Search Results: transgender

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | December 11, 2018

Latest information on the transgender movement. The transgender debate is becoming an all-encompassing topic in the United States and has begun an all-out assault on the Christian worldview. Issues such as education, law, government, entertainment all fall in the crosshairs of the transgender debate, and our culture is moving with such intensity and speed […]

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Photo: Pixabay

Negative Health Consequences of Same-Sex Sexual Behavior

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | July 27, 2011

[…] position runs contrary to professional literature and the track record of history. By any repeatable measure, the percentage of the population identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (GLBT) is small. The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that men having sex with men (MSM) comprise approximately two percent of […]

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Federal Court Strikes Down Transgender Mandate, Protects Medical Judgment and Conscience

By Jonathan Imbody | February 4, 2021

A federal court has provided protections for physicians committed to following medical evidence and conscience convictions regarding the transgender and gender-questioning patients for whom they care.

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Ryan T. Anderson, PhD

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 10, 2019

[…] editor of Public Discourse, the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton, New Jersey. He is the author of When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Momentand Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom, and he is the co-author of What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense and Debating […]

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Transgender Identification Ethics Statement

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 24, 2024

A novel way of thinking about one’s body has entered into popular culture. “ Transgender” individuals refer to their “gender” as a sexual identity that may be male or female, something in between, or neither. This self-identification differs from, and takes priority over, their biological sex as recognized in their chromosomal DNA and innate […]

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Four New Books Dealing with Transgenderism

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | November 16, 2023

Publications exposing transgender ideology and its capture of academics, medicine, the entertainment industry, government and the business sector are picking up steam. What we might term the breakout books, those that caught traction and burst onto the public square addressing and countering the whirlwind of transgenderism.

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Transgender Mandate

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 11, 2022

Transgender and Abortion Mandate Section 1557 Injunction Frequently Asked Questions In August 2021, a federal court issued a decision affirming the religious freedom right of CMDA members to avoid participating in gender transitions and abortions. And in August 2022, a federal appeals court unanimously affirmed that previous decision. The following questions are intended […]

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Supreme Court building in Washington, DC

HHS Protects Conscience Freedoms

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | September 18, 2019

[…] conscience protection final rule.”   CMDA works closely with religious freedom law firms that can defend the rule in federal court. To learn more, visit   Transgender mandate reversal aims to restore biological definition regarding “sex discrimination.”   What A federal regulation proposed by HHS would restore a biology-based definition of “sex discrimination.” […]

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CMDA Ethics Statement on Transgender Identification

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 28, 2022

In this ethical statement, CMDA provides biblical, biological, social, and medical support for an understanding of gender dysphoria that aligns with Scripture and includes an extensive glossary of terms. While gender dysphoria is not addressed directly in the Bible, Christians affirm the biblical understanding that humankind was created male and female. After detailing the biological, social, and medical evidence, recommendations are made for the Christian community in general as well as for Christian healthcare professionals regarding their interactions with individuals suffering from gender dysphoria. The statement concludes with recommendations that Christian healthcare professionals should not refuse care to patients with gender dysphoria but should also not be forced to assist patients in gender transition.

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Position Statements

Position Statements

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 14, 2020

[…] cellular components from a third progenitorial donor with the aim of producing a healthy child. Further elaboration is contained in the statement below. Download this Position Statement Transgender Identification ABSTRACT:A novel way of thinking about one’s body has entered into popular culture. “Transgender” individuals refer to their “gender” as a sexual identity that may […]

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HHS/SAMHSA Press Release on Sexual Minority Youth Affirmation is a Model of Ideology Over Evidence

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | April 7, 2023

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) issued a March 31, 2023 press release titled, “New HHS Report Released on Transgender Day of Visibility Offers Updated, Evidence-Based Roadmap for Supporting and Affirming LGBTQI+ Youth.”

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Sacrificing Science on the Altar of Transgenderism: How a Respected Scientific Source Betrayed its Core Values

By Steven Willing, MD | October 21, 2021

As far back as data exists, the universal experience has been that transgenderism was an extraordinarily rare occurrence, especially among females. The last decade, however, witnessed an unprecedented increase in the numbers of young people identifying as transgender and seeking to transition. The surge was particularly striking among young adolescent females who were heavy […]

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Supreme Court building in Washington, DC

Washington Office

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 8, 2018

[…] the federal government in Washington, DC). P. 14: We deeply appreciate the goal of “removing barriers for faith-based and other providers.” Our current lawsuit over the HHS transgender mandate provides an unfortunate example of how government policy can wrongly penalize rather than strengthen and encourage the faith-based health professionals, clinics and hospitals that are […]

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Christian Medical & Dental Associations responds to inaccurate claims by HHS Assistant Secretary

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 18, 2022

[…] it shows a complete disregard for the full body of medical research which offers a vastly different conclusion. Research shows that the overwhelming majority of gender dysphoric/ transgender-identified youth have pre-existing mental health issues and/or neuro-developmental disabilities, notably autism spectrum disorder. These conditions predate their gender dysphoria rather than being caused by it.” CMDA […]

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André Van Mol, MD

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 10, 2019

[…] to ban therapeutic sexual orientation conversion efforts (SOCE) involving minors. “ . . . has resulted in much harm, including a number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth committing suicide. 1 2 Next » Website Terms & Conditions Toll Free: 1-888-230-2637 Frequently Asked Questions Member Search Directory 05022018POINTBLOG 05022018POINTBLOG 02282019POINTBLOG 02282019POINTBLOG 12272018POINTBLOG 12272018POINTBLOG […]

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Moral Distress and Moral Injury in Healthcare

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 23, 2023

[…]   A medical student has just started her ambulatory care rotation and learns that during the rotation she will be assigned to work one afternoon in a transgender care clinic. She wants to be able to help all patients who need care, regardless of their feelings about their sexual identity, but she does not […]

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SOCE Reduces Suicidality in a New Study

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | June 24, 2021

What if another study came to print asserting that sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) constituted harmful stressors to sexual minorities? What if a published letter to the editor in the same journal exposed gaping holes in the assessment? What if a reanalysis of the original study “in the strongest representative sample to date of sexual minority persons” revealed polar opposite findings: SOCE “strongly reduces suicidality” and that restrictions on SOCE may “deprive sexual minorities of an important resource for reducing suicidality, putting them at substantially increased suicide risk.” Now that would be something! And these things happened!

