Select one of the items below to discover more about CMDA Scholarships and Grant Opportunities
Please see chart at the bottom of this page to determine which scholarships you qualify for. Also, please note that if you are applying for Westra, Owen, Johnson, Minority, Hood, or Domestic, you only need to fill out ONE application in order to be considered for ALL of these awards. There is no need to fill out multiple applications. CMDA Scholarship applicants who are planning a healthcare missions elective that provides credit through their school or training program and is at least four weeks in duration will also be eligible to receive the CMDA-MAP International Global Health Mission Scholar Award. This will provide up to an additional $3,000 in addition to the CMDA Scholarships described on this page, for award packages that will typically range from $4,000 to $5,000. Some scholarships require applications to be submitted at least 3 months prior to your departure date. It’s to your advantage to apply well in advance of your trip, so you can budget according to whether or not you receive an award. Also please note that a letter of recommendation is required for most scholarships.
Scholarship | Westra Short Term Missions
Scholarship | James P. Owen Mission
Scholarship | Johnson Short-Term Mission
Scholarship | Tami Fisk Mission Travel Grant
Scholarship | Naomi Kim Medical Missions
Scholarship | FCPA Mission Matching Grant
Scholarship | WPDC Mission Trips
Scholarship | GHO Dermatology/Nursing Medical Missions
Dietz Scholarship
Schindler Scholarship
Scholarship | Minority Short Term Mission Scholarship
Scholarship | Domestic Short Term Mission Scholarship
Scholarship | Dale Willis Memorial GHO Scholarship
Scholarship | Hood Medical Mission Scholarship
Scholarship | Good Samaritan Scholarship
Scholarship | Wayne & Vivian Day Mission’s Scholarship
Other Scholarships and Grant Opportunities
Scholarship | Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship
Scholarship | Project MedSend Grant
Scholarship | Project Hope Northwest Trip Grant
Scholarship | Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation Medical Students & Resident Program
Scholarship | MAP International Health Fellowship
Eligibility for Scholarships

Please download your W-9 form here:
Complete the form, saving it to your computer. Then email Amber Clark at [email protected] with a copy to Misty Carter at [email protected] and attach your completed W-9.