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Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | September 29, 2020

The mission of the CMDA CHEC Section is to encourage connection, promote excellence and integrate faith and work. The vision of CHEC is to be a community of Christian healthcare executives that inspires and supports one another.

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Sustaining Our Joy in Practice

By Autumn Dawn Galbreath, MD, MBA | September 21, 2017

[…] Scotland. It’s a long way away. It’s also a place I had never previously visited. We went on a family trip to Scotland in March—partly to visit the school he now attends, and partly to have one last bang-up family vacation before we became a family that no longer lives under one roof. On […]

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Court Cases

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | November 14, 2019

[…] Us Fight for Your Conscience Rights. Take Action by Contacting Lawmakers Donate Now to Help us Protect Your Conscience Rights. CMDA’s Position Statements Court Cases Summary Over 60 cases advancing the cause of life and freedom with the aid of partner legal organizations. Read court case summaries. Website Terms & Conditions Toll Free: 1-888-230-2637 Frequently […]

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Answering the Call: Launching of a CMDA Specialty Section

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 5, 2022

How the spiritual needs of an academic-based group of physicians and scientists inspired the founding of the Christian Academic Physicians and Scientists (CAPS), a specialty section of CMDA.

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Lessons Learned in the COVID-19 Field Hospital

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 21, 2021

When 2020 started, I had a plan. A plan to follow God’s leading to serve on a mission trip in Southeast Cambodia. Like everyone else, those plans were completely changed when the pandemic hit. But God.

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Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | November 19, 2019

As members of the Commission on Human Trafficking of the Christian Medical Association, we are writing to protest the attempt to decriminalize commercial sex with the “Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019”. This attempt to decriminalize the degradation of mostly women and girls in commercial sex as well as the sex buyer […]

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Group letter to Alex M. Azar II, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 9, 2020

As you know, several U.S. jurisdictions have passed legislation giving doctors immunity from civil and criminal liability for assisting the suicide of persons diagnosed with terminal disabilities. Tragically, in these jurisdictions and for this class of persons, and for them alone, suicides are now facilitated by physicians, usually with no psychological assessment or other […]

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Photo: Pixabay

Premature Termination of Life Is Not Palliative Care | Letter

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | August 1, 2014

Letter to the Editor of CHEST (American College of Chest Physicians) opposing physician-assisted suicide in response to article by Attorney Kathryn Tucker’s article pushing physicians to help patients dye.

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Call for all Elective Abortions to be Suspended

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 23, 2020

As representatives of over 30,000 physicians who practice according to the Hippocratic Oath, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons decry the call to continue elective abortion during the COVID-19 […]

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Transgenderism | Gender Identity | Gender Dysphoria: Crosstalk

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 22, 2020

Despite the Authority of Scripture, there are those who are confused on this issue and from that confusion (combined with political correctness) there are professionals guiding individuals through the process of hormonal treatment (as normal) and very tragically, even surgical interventions. Today’s guest will address this and several issues.

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Christ with Us: Practicing Christ-like Presence in an Age of Burnout

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 5, 2022

One week into a rotation in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU), I found myself dreaming about the hospital. I was not dreaming about saying the wrong thing on rounds, but I was dreaming about our patients: Mr. Brown’s wife when she’d been told he may not survive his third surgery this admission; Mr. […]

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Growth Spurt

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | December 8, 2020

Sometimes reality is far more awe-inspiring than anything even the most imaginative of writers could dream up. Decades ago, the idea that a woman could become pregnant with her adopted child seemed like science fiction. However, reproductive medicine has long since crossed biological boundaries in ways that once seemed impossible, creating complex problems that […]

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Feed My Sheep

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | December 8, 2020

As Christians in healthcare, we are called to take our faith into the workplace, whether it be in a clinic, in a hospital or in academia. My journey in medicine led me from the clinic into academia. I actually consider myself an accidental academician who never meant to end up in charge of training […]

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After Ebola: Confronting the Trauma

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 22, 2020

In the closing months of 1989, a brutal civil war erupted in Liberia and soon engulfed the small West African country. At the time, T. Abraham Browne was in high school, and the senseless killings forced him and his siblings to flee for their lives to escape the bloodshed. They reached a refugee camp […]

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How to De-stress in Your Distress

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 21, 2022

I picked up the phone to return a call from a message I had received on my office voicemail earlier that day. The call was from a doctor. I called the doctor back and said, “Hello, this is Pastor Bert from CMDA returning your phone call, how can I help you?” After a pause, […]

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Resilience in the Face of Personal and Organizational Adversity

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | September 1, 2022

Try as we may, adversity is unavoidable. Often unexpected, hardship comes into our lives in a variety of forms and levels—a cancer diagnosis, a harsh public criticism, a mistake or accident with a detrimental outcome, an economic downturn or even a pandemic or natural disaster.

