Scholarship | WPDC Conference

This scholarship if for currently enrolled female medical and dental students are given priority. Consideration is given to female medical and dental residents as well as medical and dental fellows who have financial need.

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Scholarship | Good Samaritan Scholarship

To introduce diverse health care students to Christian medical missions allowing them to not only become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries, but also to obtain the skills to participate, in training and mentoring the next generation of missionaries in the name of Jesus.

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Scholarship | Hood Medical Mission Scholarship

The Tony Hood, MD and Claudia Hood Medical Mission Scholarship seeks to inspire fourth year medical students to experience healthcare missions throughout the world. By doing so, they are hopeful recipients will be inspired to continue a lifetime of involvement in long- or short-term medical missions.

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Scholarship | Dale Willis Memorial GHO Scholarship

To assist selected dentists in participating in their first Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions experience, enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved.

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Schindler Scholarship

Dr. Robert and Marian Schindler Scholarship – Provides $1200 to help fund senior medical students, residents and/or fellows to teach on a short term mission trip with CMDA’s Medical Education International mission arm.

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Dietz Scholarship

Margaret J. Dietz Scholarship – Provides financial assistance to support the Christian and professional leadership development of physicians and dentists in low and low-middle income countries and regions of the world.

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Peterson & Gieser Student Scholarship

GHO Team 2

CMDA had its beginning when George Peterson and Kenneth Gieser met at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, Illinois in 1931.  Both men had been experiencing a sense of loneliness in their Christian walk.  The two began meeting regularly for prayer and Scripture reading every Saturday afternoon.  Soon other medical students joined the two men, and CMDA was born.

Because CMDA values its healthcare students, we are pleased to announce the Peterson & Gieser Student Scholarship! This new scholarship (up to $500) will cover National Convention registration fees, conference housing and food as well as travel expenses. There will be eight scholarships available per year (two per CMDA region).

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Scholarship | GHO Dermatology/Nursing Medical Missions

Assisting selected healthcare students in participating in their first Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions experience, enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved.

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Scholarship | WPDC Mission Trips

WPDC women are invited to go on mission trips which offer participants an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of refugees, orphans and human trafficking victims around the world.

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Scholarship | FCPA Mission Matching Grant

The Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants seeks to encourage the sending forth of laborers Matthew 9:37-38 into the fields which are white with harvest. This fund was established to offer financial and prayer support to FCPA members who are called by the Lord to medical mission work around His world.

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Scholarship | Naomi Kim Medical Missions

Naomi Kim Medical Missions Scholarship Information

The Naomi Kim Scholarship assists selected healthcare students in participating in their first Global Health Outreach trip, enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved.

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Scholarship | James P. Owen Mission

James P. Owen Mission Scholarship Information

James P. Owen had a keen interest in missionary medicine. He died in 1981 while a senior medical student at Southwestern Medical School. The James P. Owen Memorial Endowment Fund was established by his wife in loving memory of her husband. Medical students at Southwestern Medical School in Dallas are eligible to apply.

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Scholarship | Westra Short Term Missions

Westra Short-Term Mission Scholarship Information

The James S. Westra Memorial Fund was established in 1981. It provides scholarships for pre-health undergraduate students, healthcare students (including nursing and allied health), trainees, and young professionals to serve in healthcare missions.

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Mission Scholarships

Christian Medical & Dental Associations® provides various mission scholarships for student and resident members wishing to spend time overseas as a rotation elective.

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