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Transgender Identification Ethics Statement

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 24, 2024

A novel way of thinking about one’s body has entered into popular culture. “Transgender” individuals refer to their “gender” as a sexual identity that may be male or female, something in between, or neither. This self-identification differs from, and takes priority over, their biological sex as recognized in their chromosomal DNA and innate physical sexual characteristics.

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Circus in Town

By Al Weir, MD | July 23, 2024

My faith, that hope grounded in certainty, was not imagined by a heartfelt desire. It was fully grounded on the character, capacity and commitment of my father.

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See You Later

By Al Weir, MD | July 16, 2024

“‘O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:55-57, ESV).

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 15, 2024

September-October 2024
Being a Christian in healthcare has never been more important and valuable than it is today. Christian healthcare professionals are facing more hostility than ever because of their faith and their desire to integrate that faith into whole person patient care. And through it all, CMDA is here to help. We are honored to serve you as you serve the Lord through your calling in healthcare. And we are here to help you thrive, not just survive.

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Lies, Love and Civil Discourse

By Robert E. Cranston, MD, MA (Ethics) | July 11, 2024

Today, recognizing the numerous forms of lying to which we are tempted, our communication is to be characterized by veracity, courage and love. Especially in our highly polarized society, when we see the stakes of political decisions as being so high, it is tempting to fudge the truth to win an argument, or avoid speaking the truth, in order to keep the peace and avoid painful confrontation.

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CMDA Group Mentor Coaching

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 9, 2024

September 23-November 18, 2024
Group mentor coaching cohort for CMDA coaching trainees who have completed CMDA’s 501 and 503 coaching courses and have at least 20 hours of coaching experience.

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By Al Weir, MD | July 9, 2024

“Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves…” (Ephesians 4:14, NIV).

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R2ED Out Loud

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 3, 2024

Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower listeners to understand and combat racial injustice. Through in-depth discussions, personal narratives, Biblical referencing, and expert insights, we aim to amplify marginalized voices, challenge systemic inequalities, and foster a more inclusive and equitable society. We are committed to promoting empathy, understanding, and actionable change by providing a platform for critical conversations about race, justice, and humanity.

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The Big Gamble

By Al Weir, MD | July 2, 2024

“…I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day” (2 Timothy 1:12, NIV).

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On the Side: July 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 2, 2024

My physician hubby and I just celebrated 33 years married. 33 years. 25 of those I have been married to a physician. (The first eight he was an aerospace engineer but don’t get me started on the bliss of having a NASA engineer as a husband and the flex schedule that meant he had a three-day weekend twice a month!)

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The Anxious Generation

By Steven Willing, MD | July 1, 2024

Are skyrocketing rates of mental illness among the young caused by smartphones? A growing chorus of mental health professionals and research psychologists say “absolutely yes.” What does the evidence show, what can we do about it and why are religious conservatives largely being spared?

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CMDA of Western New York Illuminate 2024 Gala

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 1, 2024

November 15, 2024
Join us to celebrate CMDA’s Western New York ministry at the Illuminate 2024 Gala!

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 26, 2024

Your healthcare is vitally important—but in today’s world, it’s just as critical that your healthcare professionals understand your faith and know how to incorporate your values into your care. When you see a Christian healthcare professional for your healthcare needs, you know your faith will be respected and valued. That’s part of our ministry at CMDA. As the nation’s largest faith-based professional healthcare organization, we represent thousands of healthcare professionals who are dedicated to standing together and advocating for biblical values in healthcare. Encourage your healthcare professionals to join CMDA today, and learn how you can join us in bringing the HOPE and HEALING of CHRIST to the world through HEALTHCARE.

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 26, 2024

An exclusive Lifetime Member benefits and the first webinar series of its kind at CMDA! Throughout this inaugural series you will have a unique opportunity to interact and engage with CMDA leaders and hear updates about the impact you and your membership have in CMDA’s Strategic Plan and the four Key Result Areas: Community, Advocacy, Service and Equipping (CASE).

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Praying for Dogs

By Al Weir, MD | June 25, 2024

I prayed for a dog today. I’m not a dog-lover; I’m a dog-liker, but I prayed for Hershey today. A young man who had fallen on hard times called me today, a friend I had not heard from in years, but I had prayed for him regularly.