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When Our Patients Pray for Us

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | September 1, 2022

As a Christian who’s been practicing periodontics for 29 years, I’ve had numerous opportunities to share my faith and pray with my patients. A number of my patients have expressed their appreciation for having a fellow Christian responsible for their care.

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The Season of Light Around the World

By Doug Lindberg, MD | November 9, 2022

As the trappings of the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons emerge around us in North America, things look and feel quite different for our colleagues serving around the world. For cross-cultural missionaries serving far from home, this time of year is complicated.

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First Fridays at the Mortons

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 15, 2021

My husband and I had just moved from Michigan to Texas for my first year of medical school at the University Health Science Center San Antonio. We walked up to the door of a house we had never visited, hand-in-hand wondering what the evening ahead would hold, with unfamiliar people, in this unfamiliar part […]

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Redefining Essential in the Midst of a Pandemic

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | September 2, 2020

[…] a profession, it is safe to assume a certain level of job security and financial stability. Though both of those factors may have been initial lures into the field, what inspires us daily to practice dentistry is the impact we have in the lives of our patients, each created in the image of God. […]

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The Dr. John Patrick Bioethics Column: Medicine in Times of Public Crisis

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 21, 2022

[…] have a serious logical conflict. Public policy decisions must be made in utilitarian terms, unlike medicine, for populations and not individuals. Decisions are made according to which action saves the most lives. All public health policies are tradeoffs in the context of having incomplete data and finite resourcesIn contrast, patient-based medicine asks, “What is best for this […]

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On the Side: January 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 10, 2022

I knew I’d broken it before I hit the ground. I heard it snap. Breathing hard on the concrete, between cries for help, my mind moaned, “not again!”.     Yes. Again.    9 years ago I broke the same ankle, my right one. It was early Christmas morning and I was sleepily walking down the […]

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On the Side: February 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 2, 2022

As I write this, I am on Day 8 of a self-imposed quarantine for COVID-19. Dr. H and I managed to come down with it at almost the same time; so have several of our family members. No one seems to know just who gave it to whom, but at this point it doesn’t […]

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On the Side: March 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 7, 2022

[…] She often asks me, “Mom, are you going to take me to dance today?” or “Mom, are you going to pick me up from school?” She frets over small things like have I signed a permission slip yet, or have I made that orthodontist appointment yet. It is frustrating as a parent to feel […]

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On the Side: April 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 5, 2022

The dog groomer took some sort of hiatus. And while I don’t begrudge her time off, away or whatever she needed, we have three dogs in this house. Two fairly large, all fairly fluffy dogs. And furthermore, finding a good groomer in our area is like finding gold at the end of the […]

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On the Side: May 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 9, 2022

I’m in my early 60s. This means I have about 50 years of clear memories of news events, politics, fads and fashions, stemming from the early 70s. I even remember when JFK died, although I was just a little girl; the reactions of the adults around me were so remarkable that I still remember […]

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On the Side: June 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 2, 2022

One day, a mole decided life underground wasn’t his thing. Ready for something new, he found a folded lawn chair in a driveway and thought, yes, this was his best next step. So he moved in.

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On the Side: July 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 5, 2022

We were doing a residency rotation in Florida when the triplets were four. One dreary overcast Saturday we were enjoying family time even though Wade was on call. We didn’t understand that in Florida rain can turn to sun in less than a minute. That day it did just that. And three four-year-olds began […]

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On the Side: August 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | August 2, 2022

I don’t drag out my MD for just any occasion. Typically, I keep it tucked away. But today I thought I would speak (indirectly) to residents, especially first-year residents or interns, so it seemed appropriate. Perhaps you ladies, who are reading this article, will pass along my remarks to the young physicians in your lives.

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On the Side: September 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | September 7, 2022

Behind the smile I was shouting, “Oh goodness mercy of course!” I have been the new girl showing up at the team meeting, the book club, the Bible study far, far more often than I have been the one standing with friends. It can be excruciatingly hard. It can also be invigorating.

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On the Side: October 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | October 10, 2022

Medical life takes grit. We wrap our minds around MCAT scores, acceptance letters, residency placements and job contracts, knowing it’s not easy. There‘s risk in leaving a paying job and moving across the country. And it’s scary. Will you land on your feet? Will you live on this budget? Will you make friends? Regardless, […]

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On the Side: November 2022

By Sharon Chatwell | November 3, 2022

[…] mom’s recipe and it has never let me down. (Don’t worry. I’ll share it with you in a minute.) So, naturally, when I think of taking food over to someone’s house, I think of lasagna. It’s easy, portable, reheats well, and lasts for days. This is especially helpful if the person is sick, or […]

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Waiting for the Gift

On the Side: December 2022

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | December 5, 2022

The Christmas season is upon us! I love the smells, the lights and the traditions. One tradition we have in our family is to not put any Christmas gifts under the tree until after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve. It is a tradition born out of practicality: we had curious […]

