Posts Tagged ‘Christian Living’
Celebrating Human Dignity and Purpose
Ryan Bomberger, the founder of the Radiance Foundation, talks about his work to create a culture that believes every human life has purpose.
Read MoreAsbury Revival
Bert Jones shares about the revival at Asbury University and asks the question “What would it take for CMDA to experience a Revival”?
Read MoreOur Relationship with God pt. 1
Gene Rudd, MD discusses the first 4 of 7 types of relationships with God and how we should approach each type to grow closer with the Lord.
Read MoreOur Relationship with God pt.2
Gene Rudd, MD continues his discussion about our relationship with God and the importance of obedience and submission are in creating a good friendship with the Lord.
Read MoreConscience Freedoms with Becket
Luke Goodrich from Becket Fund for Religious Liberty shares about the key and important role CMDA plays in protecting conscience freedoms in healthcare.
Read MoreExperiencing the Awe of God’s Passion
Mike Chupp, MD shares from John 15 about the incredible sacrifice God made to redeem and restore us to Him.
Read MoreFrom Campus to Clinic: How to Protect Your Christian Conscience
Dr. Monika Potocki speaks about the work and organization of Conscience in Residency as it helps students and residents navigate the ethical and moral dilemmas they face in healthcare.
Read MoreCelebrating and Defending the Freedom to Care
Dr. Farr Curlin gives a keynote address to celebrate and affirm the value of conscience freedoms in healthcare.
Read MoreRaising Conservative Kids in a Woke City
Katy Faust, the founder of Them Before Us, shares about her new book and gives a special preview of her talk at the upcoming CMDA National Convention.
Read MoreThe Challenges and Rewards of Being a Christian OB/GYN
Dr. Skop discusses the challenges and opportunities of Christians going into OB/GYN residency as well as the current state of abortion and life issues post Roe v. Wade.
Read MoreLaw and Love
Take Two
Three Steps to Help Human Trafficking Victims
Ashleigh Chapman discusses three steps for healthcare professionals to get involved in helping victims of human trafficking.
Read MoreThe Holy Spirit
David Stevens, MD shares from John 14 about how the Holy Spirit is each Christian’s connection to God.
Read MoreMentoring with a Coach Approach
Dr. Darilyn Falck and Rev. Ken Jones discuss a new course available that incorporates mentoring with coaching in CMDA’s Center for Well-being.
Read MoreCan You Be A Christian Healthcare Student And Not Lose Your Faith?
Ben Watt grew up in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, with two siblings, in the family home where he did school, worked for his parents’ business, and kept chickens. He stayed in the county to start his professional path at a Benedictine liberal arts college. For the last four years, he has been blessed to live in Hershey and Harrisburg during medical school at Penn State. He plans to enter family medicine and is excited to get to know many more people and learn how he can serve well in his communities.
Read MoreExperiencing the Awe of God’s Presence
Spiritual Warfare
Trish Burgess, MD shares about the spiritual warfare going on around us and why God doesn’t let us see it often.
Read MoreThe Stormy Waters of Transgender Ideology
Dealing with the word DIFFICULT
Pastor Bert Jones shares about how we should learn to embrace difficulties as teachable moments from God.
Read MoreCameo of Courage with Dr. Scott Armistead
Dr. Scott Armistead experienced the loss of his job as he stood up for the truth of the gospel in his work as a teaching professor on a medical campus.
Read MoreA New Year with God
Allen Davis shares about how to make the most of our fresh start as we begin this New Year with God.
Read MoreReflecting Back on 2022
George Courtney, CMDA’s Vice President of Stewardship and Legacy Giving, joins Dr. Mike Chupp to discuss how God has been at work through CMDA during 2022, while also looking ahead to opportunities for ministry in 2023.
Read MoreChristmas on the Mission Field
Several missionary members of CMDA to share their Christmas and holiday memories from the mission field.
Read MoreThe Gift of Live Organ Donation
Mary Moments in a Martha World
Nicole Hayes shares how to take time in our busy world to choose the best thing, sitting at the Master’s feet.
David Stevens, MD shares how praise is the public expression of worship and its importance in our spiritual lives.
Read MoreThe Next Generation in Healthcare
Dr. Katie Howe and Dr. Jake Morris discuss their involvement in CMDA throughout their training and their next steps to become long-term healthcare missionaries.
Read MoreCMDA in Nigeria
Dr. Kayode Iyun, President of CMDA Nigeria, talks about how Christian healthcare professionals are making a difference across the continent of Africa.
Read MoreTri-Cities Recovery
Mark Mitchell shares about Tri-Cities Recovery and has two guests share about their experiences.
Read MoreHonor the Lord with Thanksgiving
Pastor Bert Jones shares a special message about the importance of honoring the Lord this Thanksgiving.
Read MoreThe Most Kissed Face in History
Grat Correll, MD shares about how as Christians, we look forward to the Great Reset once we get to Heaven. But on earth, our best efforts only delay our deaths.
Read MoreHealthcare Heroes
Col. Doug Soderdahl, MD, a urologist who recently retired from the U.S. Army, talks about military medicine and today’s healthcare heroes serving in the armed forces.