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 24, 2024

Thank you for your interest in healthcare missions! Below, you will find information on a CMDA member who is a healthcare missionary. Please consider signing up for their prayer letter, encouraging them, supporting them, and reaching out them to make a connection.

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2025 National Convention

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 18, 2024

May 1-4, 2025
We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This convention provides great opportunities for you to transform as you fellowship with Christian healthcare professionals, learn about current health and social issues, renew your faith through worship and network with exhibiting organizations. You don’t want to miss this event!

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Business-model Seeking

By Al Weir, MD | June 18, 2024

If I become a private practice doctor, I might win four people to Christ in my life; but, as a missionary doctor, I could win 400? If I am a preacher, I would win 800? Should we not do for God that which brings the best outcomes? It’s certainly honorable to try. Such thinking works for Microsoft; does it work for Christ?

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A Declaration Heard Around the World: Protect Our Children from Harm

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 13, 2024

Whether a healthcare professional, legislator, mother, father or concerned citizen, it should be our highest priority to protect children. Several healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations and others are doing just that.

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Saline Process Witness Training

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 11, 2024

November 6-7, 2024
Saline Process is a 10-hour course designed to equip healthcare professionals and students to be witnesses for Christ in their clinical settings.

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Selfish with Sadness

By Al Weir, MD | June 11, 2024

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25, ESV).

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2024 Midwest Fall Conference

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 10, 2024

September 27-29, 2024
Join us at Maranatha September 27-29 for the 2024 Midwest Fall Conference, featuring speaker Carl R Trueman, PhD!

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503 Coaching Change, Transition and Transformation

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 7, 2024

November 15-16, 2024
This course builds on the foundational skills in coaching taught in our 501 course to focus on expanding participants’ understanding of principles of change, transition and transformation. These concepts are then used to further develop participants’ coaching skills so they can help others be proactive in change, understand and leverage transitions for good and experience transformation at a deep level. Registration is open to all healthcare professionals, students, spouses and others who work with healthcare professionals.

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501 Foundations in Coaching

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 7, 2024

September 24 – October 29, 2024
Get trained in the mindset and skills of coaching and you’ll gain a powerful tool for impacting patients, students, staff and colleagues. This six-week, online CME-approved, interactive coaching training course will equip you to lead more effectively, assist colleagues with burnout, improve patient health outcomes and maximize the potential in others. Registration is open to all healthcare professionals, students, spouses and others who work with healthcare professionals.

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Suffering and Facing Death

By JC Bicek | June 6, 2024

No fewer than 20 states introduced assisted suicide bills so far in 2024, and polling suggests the majority of Americans are sympathetic to the cause. According to the stats, this must mean a number of supporters would at least call themselves Christians, which strikes me as a sad development considering the rich tradition of Christian thought regarding how we should live in our final days.

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On the Side: June 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 4, 2024

“…let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…”
Hebrews 12:1-2

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By Al Weir, MD | June 4, 2024

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25, ESV).

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Perkins Justice Pilgrimage

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 3, 2024

November 13-17, 2024
Confronted with the long-reaching effects of racism, America is being racked with upheaval and unrest. Many are asking, “How do we respond as Christians to the injustices we see today?” The challenges in our country are complex and deeply rooted; however, we believe the Church, as a witness to the character of the God we follow, has a responsibility to confront evil and injustice in all its forms.

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Inconsistent Ideology from ACOG

By Steven A. Foley, MD | May 30, 2024

How can the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) fully support gender-affirmation surgery but strongly condemn female genital mutilation?

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The Cass Review Final Report (UK), 2024

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | May 29, 2024

The final Cass Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People was released in April 2024.

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Mission in the Mess

By Al Weir, MD | May 28, 2024

“…Instead I am single-minded: Forgetting the things that are behind and reaching out for the things that are ahead, with this goal in mind, I strive toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14, NET).

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By Al Weir, MD | May 22, 2024

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Colossians 4:6, NIV).

