We publish a wide variety of informational print, audio and electronic publications that are designed to encourage, equip and motivate our members.
Please note: If you are a student, missionary or electronic member who receives benefits electronically, you must remain on the electronic mailing lists for CMDA Matters and/or CMDA Today in order to maintain your membership with our ministry.
Printed Publications
Grace Prescriptions™
Grace Prescriptions is designed to teach you to share your faith with patients in ways that safeguard the important ethical principles of respect, sensitivity, and permission. Originally taught in CMDA’s popular Saline Solution course, these concepts are proven to be effective as thousands of lives have been transformed.
This is a series of biblically-oriented patient information sheets written to help your patients cope with many of the life-changing events that occur over the course of one's life. They are available as free printable files for use in your practice.
Audio Publications
Electronic Newsletters
FCPA Newsletter

A quarterly e-newsletter for Physician Assistants.
MEI Messenger

A quarterly e-newsletter for Medical Education International trip participants.