available for each position on the team (i.e., physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, servants, students). The team leader will review your application and contact you with any questions before accepting you on the team.

Once your application is accepted, there is still a lot to do. You will receive a welcome letter from GHO outlining the next steps you must take and what paperwork is needed from you. Everyone on the team must submit a variety of documents depending on the country where you will be serving and your trip position. Although all of this may not specifically apply to you, some of the necessary paperwork will include:

  • Travel, Waiver or Responsibility & Assumption of Risk Form (see below)
  • Passport copy
  • Headshot/Selfie photo
  • Diploma(s)
  • Current healthcare license
  • CV and/or resume
  • Board certification
  • Residency diploma
  • Unofficial transcript for students

It is extremely imperative that you complete this form as soon as possible because we cannot move any further in the process of your application for a GHO trip until it is submitted in full. By signing it, you agree to GHO’s policies and procedures for volunteer service, including standards for personal conduct, publicity, fees and more. You can sign this form electronically and submit via email, or you can also mail or fax it to us.

Most importantly, airline tickets will not be purchased for you without a signed Travel, Waiver or Responsibility & Assumption of Risk Form. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Travel, Waiver or Responsibility & Assumption of Risk Form

As followers of Jesus Christ, we serve based on the Great Commandment and the Great Commission from God. In the Great Commandment, described in Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus Christ tells us that the great commandment is “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” After His resurrection and just before His ascension into heaven, Christ commissioned His disciples, including us, as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, where He says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Our ministry is built on the core of the Evangelical faith. We seek to show the love and compassion of Jesus Christ with the intent of introducing people to the majesty of Jesus Christ, and the necessity of the new birth based on the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on behalf of sinners. Because of God’s love, His grace has come to spiritually dead sinners. Sinners can have eternal life because Christ offered Himself as a substitute in our place. We deserve death. He died on our behalf. This brought satisfaction to God.

In theological terms, these core principles include Bibliology, the inerrancy of Scripture; Christology, the majesty of Jesus Christ; Soteriology, the necessity of the new birth; and Missiology, reaching the world for Christ.

The Great Commission directs us to make disciples, under the universal authority of Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by the work of the Holy Spirit, who prepared hearts to hear of the love of God and to respond to the message. The Holy Spirit gives us the words to say, and enables us in challenging and difficult settings. We serve following the example of Jesus Christ in Luke 9 and 10 – preach and heal. We care always for those we encounter, we treat physical problems often, and God provides the healing. While addressing physical problems, we seek to understand the psychosocial and spiritual issues faced by each patient, and in a culturally sensitive manner, share the hope and compassion that Jesus Christ provides. How this looks varies in every situation, but our goal is to equip each team member with the tools to provide this holistic approach to healing consistent with the truths of the Scripture.

(portions based on “Liberal or Conservative”, by Mark Bailey, Veritas, Dallas Theological Seminary, April 2014. For the complete article, click here.)

While serving, our actions and relationships are modeled upon those of our Lord’s life and ministry, which was above reproach. We willingly allow our liberties and freedoms to be restricted somewhat, in order that we might reach many and not be a stumbling block in other cultural settings where practices may be more conservative than in North America. All team members commit to participating in team meetings each morning and evening, including devotions and reflections. While traveling to and serving on our teams, all team members commit to not drinking any alcohol, using tobacco or illegal drugs or visiting bars or discos. Team members commit to not engage in immoral behavior, in public or in private. Only married, heterosexual couples may share a room. No one will leave the project area without the expressed permission of the team leader. Each team member acknowledges that not following these standards may lead to dismissal from the team and returning home early at his or her own expense.

Trip costs are divided into three main categories:

  1. Registration Fee – This one-time $150 registration fee must be submitted along your application.
  2. Project Fees – This includes your individual costs within your destination country, such as room and board, transportation, interpreter, exit taxes, emergency trip insurance, GHO shirt and more. It also includes your share of team costs including medications, eyeglasses, shipping of these medications, a small contribution to the national partner to cover some of their administrative costs and a portion of GHO’s administrative costs. We make every effort to keep project fees as low as possible, while not putting the team at risk or not providing for sufficient supplies. This portion of your fees is due 2 weeks prior to trip departure.
  3. Airline Fees – This includes both domestic and international airline travel from your home to the main airport in your destination country. Airline fees are due upon booking.

Remember, these fees do not include costs for passports, visas, immunizations or malaria medication.

It is our policy that every team member travels with the group, and we must make both the domestic and international travel arrangements for you. We have on staff with GHO an internal travel agent who books all airline tickets for teams and coordinates your travel arrangements. Your credit card will be charged when the ticket is purchased in your name. If you cancel after the airline tickets are already purchased in your name, you will not be refunded for the cost of the tickets. You will be free to use or exchange the tickets at the discretion of the ticket vendor. While most airline tickets are non-transferable, those that can be changed are usually subject to extra fees.

If you end up needing to cancel your trip after you have already been accepted to the team, you must complete the Cancellation Form. This form must be emailed, faxed or mailed to GHO immediately upon notice of cancellation. You will not be officially cancelled from the team until this signed form is received. GHO cannot accept voicemail cancellations.

GHO Cancellation Form

As part of our safety procedures, we provide volunteer missionary travel insurance for each team member. The cost of this insurance is already incorporated into your project fees, so there is no additional charge. This insurance includes assistance service, emergency medical evacuation, security evacuation, personal property damage and more.

For the surgical trips operating in hospitals, all medical personnel team members will automatically be enrolled for medical malpractice insurance and then charged accordingly. Because this is a requirement of the hospitals we visit, we take care of the details in purchasing this insurance and the additional costs will be added to your total project fees.

For a regular, non-surgical trip, some medical personnel choose to purchase additional overseas medical malpractice coverage. (Some choose to do this as an extra precaution, while others are required by their employers to purchase it.) This is not a requirement to participate on one of our trips. If you would like to purchase this coverage, please visit

We are available to help answer any questions you may have. Please contact us if there's anything we can do to help you.

Global Health Outreach
P.O. Box 7500 • Bristol TN 37621
Phone: 888-230-2637
Fax: 423-764-1417
Email: [email protected]

GHO Application Info