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CMDA New Zealand Tour

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 21, 2024

March 22-April 2, 2025
Imagine yourself amidst the breathtaking scenery of New Zealand. Picture mountains, crystal-clear fords, and rolling green hills teeming with unique wildlife. We’re thrilled to invite you on an unforgettable journey to New Zealand (NZ), the Land of the Long White Cloud. With the overwhelming response to our first NZ Tour in 2023, we are planning to go again in 2025.

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Grabbing For Jesus

By Al Weir, MD | May 14, 2024

“As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored…” (2 Thessalonians 3:1, NASB).

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On the Side: May 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 8, 2024

The best title of all to have, I think, is the title of “Redeemed.” No matter what other titles we may have, no matter how noble or glorious they are, compared to Redeemed, they all seem to shrink in importance.

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By Al Weir, MD | May 7, 2024

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23, NIV).

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God’s Sandwich

By Al Weir, MD | April 30, 2024

One of my favorite patients is a part-time pastor. At the beginning of his visit this week, he shared a frustrating story from the day before. “I was standing in the line at Subway, telling the woman how to fix my sandwich.

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By Al Weir, MD | April 23, 2024

I stepped into the fellows’ room to share a bit of wisdom: “You guys are not yet practicing medicine but will get there soon enough. Let me tell you how to build your practice.

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The Debasement of Title IX

By Jeffrey Barrows, DO, MA (Bioethics) | April 23, 2024

The latest update to Title IX regulations, introduced by the Biden Administration, will be devastating for women’s sports.

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Augustine College West

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 22, 2024

October 20-25, 2024
Augustine College West Coast-The Intellectual Roots of Medicine: Whose Evidence? Which Medicine? Beyond Evidence Based Medicine. Explore the Intellectual Roots of Medicine with John Patrick, MD.

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8 Principles of Sound Christian Thinking

By Steven Willing, MD | April 22, 2024

Beliefs have consequences. All other things being equal, false beliefs have worse consequences. Pick any issue on which people are divided. COVID treatments? Sexuality? Evolution? It doesn’t matter what.

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Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Identification & Treatment

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 18, 2024

CE COURSE AVAILABLE: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 reauthorized major funding sources for substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery services and included three bills intended to facilitate the integration of behavioral health and primary care.

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Scholarship | Wayne & Vivian Day Mission’s Scholarship

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 16, 2024

To provide financial assistance for future medical, dental and other students to participate on their first Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions experience; enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental needs in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved and to train and mentor the next generation of missionaries in the name of Jesus.

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CMDA Northeast Regional Retreat

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 16, 2024

October 25-27, 2024
“The 4 M’s of Medicine” is the theme for this year’s Northeast Retreat – held at the Sandy Cove Conference Center, North East, Maryland, for current / future healthcare professionals seeking to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world.

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By Al Weir, MD | April 16, 2024

He was cancer free but suffering from complications of therapy. “This ain’t nothing,” he declared. “In the 80s I was shooting up drugs every day. I would find myself watching my hand inject the drugs and tell it to stop, but it wouldn’t. I even tried to commit suicide. I took an extra-large dose of the drug and injected it.

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By Al Weir, MD | April 10, 2024

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure…” (Hebrews 6:19, NIV).

We reviewed his CT in our multidisciplinary conference after treating his cancer with radioembolization.

I brought him good news: “Right now, I’m optimistic. There’s no evidence of cancer on your scan.”

He replied, “Optimist nothing, Doc. God said, ‘It is finished,’ and that’s all I need. That’s where my hope lies.”

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Xenotransplantation: What’s New and Should We Be Concerned?

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 9, 2024

In the last month, a patient with kidney failure was discharged from the hospital, off dialysis, with a new kidney—from a genetically modified pig. What an incredible accomplishment.

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On the Side: April 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 8, 2024

Moving is an art form. It’s also an invitation to be gentle with ourselves and fall into the arms of Grace.

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Responding to ACOG…Again

By Steven A. Foley, MD | April 4, 2024

On February 27, 2024, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a “Consensus Statement on Threats to Reproductive and Maternal Health Care.” ACOG and 12 other organizations act as though they are speaking on behalf of all OB/Gyns to further their agenda that abortion is healthcare. I would like to respond, because they do not speak on my behalf.

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Mentoring With A Coach Approach (October)

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 3, 2024

October 3-31, 2024
This 5-week course introduces a framework that utilizes a “coach approach” to mentoring, with an emphasis on a reflective process that nurtures well-being.