Read MorePreventing Touchdowns and Tooth Decay
Dr. Terry Schmidt, who spent more than a decade playing in the NFL before becoming a dentist and CMDA member, chats with Dr. Mike Chupp and Dr. Bill Griffin on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreRocks of Remembrance
The Only True Security
Bill Reichart shares from II Chronicles 20 about the King Jehoshaphat and how the Lord protected those in Jerusalem at that time.
Read MoreAn Alabaster Box
Brenda Wheeler shares from Luke 7:37-38 about the Woman with the Alabaster Box who ministered to Jesus.
Read MoreFinding Margin in the Midst of Burnout
Dr. Ted Hamilton, an expert in the field of physician well-being, talks about what leads to burnout and how to overcome it and find margin.
Read MoreNavigating the Waters of Racism and Reconciliation
Dr. Omari Hodge and Dr. Joy Walton join us for a critical conversation about racism and reconciliation in today’s culture and the importance of seeking biblical justice.
Read MoreMorality and Ethics in Today’s World
Dr. John Patrick talks about morality and ethics in today’s world on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreLesser Known Heroes
Wayne Sheridan shares about the Lesser Known Heroes in scripture and the pivotal role they have played in Biblical history.
Read MoreMaking Pickles, Not Cucumbers
Put To The Test
Connie Fox shares about how each of us will face testing in life and the world is watching to see how we as Christians react.
Read MoreMentoring
Trish Burgess, MD shares about the interactions between Jesus and His disciples, how He taught truth but they also caught His attitude.
Read MoreOwning My Faith
Rodney Arnold shares from Matt. 16:13-14 about how Powerful Faith requires boldness and clarity.
Read MoreWhat A Friend Does
George Courtney shares from Mark 2:1-12 about being influenced by others in life and the lengths good friends will go to for your betterment.
Read MoreGross Darkness
Dr. Kayode Lyum shares from Isaiah, John and Daniel about how it is time to be bold as we carry the light of Christ.
Read MoreThe Heart
The Law of The Draw
Bert Jones shares from James 4:4-10 about how God will not abide in PRIDE and how as we draw near, we begin the hear the Lord.
Read MoreWhat Does It Mean To Be Human? pt2
In The Crosshairs: The Meaning of Medicine
Bill Reichart shares the White Coat Ceremony talk by Dr. Kristin Collier at the University of Michigan Medical School that drew protests and a walkout by some in the audience.
Read MoreIs Your Soil (Soul) Ready to Receive Seed?
Ray Amos shares from Luke 8:4-15 about how we should create room for the unexpected to happen by leaving a Spirit Space in our lives.
Read MoreA 3rd Way To Live
Alan Waldecker shares about how humility is the natural result of serving others and what the Bible teaches us about our need.
Read More5 Things Everyone Needs to Know
What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Trust and Obey
John Mark Brown shares from II Chronicles 20 about joining God in His work and how God is working in the waiting.
Read MoreEngaging in Mental Health
Dr. Brett McCarty and Dr. Warren Kinghorn give a special presentation on mental health for this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreThe Hidden Global Pandemic
Dr. Susan Hillis discusses the hidden global pandemic we are now facing—child orphanhood on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreLooking at Monkeypox
Dr. Issam “Sam” Raad, chair of the University of Texas MD Anderson’s Department of Infectious Diseases, shares about the Monkeypox epidemic on this episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreUkraine Update – Dental Outreach
Listen to a special interview with Dr. John Pfefferle and Dr. Phil Aday about their recent mission trip to the Ukraine. Plus, Dr. Mike Chupp sits down with Dr. Peter Saunders to talk about the ongoing war relief efforts in the country on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreHealthcare Outreach to the Middle East
Dr. Sam Raad talks about Healthcare Outreach to the Middle East, a ministry with more than 20 clinics in 14 Arab countries on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreChoose Life
Dr. Joy Riley talks about her contributions to Choose Life, a new book that addresses the theological, legal, spiritual and practical concerns about abortion.
Read MoreStanding Courageous as Women in Healthcare
Dr. Regina Frost-Clark shares about the importance of being courageous and standing up for conscience rights in healthcare on this week’s CMDA Matters.
Read MoreThe Situation in Canada
Dr. Margaret Cottle talks about the current situation in Canada with assisted suicide and medical termination on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast
Phyllis Morton and Tamara Ramirez, two nurses who developed a continuing education course for nurses to overcome burnout, discuss their ministry on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreRipple Effects in Africa
Three dedicated cardiac surgeons from three different countries who now work at the busiest heart surgery program in the nation of Kenya at Tenwek Hospital are interviewed on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreLoving Patients Who Struggle with Substance Abuse
Drs. Timothy and Nikki Allen to talk about their work serving the underserved, especially those who are struggling with addiction on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreLeaving a Legacy
Dr. Mike Chupp chats with Midwest Regional Director Allan Harmer and Western Regional Director Michael McLaughlin as they prepare to retire after so many years of faithful service to CMDA on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreTraining in a post-Roe World
God Sightings
Dr. Trish Burgess talks about her new book God Sightings, a collection of stories of the best God sightings from GHO mission trips around the world on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreIncorporating Spiritual Interventions
Dr. Cathie Scarbrough talks about bringing your faith into healthcare by incorporating spiritual interventions on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast..
