8 Principles of Sound Christian Thinking

Beliefs have consequences. All other things being equal, false beliefs have worse consequences. Pick any issue on which people are divided. COVID treatments? Sexuality? Evolution? It doesn’t matter what.

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Responding to ACOG…Again

On February 27, 2024, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) released a “Consensus Statement on Threats to Reproductive and Maternal Health Care.” ACOG and 12 other organizations act as though they are speaking on behalf of all OB/Gyns to further their agenda that abortion is healthcare. I would like to respond, because they do not speak on my behalf.

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ACOG Doesn’t Speak on My Behalf

In this statement, ACOG is calling for “the ability of every patient to access abortion when they need it…,” while further claiming that “abortion is an essential part of comprehensive healthcare.” As a practicing OB/Gyn, I again cannot stand by and let this organization speak on my behalf.

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900 Professors?

I am responding to the January 2024 article in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology entitled, “A statement on abortion by 900 professors of obstetrics and gynecology after the reversal of Roe v. Wade.”

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Enlightening the View

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in June 2022, the acrimony within the abortion debate has increased exponentially, accompanied by a marked increase in the amount of misinformation contained in the debate.

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Standing Up for the Vulnerable in Indiana

Dr. Thomas Huth and Dr. David Donaldson are two physicians in Indiana who recently engaged with their state medical society to stand up and protect the vulnerable through advocacy.

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A Close Look at ICMDA

Dr. Peter Saunders, the Chief Executive of the International Christian Medical & Dental Association (ICMDA), talks about the global impact ICMDA  is having on healthcare around the world.  

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The Impact of CMDA in 2023

Dr. Mike Chupp is joined by George Courtney, who serves as CMDA’s Vice President of Stewardship and Legacy Giving. Together, they reflect back on all the ways God worked through the ministries CMDA throughout 2023.

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Christmas On Call

On this week’s special Christmas episode of CMDA Matters, join Dr. Mike Chupp and several CMDA members and friends who share about seeing God at work during the Christmas season.

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Cameo of Courage with Dr. Paivi Räsänen

Dr. Paivi Räsänen from Finland, gives an update on the criminal charges she is facing for speaking biblical truth in the public square.

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Breaking the Mold in Healthcare through Nurse Practitioners

Dr. Adrienne Abrenica shares about the impact the growing number of nurse practitioners are making in whole person care through their commitment to their patients.

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Making an Impact in Mongolia

Dr. Sam Alexander shares about his two decades of service in Mongolia through CMDA’s Medical Education International.

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Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

Author Rosaria Butterfield talks about her new book entitled Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, which explores the five lives promoted in today’s American culture.

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Pregnancy Centers in a Post-Roe America

Dr. Sandy Christiansen discusses the impact pregnancy centers are making in today’s Post-Roe America.

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Who’s Calling Who a Blob?

Well, there they go again: science reporters are calling human beings “blobs.” Not blobs as in the classic science fiction movie that wreaked havoc and death on unwitting victims. No, they are back to labeling innocent embryo-age human beings as mere “blobs of cells.”

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What Does It Mean to Be Human?

Author, research scientist and ethicist Professor John Wyatt discusses the impact of artificial technology on the future of healthcare.

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Tucker Gets It—Abortion is Child-Sacrifice

In case you missed it, political commentator Tucker Carlson was speaking at an event hosted by The Center for Christian Virtue back in September in Cleveland, Ohio, where he brought up two key ballot initiatives Ohioans will be voting on in early November.

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Signals of Transcendence

Author and social critic Os Guinness talks about his latest book called Signals of Transcendence.

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Litigating for Life, Abiding in Christ

In this video podcast episode: Kristen Waggoner, the CEO, president and general counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom, talks about how their faith-based legal organization is working to litigate for life around the country.

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What to Do when Told to Sit Down and Shut Up

Bill Reichart speaks to ADF attorney Tyson Langhofer on the how Christian students can effectively respond to pushback or even hostility toward their faith and convictions.

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Covenant Medicine: Being Present When Present

Dr. David Beyda explains the critical difference in care and within medicine between the Covenant approach and the Contract approach – and why it matters for Christians.

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How to Flourish in your Faith while in School

Caroline Doherty, a third-year MD-PhD student at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota discusses how she is able to flourish in her faith in med school and why campus ministry is so important for every Christian.

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Cultural Engagement on a Daily Basis

Dr. Darrell Bock from The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary talks about the importance of listening and cultural engagement in today’s world.