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New Documentary Released on the Rush to Reassign Gender

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | July 15, 2021

In keeping with their history of producing eye-opening documentaries taking highly controversial societal trends head on, The Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC) recently released a film on gender affirming therapy titled Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender? Running just under 52 minutes, the feature presents activists, healthcare professionals, educators, parents and the patients themselves—among others—regarding “the medical and surgical transitioning of children.” The guests exhibit varied points of view, and they include members of both CMDA and the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds).

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LGBTQIA+ and the Political Divide

By Elizabeth Woning | March 21, 2024

To many, the Sexual Revolution evokes nothing more than memories of the summer of love, the emergence of contraception and the “freedom” for sexual expression. However, after years of warnings by Christian cultural commentators, the Sexual Revolution has overtaken the mainstream.

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An Invitation to Sign the IFTCC International Declaration on Therapeutic and Pastoral Choice

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | February 1, 2024

The International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC) and their global community of member mental health and medical professionals have authored “An International Declaration on ‘Conversion Therapy’ and Therapeutic Choice,” proposing that “Signatories of this International Declaration call upon our governments, local authorities, human rights, media and religious organisations, to recognise that the right to self-determination is an established principle of international law, and therefore must include the right to shape and develop one’s own sexual identity, feelings and associated behaviours, and to receive support to do so.”

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Escaping Death

By Nicole D. Hayes | July 29, 2021

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death” (Proverbs 14:12, ESV).

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Todays Christian Doctor Main

CMDA Today

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 27, 2018

[…] she believes the healthcare industry should return to its roots, join CMDA in welcoming two new missions ministries, receive continuing education credit for a new course on transgender identification, follow Dr. John Patrick’s bioethics column and more! Read this Issue CMDA Today Edition CMDA Today – Winter 2021 January 5, 2022 We are excited […]

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 18, 2018

[…] aggregated news story. National Medical Association Confirms “Abortion is Not Health Care” January 5, 2024 EXCLUSIVE: Doctors Urge Top US Medical Orgs to Stop Harming Kids With Transgender Surgeries, Hormones The Daily Signal June 6, 2024 Frozen Embryos Are the New Orphan Crisis Christianity Today November 20, 2023 More health providers are covering fertility […]

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CMDA Today – Spring 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 21, 2022

[…] edition of CMDA Today, learn how God’s Word can help you de-stress, hear from a doctor about how she believes the healthcare industry should return to its roots, join CMDA in welcoming two new missions ministries, receive continuing education credit for a new course on transgender identification, follow Dr. John Patrick’s bioethics column and more!

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Court Cases

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | November 14, 2019

[…] 2019, the court struck down the regulation, ensuring that doctors can continue practicing their profession consistent with their conscience. Read more about the victory. Read more about the transgender mandate. Defending the 2019 HHS Conscience Rule CASE SNAPSHOT Religious healthcare professionals care for all patients and are consistently on the front lines serving the most […]

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Allan Josephson, MD

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 10, 2019

[…] an individual for significant achievement in the study of psychiatry and religion. Dr. Josephson previously served as president of CMDA’s Psychiatry Section. For more information about CMDA’s Transgender Identification Ethics Statement, visit ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SPEAKING INFORMATION PRODUCT RESOURCES BY THIS AUTHOR | CONTRIBUTOR Sorry, we couldn’t find any CMDA-Specific Products Authored by this Contributor. […]

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Jonathan Imbody

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 10, 2019

Jonathan previously served as CMDA’s Federal Policy Analyst and as CMDA’s liaison with the federal government in Washington, D.C. A veteran writer of more than 30 years, Jonathan authored Faith Steps, which encourages and equips Christians to engage in public policy issues. He has published more than 100 commentaries in The Washington Post, USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Chicago Sun-Times and many other national publications. Jonathan’s writing focuses on public policy issues including freedom of faith, conscience and speech; human trafficking; abortion; assisted suicide; stem cell research; the role of faith in health; international health; healthcare policy; sexual risk avoidance and HIV/AIDS. Jonathan received his bachelor’s degree in journalism and speech communications from the Pennsylvania State University, a master’s degree from Penn State in counseling and education and a certificate in biblical and theological studies from the Alliance Theological Seminary in New York. Jonathan’s wife Amy is an author and leads the Redemptive Education movement. They have four children and four grandchildren.

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2024 Midwest Fall Conference

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 10, 2024

[…] the weekend, Carl R. Trueman, PhD, has written multiple books in recent years exploring the philosophical heritage of selfhood and how it has given rise to the transgender movement, among other developments in our culture. In addition to hearing for Dr. Trueman, we will also have breakout sessions in two tracks, one for medical […]

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Christian Medical & Dental Associations celebrates victory in federal court that sets nationwide precedent

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | November 30, 2022

[…] the best and safest care to our patients.”   For the last six years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has pushed a controversial “ transgender mandate,” which threatens religious doctors and hospitals with penalties unless they perform gender transitions in violation of their conscience in medical judgment. The case of Franciscan Alliance v. Becerra was […]

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