Read MoreWhat To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
Stan Hill shares from II Chronicles 20 about joining God in His work and how God is working in the waiting.
Read MoreTurning the Tide with Dobbs
Erin Morrow Hawley discusses the landmark decision in the Dobbs U.S. Supreme Court case which overturned Roe v. Wade on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreHealthcare for the Kingdom
Listen to Dr. Daisey Dowell’s talk from the 2022 CMDA National Convention on this week’s CMDA Matters podcast.
Read MoreAnswering Your Questions About The Chosen
Listen to Dr. Mike Chupp’s conversation with Dallas Jenkins, the creator and director of The Chosen from the 2022 CMDA National Convention on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreWhen Life’s Problems Are Overwhelming
Allen Davis shares about having the right mindset and trusting God enough to wait when life’s problems are overwhelming.
Read MoreStrange New World
Carl Trueman joins guest host Pastor Bert Jones as we share his plenary talk from the 2022 CMDA National Convention on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreChristian Engagement in Cultural Issues
Gene Rudd, MD shares about whether we are a Christian Nation or a Nation of Christians and how we are to live out our beliefs in this secular world.
Read MoreDispel Darkness
Mike Pope shares from Matthew 5 about being Salt and Light into this world to preserve against decay and dispel the darkness of sin.
Read MoreChariots of Fire
Marty Green shares from II Kings 6 about how we can have faith in the Lord or fear in our circumstances.
Read More3 Keys to Prayer
Standing Strong Against Abortion
Lila Rose joins guest host Pastor Bert Jones as she shares her incredibly powerful plenary talk from the 2022 CMDA National Convention on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreIdentity Theft
Bill Reichart shares about the Myths of our Identity and how we need to ground ourselves in our true identity in Christ.
Read MoreA Breakpoint in the Culture War
John Stonestreet, the president of the Colson Center, has a conversation with Dr. Mike Chupp and Rev. Bert Jones about the right of conscience in healthcare—and why it matters for Christians in today’s culture on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreIdentity Crisis
Mick Williams shares about where we get our identity, Who truly defines our identity and how we are to live with that knowledge.
Read MoreHuman Limitations and Divine Interventions
Bert Jones shares how there is a limit to human accomplishment without Heavenly involvement.
Read MoreDo You Want To Be Successful?
David Stevens, MD asks the question about what defines success and how to measure your Kingdom impact.
Read MoreGender and Sports
Dr. Paul Hruz joins Dr. Jeff Barrows to delve deeper into the discussion about how transgender ideology is crossing over into sports, and how gender-affirming treatment continues to be a debate in female sports on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreAt First Light
Dr. Walt Larimore joins Dr. Mike Chupp and talks about his latest book At First Sight, which shares the emotional tale of Phil Larimore, Walt’s dad, and his journey from Memphis, Tennessee to the beaches of Italy during the final stages of World War II and then back home to the U.S. on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreFighting for Religious Freedom in Finland
Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a medical doctor who has been a member of the Finnish Parliament for 27 years, joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s episode. She shares her story about how she has been involved in a legal battle to protect her religious freedoms for the last three years.
Read MoreIn the Name of Jesus
Gene Rudd, MD shares about using the name of Jesus and how Jesus grants us power to use His name in our Christian outreach.
Read MoreSpiritual Care and Patient Care
Dr. Harold Koenig, a professor of psychiatry at Duke University and one of the foremost voices in the research on the effects of spirituality and health joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreCare for the Poor
Rick Donlon, MD shares about our responsibility to care for the poor as Christians and the role of medicine in ministry.
Read MoreGender Ideology and Its Effects on Our Patients
Dr. Miriam Grossman, a practicing pyschiatrist whose practice focuses on gender-confused young people and their parents, joins Dr. Mike Chupp on this week’s episode.
Read MoreThe Second Coming
Bert Jones shares from Acts 1:6-11 about Jesus’ 2nd Coming and shows us the promises of scripture versus the speculation of man.
Read MoreSpeaking Like Jesus
Fouad Masri presents how to effectively share your faith on a daily basis from a recent talk he gave at CMDA’s Remedy22 medical missions conference on this week’s episode of CMDA Matters.
Read MoreEvents of Holy Week
Gene Rudd, MD shares about how the timeline of Holy Week played out between Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem and His resurrection.
Read MoreRevisiting The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self
We’re re-releasing an episode from 2021 with Dr. Carl Trueman in advance of the 2022 CMDA National Convention, where Dr. Trueman will be speaking about his book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.
Read MoreLessons From the Road to Emmaus
David Stevens, MD shares about how Jesus turns despair into hope and how you can never upset God by telling Him how you feel.
Read MoreThe Pitfalls of Consumer Medicine
Dr. Chris Lisanti joins Dr. Mike Chupp to discuss the pitfalls of consumer medicine and how his current research is exploring the intersection of medicine, philosophy and theology on this week’s episode.
Read More