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Celebrating Human Dignity and Purpose

Ryan Bomberger, the founder of the Radiance Foundation, talks about his work to create a culture that believes every human life has purpose.

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From Campus to Clinic: How to Protect Your Christian Conscience

Dr. Monika Potocki speaks about the work and organization of Conscience in Residency as it helps students and residents navigate the ethical and moral dilemmas they face in healthcare.

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The Challenges and Rewards of Being a Christian OB/GYN

Dr. Skop discusses the challenges and opportunities of Christians going into OB/GYN residency as well as the current state of abortion and life issues post Roe v. Wade.

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Choose Life

Dr. Joy Riley talks about her contributions to Choose Life, a new book that addresses the theological, legal, spiritual and practical concerns about abortion.

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Standing Courageous as Women in Healthcare

Dr. Regina Frost-Clark shares about the importance of being courageous and standing up for conscience rights in healthcare on this week’s CMDA Matters.

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Turning the Tide with Dobbs

Erin Morrow Hawley discusses the landmark decision in the Dobbs U.S. Supreme Court case which overturned Roe v. Wade on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.

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At First Light

Dr. Walt Larimore joins Dr. Mike Chupp and talks about his latest book At First Sight, which shares the emotional tale of Phil Larimore, Walt’s dad, and his journey from Memphis, Tennessee to the beaches of Italy during the final stages of World War II and then back home to the U.S. on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.

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Fighting for Religious Freedom in Finland

Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a medical doctor who has been a member of the Finnish Parliament for 27 years, joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s episode. She shares her story about how she has been involved in a legal battle to protect her religious freedoms for the last three years.

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Championing Women’s Health Around the Globe

Dr. Mike Chupp and Dr. Jeff Barrows are joined on this week’s CMDA Matters episode by Valerie Huber, the President and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Health, who is fighting against abortion on an international level.

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CMDA Ethics Statement on Abortion

The active termination of pregnancy has existed since 1550 BCE, with the first documented abortion occurring in Egypt. The School of Hippocrates included the following prohibition against abortion in the oath named for him in approximately 400 BCE: “I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.” The attitude toward abortion throughout its 3,500-year history has varied from general acceptance to criminalization of the act, including the death penalty in certain circumstances. That range of perspective, except for the death penalty, remains today with the overall trend worldwide toward increasing cultural acceptance of abortion. The Christian Church from its earliest recorded Patristic writings outside of the New Testament condemned abortion as murder. This statement outlines and supports CMDA’s affirmation of the historical prohibition against abortion.

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Unexpected Choice

Dr. Patti Giebink joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast to promote her first book, Unexpected Choice, and share her story of leaving the abortion industry and becoming pro-life.

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You Could Help Reverse an Abortion!

Like me, you probably entered the medical field because you wanted to help people who were in significant need, facing challenges, and for whom you could have a substantial positive impact. You may have gone in with the goal to save lives. In healthcare, we have the privilege of helping people at some of their most vulnerable points, while also being a light shining into their darkness. For many women, that moment arrives for them after they have taken mifepristone (RU-486) with the intention of ending their pregnancy.

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Anniversary of Roe v Wade

Dr. Donna Harrison joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to talk about the anniversary of the ROE v WADE decision and her work with the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

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Brent Boles, MD: Supremely Wrong

Dr. Brent Boles joins Dr. Mike Chupp on today’s CMDA Matters podcast to discuss his experience with the hot button issue of abortion and why it is our Christian call to support life.

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Call for all Elective Abortions to be Suspended

As representatives of over 30,000 physicians who practice according to the Hippocratic Oath, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons decry the call to continue elective abortion during the COVID-19 pandemic made by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and others which falsely characterize elective abortion as essential healthcare.

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HHS Protects Conscience Freedoms

Supreme Court building in Washington, DC

Conscience-guided healthcare professionals and students received a healthy dose of positive federal policy advances in the last few months. CMDA played a role advocating on behalf of our members in each of the following federal policy reforms that relate to conscience freedom, gender issues and abortion.

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The latest up-to-date information on the legislative, ethical and medical aspects of abortion.

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Alabama Amici Curiae Against Late Term Abortions

Photo: Pexels

The State’s interest in safeguarding maternal health is particularly compelling when abortions are contemplated or performed later in pregnancy. That interest is implicated in so-called “dismemberment” abortions, a procedure that can take place only after the first trimester when the unborn child has limbs and organs to dismember.

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