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Waiting for the Gift Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash

On the Side: January 2023

By Eric Willingham | January 3, 2023

It is a foggy morning at my house and I just filled my fourth garbage bag following the departure of my Christmas guests (full disclosure: my mom is still here after airline troubles delayed her flight by a week!) I am not ready to un-decorate yet as we love to savor the Christmas lights […]

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On the Side: February 2023

On the Side: February 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 2, 2023

Kicking and screaming…most of the time. Protesting in the loudest and most ridiculous ways imaginable. Much like a disobedient child, who is being drug from a store by a parent; misbehaving just because they didn’t get what they wanted. That’s me. Why? How do you follow Jesus?

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On the Side: March 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 2, 2023

It has been said that all the world is a stage, and the people are mere players. If that is true, then sometimes I feel like a supporting character in my own life. My husband’s career has been center-stage for so long, I can’t remember a time when our life didn’t somehow revolve around […]

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By Al Weir, MD | March 7, 2023

[…] of my colleagues, whose office is next to mine, walked into my office just before clinic started. “Do you smell that?” he asked. I did not. “ There’s something that smells really bad, and it seems to be coming from my office.” As he talked, I began to smell a faint, distant, foul odor. […]

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On the Side: April 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 5, 2023

Some days when the deadline for writing my On the Side devotional is looming—or loomed last week and is now bearing down on me like a bullet train—and the words are stuck in my head, I scroll through old issues to see what topics we have covered as a team.

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On the Side: June 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 5, 2023

When I sit among the women of our local Side By Side chapter, I sit among power. Wives of physicians, some physicians themselves, some experts in other fields, some nursing stay-at-home moms. A group diverse in age and background and current employment, but always powerful.

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On the Side: May 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 5, 2023

Moving has the effect of making you take stock of what you’re carrying with you. It is important to know what baggage to keep and what to get rid of.

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On the Side: August 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | August 7, 2023

God knows everything He is planning to bring about in our future. He is the One who makes a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. We may look around us and see nothing of that promise, but He encourages us to look anyway and to see with the eyes of faith.

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On the Side: September 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | September 12, 2023

I met my best friends from high school this summer in North Carolina. It was our third annual trip together—we have been to a couple of beaches, but this year we chose the mountains.

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On the Side: October 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | October 16, 2023

God knows everything He is planning to bring about in our future. He is the One who makes a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. We may look around us and see nothing of that promise, but He encourages us to look anyway and to see with the eyes of faith.

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On the Side: November 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | November 1, 2023

[…] Every morning I have to get up and see what they are doing over there. It is unquestionable that any information I have today will be obsolete by the time you read this. I don’t know what else to say except, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you’” (Psalm 122: 6, NASB).

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On the Side: December 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | December 4, 2023

We drove to Mississippi from Chicago while in medical school. We had three under two and knew we probably wouldn’t make it the entire way in one day but weren’t exactly sure how far we would make it. And so, we decided to drive until we had to stop. It was a great decision […]

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On the Side: January 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 3, 2024

I finished school many years ago. My children are almost grown. My youngest is a senior in high school. There are no grandchildren on my horizon to date. Yet, I still put the new crayons in my shopping buggy at least once a year. There is just something wondrous about a brand-new box.

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On the Side: July 2023

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 31, 2023

Several years ago, there was a house down the street from us that had the most amazing landscaping! Ok, I’ll admit it, I experienced a little “flower envy” every time I walked by with the dogs. I may have even sneaked a pic or two to save for when spring came around again so […]

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Beautiful Mornings

By Al Weir, MD | January 31, 2024

We can’t always hide from the huge cruelty of life. It’s always there, mixed in with the great wonder and joy of life—a brokenness seeping up up from the soil of our fallen world.

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On the Side: February 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | February 6, 2024

We all need advice, and from time to time we may even look for it. The question is, where should we seek it? The Internet? The Bible? Our pastor? A friend? A family member? Where can a Christian find godly advice?

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The Nudge

By Al Weir, MD | March 19, 2024

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NIV).

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Gracefully Broken

By Al Weir, MD | March 26, 2024

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:17, ESV).

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On the Side: March 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 4, 2024

I hear Wade talk about his interviews for residency sometimes. I hear him describe flying to a centralized location in the Southeast and renting a car. I hear him describe traveling from program to program to hit as many schools with one flight as possible.

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Mentoring With A Coach Approach (August)

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 3, 2024

Mentoring has been proven to promote the academic and professional growth of healthcare professionals. Coaching is gaining traction as a way of promoting physician well-being and growing leadership skills. Combining the skills of mentor and coach can result in more satisfying and effective mentor-mentee relationships. This 2-Day Intensive introduces a framework that utilizes a […]

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On the Side: May 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 8, 2024

The best title of all to have, I think, is the title of “Redeemed.” No matter what other titles we may have, no matter how noble or glorious they are, compared to Redeemed, they all seem to shrink in importance.