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Mentoring With A Coach Approach (August)

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 3, 2024

August 23-24, 2024
This 2-Day Intensive introduces a framework that utilizes a “coach approach” to mentoring, with an emphasis on a reflective process that nurtures well-being.

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The Convergence 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 2, 2024

September 19-21, 2024
Join us as we integrate theological and medical perspectives on caring for those struggling with addiction.

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Hanging By a Thread

By Al Weir, MD | April 2, 2024

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17, NIV).

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 2, 2024

This inaugural Great Commission Dental Conference will feature over thirty presenters, speaking on a wide range of topics – short term mission trips, long term ministry, teaching trips, private practice ministry, community clinic involvement, missionary dental equipment, funding missionary activity, et cetera. There will be something for everyone at this meeting, including sweet fellowship with others of like mind from across the country and around the world. All dental personnel and students are invited to join us for this unique meeting of Christian dental professionals!

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Why You Need Church

By Amy Givler, MD | March 28, 2024

A 2023 report by Pew Research Center reported that 13 percent of Americans reported attending in-person worship services in the summer of 2020. I was not one of them. Until we had a vaccine, I did not want people gathering in groups.

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Gracefully Broken

By Al Weir, MD | March 26, 2024

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:17, ESV).

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LGBTQIA+ and the Political Divide

By Elizabeth Woning | March 21, 2024

To many, the Sexual Revolution evokes nothing more than memories of the summer of love, the emergence of contraception and the “freedom” for sexual expression. However, after years of warnings by Christian cultural commentators, the Sexual Revolution has overtaken the mainstream.

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The Nudge

By Al Weir, MD | March 19, 2024

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NIV).

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Bulvarism and Bias: Responding to Flawed Scholarship

By Stephen Perona, PharmD, BCEMP, BCPS | March 18, 2024

In early 2023, I read the article “Gender bias in postgraduate year one pharmacy letters of recommendation” published by in the Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. The analysis contained methodological flaws, and it presented conclusions that were not derived from the evidence presented.

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Dr. T. Bob and Janis Davis Dental Student Scholarship Fund

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 14, 2024

Dr. T. Bob and Janis Davis Dental Student Scholarship Fund

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Fickle Faith

By Al Weir, MD | March 12, 2024

He is one of our few remaining World War II heroes at 97—a retired pastor, still alert, able to walk with a cane, writing great stories about his life and sharing wisdom that only comes with experience.

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The Status of Frozen Children

By Jeffrey Barrows, DO, MA (Bioethics) | March 11, 2024

Anyone paying close attention to current events has likely heard about the Alabama Supreme Court decision declaring that frozen embryos created through IVF are legally children under the state’s constitution. The legal case arose when a person unauthorized by an IVF clinic destroyed frozen embryos from three Alabama couples who later filed a lawsuit against the clinic.

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ACOG Doesn’t Speak on My Behalf

By Steven A. Foley, MD | March 7, 2024

In this statement, ACOG is calling for “the ability of every patient to access abortion when they need it…,” while further claiming that “abortion is an essential part of comprehensive healthcare.” As a practicing OB/Gyn, I again cannot stand by and let this organization speak on my behalf.

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I Need to Do Better

By Al Weir, MD | March 5, 2024

He is one of our few remaining World War II heroes at 97—a retired pastor, still alert, able to walk with a cane, writing great stories about his life and sharing wisdom that only comes with experience.

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 5, 2024

Key Result Area Introducing CMDA’s Community Our outreach ministries are dedicated to transforming the lives of healthcare professionals just like you through evangelism and discipleship.   The core of CMDA’s ministry happens in local communities where healthcare professionals, residents and students live out the character of Christ. Campus & Community Specialty Sections Dental Ministries Women Physicians & Dentists Side By Side What Area(s) of CMDA…

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On the Side: March 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 4, 2024

I hear Wade talk about his interviews for residency sometimes. I hear him describe flying to a centralized location in the Southeast and renting a car. I hear him describe traveling from program to program to hit as many schools with one flight as possible.

