Center for Well-being & Life & Leadership Coaching Related Events
501 Foundations for Coaching
January 28-March 4, 2025
You’re invited to boost your communication skills, so needed in these challenging times in healthcare. This online, six-week, highly interactive coaching training course will equip you to lead and mentor more effectively, assist colleagues with burnout, improve patient health outcomes and maximize the potential in others. Registration is open to all healthcare professionals, students, spouses and others who work with healthcare professionals.
Mentoring With A Coach Approach (February 2025)
February 6-March 6, 2025
This 5-week course introduces a framework that utilizes a “coach approach” to mentoring, with an emphasis on a reflective process that nurtures well-being.
501 Foundations for Coaching
April 4-5, 2025
You’re invited to boost your communication skills, so needed in these challenging times in healthcare. This online, 2-day, highly interactive coaching training course will equip you to lead and mentor more effectively, assist colleagues with burnout, improve patient health outcomes and maximize the potential in others. Registration is open to all healthcare professionals, students, spouses and others who work with healthcare professionals.
Finishing Well – The ABC’s (and D) of Retirement
April 11, 2025
Are you approaching retirement, already retired, or simply wondering “Will I ever retire”? Join Dr. Steve Sartori, a retired family physician and certified CMDA coach, for this practical one-day workshop.
503 Coaching Change, Transition and Transformation
May 6, 2025-June10, 2025
This course builds on the foundational skills in coaching taught in our 501 course to focus on expanding participants’ understanding of principles of change, transition and transformation. These concepts are then used to further develop participants’ coaching skills so they can help others be proactive in change, understand and leverage transitions for good and experience transformation at a deep level. Registration is open to all healthcare professionals, students, spouses and others who work with healthcare professionals.