Christian Medical & Dental Associations serves as the collective voice of thousands of Christian healthcare professionals on bioethical and other healthcare issues. We foster a Christian perspective on ethical issues and provide medically reliable and biblically sound guidance on healthcare issues. Many turn to CMDA for help with critical bioethical issues, such as abortion, conscience rights in healthcare, euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, human trafficking, embryo research, and many others. Our Position Statements on these issues can be found at this link on our website. All additional resources may be found below.

CMDA's The Point Blog
A weekly blog keeping you updated on emerging topics relevant to today's issues in healthcare written by CMDA’s staff and members. Perspectives and Opinions on Issues and News Topics is a publication of Christian Medical & Dental Associations®. Join the conversation with The Point, CMDA's blog focusing on breaking news stories in bioethics and healthcare. CMDA's experts contribute to the blog and also recommend additional resources and information. When you subscribe to The Point's blog, you can comment and join the discussion for a wide variety of issues. Plus, you'll get a monthly recap email keeping you updated on all the topics from the last month.

Healthwise Public Service Announcements
These Public Service Announcements (PSAs) vary in length from 15 seconds to 2 minute radio spots addressing a wide variety of general health and bioethical issues. Topics range from the harmful ingredients in cigarettes to information about human cloning and stem cell research. Other topics include missions, allergies, physician-assisted suicide, reproductive technology, abortion, adoption, human trafficking, women and children's health and more. A special series on nutrition called the Bran Man Series is a favorite of many radio stations.

Voice of Christian Doctor's Media Training
CMDA is the trusted voice of Christian healthcare professionals for both Christian and secular news media. From the local to the national level, CMDA affords members opportunities to address important healthcare issues through print, radio, television and web-based news. Our experts have been featured in CNN, NBC, MSNBC, Fox News, Washington Post, Washington Times, LA Times, USA Today, Christianity Today, National Public Radio, Janet Parshall's America, Prime Time America, America's Health Network and The Odyssey Channel. For more information about the Voice of Christian Doctor's Media Training, go to or email the Communications Department.

CMDA News Releases
CMDA's Online Newsroom is a one-stop source for journalists and the general public where you will find news releases, public service messages, videos, executive bios, photos and more. CMDA is the nation's largest organization of faith-based doctors and serves as a Christian voice on today's most important bioethical issues. CMA responds to breaking bioethical news regarding such issues as abortion, human cloning, physician-assisted suicide, stem cell research and more. CMDA's members and executive staff have been called upon by several national media outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, the BBC, USA Today, the Washington Post, Moody Broadcasting and National Public Radio.