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Great Commission Dental Conference

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 4, 2024

October 4-5, 2024
The Christian Dental Association, in conjunction with the Christian Dental Society, invites dental professionals across the country to join us for this unique event which will focus on proclaiming the love of Christ locally and internationally through dentistry.

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Sophisticated Lies Endanger Everyone—Black, Brown, White and Other

By Nicole D. Hayes | March 4, 2024

Language can be cloak and dagger—particularly when that “old serpent” is speaking who is none other than Satan. He is the father of lies, as noted in John 8:44. He is the original liar. Adam and Eve experienced Satan’s craftiness firsthand when he asked Eve in Genesis 3:1, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” and then went on to lie and say to her in Genesis 3:4, “You will not certainly die” (NIV).

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GMHC 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 27, 2024

November 7-9, 2024
The GMHC is the world’s largest gathering of healthcare professionals, students, and organizations dedicated to healthcare missions. This annual three-day conference features breakout sessions, plenary speakers, exhibitors, and special events. It’s the premier event to learn, connect, and build relationships that help advance the Kingdom through medical missions.

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The Squeeze

By Al Weir, MD | February 27, 2024

Is the juice worth the squeeze? This is a reasonable question to ask about following Christ, and Jesus encouraged His followers to do so.

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By Al Weir, MD | February 20, 2024

The battle between faith and science is a battle in people’s minds, not between two great opposing forces. In my discussion with her, she shared her faith in God and the spiritual. “I’ve seen spiritual healing,” she said. I then tried my best to lay out for her my understanding of the integration of faith and science in healing.

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Does Acceptance of “Deep Time” or Evolution Imperil Christian Belief?

By Steven Willing, MD | February 15, 2024

Does acceptance of evolution or geological time imperil Christian belief? The evidence says no. But guess what does?

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By Al Weir, MD | February 14, 2024

I received this message from a young Albanian physician I had not seen for many years: “Hello, brother. As I am reading your book (which I borrowed from my brother’s wife). I cannot help but thank you for your mission in Albania. In March 2016, I came to the Lord in one of the conferences in Durres. That led to my mom, her mom, my brother, my cousin, my father, my other cousin coming to Christ!” As I learned more, it became clear I had not been the one who led her to Christ, but I had been present as part of the team. What amazes me about her story is the beautiful way God works if we just show up.

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 13, 2024

When you become a member of CMDA you are joining the largest community of Christian Healthcare professionals in the world!

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Painful Redirections

By Al Weir, MD | February 13, 2024

There are times we want things badly: good things, even Godly things, that God has not chosen for us. The tearing away of those dreams is painful but not evil if we leave God in charge.

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The Case for Conscience

By Anna Pilato, MA | February 12, 2024

The United States has long been a beacon of freedom in the world, and it has held the hope of a better life even before it was an independent nation. We see this exhibited in history when the Pilgrims left Europe in 1620 to come to the New World.

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How Then Should We Live?

By JC Bicek | February 8, 2024

What does the Bible say about the body in light of today’s gender confusion? How then do you think we should live? While not new, a form of a gnostic dualism is ascendent in our world today. Our postmodern culture has rallied behind a two-tiered view of the human being, promoting the mind or consciousness at the expense of the body.

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The Ethical Healthcare Professional

By Robert E. Cranston, MD, MA (Ethics) | February 8, 2024

No one would choose to be treated by an unethical healthcare professional. So, how do we as established healthcare professionals go about teaching the next generation of caregivers how to behave ethically, and what are some of the most important areas we should focus on in education?

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Broken Legs and Grenades

By Al Weir, MD | February 6, 2024

We can’t always hide from the huge cruelty of life. It’s always there, mixed in with the great wonder and joy of life—a brokenness seeping up up from the soil of our fallen world.

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On the Side: February 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 6, 2024

We all need advice, and from time to time we may even look for it. The question is, where should we seek it? The Internet? The Bible? Our pastor? A friend? A family member? Where can a Christian find godly advice?

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Marriage Enrichment Weekend Conference – Grand Rapids

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 2, 2024

October 4-6, 2024
The effects of today’s healthcare professions have taken its toll on marriages. Increasing time pressures, fiscal burdens, continuing education requirements and countless demands have made building strong marriage relationships all the more difficult.