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On the Side: April 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 8, 2024

Moving is an art form. It’s also an invitation to be gentle with ourselves and fall into the arms of Grace.

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Voice of CMDA Media Training

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | August 24, 2023

August 9-10, 2024
The two-day training is designed to teach participants how to use the media as an educational tool and to sharpen skills as CMDA media representatives. We will share a proven methodology that works in the most hostile situations. Real-life examples will illustrate this method, then we will work with each participant […]

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On the Side: June 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 4, 2024

“…let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:1-2

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Mentoring With A Coach Approach (October)

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | April 3, 2024

Mentoring has been proven to promote the academic and professional growth of healthcare professionals. Coaching is gaining traction as a way of promoting physician well-being and growing leadership skills. Combining the skills of mentor and coach can result in more satisfying and effective mentor-mentee relationships. This 5-week course introduces a framework that utilizes a […]

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On the Side: July 2024

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | July 2, 2024

My physician hubby and I just celebrated 33 years married. 33 years. 25 of those I have been married to a physician. ( The first eight he was an aerospace engineer but don’t get me started on the bliss of having a NASA engineer as a husband and the flex schedule that meant he […]

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Allan Josephson, MD

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | June 10, 2019

Allan Josephson, MD, is Professor and Chief, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Department of Pediatrics with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

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Harold Paul Adolph, MD

By Harold P. Adolph, MD, FACS | June 11, 2019

Harold Paul Adolph, MD, has devoted his professional career to volunteering and serving as a medical missionary. A graduate of Wheaton College and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, he has been a board certified physician since 1965. Since that time, he has served as Chief of Surgery at various mission hospitals in […]

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God’s Sandwich

By Al Weir, MD | April 30, 2024

One of my favorite patients is a part-time pastor. At the beginning of his visit this week, he shared a frustrating story from the day before. “I was standing in the line at Subway, telling the woman how to fix my sandwich.

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Christian Medical & Dental Associations praises appeals court decision that protects conscience freedoms

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 4, 2024

Bristol, Tenn.—January 4, 2024—Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), which is the nation’s largest faith-based professional healthcare association, today announced a pivotal victory from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit that protects the conscience freedoms of healthcare professionals from being forced to perform abortions.

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By Al Weir, MD | February 14, 2023

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16, NIV). He sat across from me and had time to chat while I was ordering some complex treatment for him, a part-time pastor with theology as good as a ThD […]

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Standing for Truth Amid Shifting Government Policies

By Anna Pilato, MA | May 10, 2022

[…] the horizon. Most of us are unaware (some may say blissfully so) of the volume of regulatory and deregulatory actions under development and review in more than 60 federal departments, agencies and commissions across the government. To give some perspective, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) currently has more pending actions […]

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Four New Books Dealing with Transgenderism

By Andrè Van Mol, MD | November 16, 2023

Publications exposing transgender ideology and its capture of academics, medicine, the entertainment industry, government and the business sector are picking up steam. What we might term the breakout books, those that caught traction and burst onto the public square addressing and countering the whirlwind of transgenderism.

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By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | October 18, 2017

Christian Medical & Dental Associations® educates, encourages, and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God. Christian healthcare professionals glorify God by following Christ, serving with excellence and compassion, caring for all people, and advancing Biblical principles of healthcare within the Church and throughout the world.

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Position Statements

Position Statements

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | May 14, 2020

[…] general acceptance to criminalization of the act, including the death penalty in certain circumstances. That range of perspective, except for the death penalty, remains today with the overall trend worldwide toward increasing cultural acceptance of abortion. The Christian Church from its earliest recorded Patristic writings outside of the New Testament condemned abortion as murder. […]

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Contact CMDA

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | January 22, 2018

Are you interested in getting involved with CMDA? Or do you have a question about our ministry? We would love to hear from you! Our national offices are open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. We are here to help you and we look forward to hearing from you.

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Vaccines and Conscience Protection

By Christian Medical & Dental Associations® | March 2, 2021

It has been over a year since the first diagnosis of COVID-19 in the United States. Due to this pandemic’s effects, our society has experienced limitations in personal freedoms to a level we have never known. Social interactions and work environments have been changed by social distancing, masks, hospital and nursing home visitation restrictions […]

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A Child’s Prayer

By Al Weir, MD | May 23, 2023

I know some of it is realizing that the child we love has a new connection with the God who may someday become the Lord of his or her life.

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By Al Weir, MD | July 5, 2023

I wish his statement was more true of me. One of our gospel’s major principles is that followers of Christ are called to give. It’s clear in the teachings of Jesus, “Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you” (Matthew 5:42, NIV).

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