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An Invitation to Sign the IFTCC International Declaration on Therapeutic and Pastoral Choice

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | February 1, 2024

The International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC) and their global community of member mental health and medical professionals have authored “An International Declaration on ‘Conversion Therapy’ and Therapeutic Choice,” proposing that “Signatories of this International Declaration call upon our governments, local authorities, human rights, media and religious organisations, to recognise that the right to self-determination is an established principle of international law, and therefore must include the right to shape and develop one’s own sexual identity, feelings and associated behaviours, and to receive support to do so.”

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Beautiful Mornings

By Al Weir, MD | January 31, 2024

We can’t always hide from the huge cruelty of life. It’s always there, mixed in with the great wonder and joy of life—a brokenness seeping up up from the soil of our fallen world.

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The Voice of Advocacy

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 30, 2024

As Christians in healthcare, we glorify God by serving as a voice for the vulnerable. And that voice is now being featured on a new podcast from CMDA. The Voice of Advocacy is a monthly podcast hosted by CMDA’s Senior Vice President of Bioethics Jeff Barrows, DO, MA (Ethics), and it features members of the Advocacy team and special guests. Listen to learn more about Advocacy’s grassroots efforts at the state and federal level, legal and legislative victories, plus learn how you can be involved in achieving justice for the vulnerable.

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900 Professors?

By Steven A. Foley, MD | January 30, 2024

I am responding to the January 2024 article in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology entitled, “A statement on abortion by 900 professors of obstetrics and gynecology after the reversal of Roe v. Wade.”

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Pre-Field Orientation for New Healthcare Missionaries

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 29, 2024

November 4-7, 2024
Pre-Field is a can’t-miss opportunity for soon-to-be healthcare missionaries. You’ll learn how to transition into life on the field and serve God effectively for the long run.

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How Long is Grief?

By Amy Givler, MD | January 25, 2024

How long is grief? I guess what I’m really asking is, “Does grief ever end?”

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Enlightening the View

By Jeffrey Barrows, DO, MA (Bioethics) | January 24, 2024

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in June 2022, the acrimony within the abortion debate has increased exponentially, accompanied by a marked increase in the amount of misinformation contained in the debate.

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The Core of Things

By Al Weir, MD | January 23, 2024

The Core of Things | Weekly Devotions by Al Weir, MD | “She was a medical student and a new Christian. She came with a small group of Christian students from Macedonia to our Albanian student evangelism conference. Small in stature, smart and soft-spoken, she rarely spoke up in our small discussion group of mixed Muslim, orthodox, atheist and agnostic students.”

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Boldness or Respect?

By Al Weir, MD | January 16, 2024

“Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold” (2 Corinthians 3:12, NIV).

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5 Smart & Powerful Reasons to Give from Your Will

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 11, 2024

Your completed will is both an important and powerful document. Through it, you can provide for your loved ones’ needs and transfer your God-given resources in a way that reflects your faith and values.

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Stopping the Pain and Saving Lives: Successful Treatments for Sickle Cell Disease

By David Prentice, PhD | January 10, 2024

As Christians in healthcare, we must hold fast to the belief that all life holds value, and all human beings are made in the Imago Dei. To veer from that belief is to allow room for the lie that some lives are not worth living.

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Texting Prayers

By Al Weir, MD | January 9, 2024

I caught myself misusing my prayer life today. A friend whose mother is very ill sent a text and asked for prayers. I immediately replied by text, “Praying for you now,” and I lifted up a quick one.

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We are committed to giving support, training, and equipping to Christian mentors and mentoring throughout every community within our CMDA ministry. We are accomplishing this through online and in-person training, by curating and creating mentoring resources for our CMDA mentors and helping to connect mentors will potential mentees.


By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 8, 2024

We are committed to giving support, training, and equipping to Christian mentors and mentoring throughout every community within our CMDA ministry. We are accomplishing this through online and in-person training, by curating and creating mentoring resources for our CMDA mentors and helping to connect mentors will potential mentees.

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Discussing Difficult Cases

By Steven A. Foley, MD | January 8, 2024

As Christians in healthcare, we must hold fast to the belief that all life holds value, and all human beings are made in the Imago Dei. To veer from that belief is to allow room for the lie that some lives are not worth living.

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