Posts Tagged ‘Christian Living’
Christmas On Call
On this week’s special Christmas episode of CMDA Matters, join Dr. Mike Chupp and several CMDA members and friends who share about seeing God at work during the Christmas season.
Read MoreChristmas Where You Least Expect To Find It
Bert Jones takes us away from the usual Christmas story found in the Gospels to the many other scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments that point to the Redemption Plan of God and Christ’s coming.
Read MoreCameo of Courage with Dr. Paivi Räsänen
Dr. Paivi Räsänen from Finland, gives an update on the criminal charges she is facing for speaking biblical truth in the public square.
Read MoreMindful of Emmanuel
Gene Rudd, MD admonishes us to be aware of Christ in our lives and poses the Christmas question of “What gift does Jesus want from you?” this year.
Read MoreGetting the House Ready for Christmas
Stan Hill shares about the Wise Men from the Christmas Story and lessons we can learn from their journey.
Read MoreBreaking the Mold in Healthcare through Nurse Practitioners
Dr. Adrienne Abrenica shares about the impact the growing number of nurse practitioners are making in whole person care through their commitment to their patients.
Read MoreMaking an Impact in Mongolia
Dr. Sam Alexander shares about his two decades of service in Mongolia through CMDA’s Medical Education International.
Read MoreSecret Sin
Bert Jones shares from Proverbs 20:27 about overcoming the theology of “God Can’t See or Know My Hidden Sins”.
Read MoreFive Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
Author Rosaria Butterfield talks about her new book entitled Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, which explores the five lives promoted in today’s American culture.
Read MorePassages That Shaped My Spiritual Journey
Bill Reichart shares some of the scriptures that have formed his spiritual life and journey.
Read MoreJesus Christ’s Unwavering Call
Peter Saunders, MD shares about the International Christian Medical and Dental Association and how it is answering Jesus’ Unwavering Call.
Read MoreWho Is Your Director?
David Stevens, MD shares from Leviticus 20:7 about how we are called to go out and be holy as we are completely devoted to God.
Read MorePregnancy Centers in a Post-Roe America
Dr. Sandy Christiansen discusses the impact pregnancy centers are making in today’s Post-Roe America.
Read MoreKind Words
Bert Jones shares about how our words flow from our hearts that can bring healing or harm.
Read MoreUnity: Managing the Matters that Matter
Prescriptions for Encouragement
Phillip Claybrook, MD shares about when God asks “What will you do with the suffering I’ve given you?”.
Read MoreAppreciating the Awesome Nature of God
Mike Chupp, MD shares about the Awesome Nature of God as he concludes his five part chapel series.
Read MoreMarked by Joy
Chase Bartlett shares about how we are called to be joyful and that our partnership in the Gospel should bring us joy.
Read MoreWhat Does It Mean to Be Human?
Author, research scientist and ethicist Professor John Wyatt discusses the impact of artificial technology on the future of healthcare.
Read MoreSignals of Transcendence
Author and social critic Os Guinness talks about his latest book called Signals of Transcendence.
Read MoreLitigating for Life, Abiding in Christ
In this video podcast episode: Kristen Waggoner, the CEO, president and general counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom, talks about how their faith-based legal organization is working to litigate for life around the country.
Read MoreCameo of Courage with Amanda Beattie
Dr. Mike Chupp and Pastor Bert Jones are joined by Dr. Amanda Beattie, a general surgeon who has courageously spent the last 12 years working cross-culturally in North Africa.
Read MoreThe Calling to Leadership Development
Author and physician Dr. Gordon Chen shares his approach to health and wellness for primary care and for healthcare leadership development.
Read MoreThe Substance of Consciousness
Well-known philosopher Professor J. P. Moreland discusses his new book The Substance of Consciousness.
Read MoreSide By Side
Rebecca Layman shares about CMDA’s Side By Side ministry and what the Lord has been teaching her since taking over their leadership.
Read MoreWhat is God Doing?
Dave McAuley shares from Job 42 about understanding that the plans of God are always good but not always known.
Read MoreBioethics and Disagreements
Bioethicist and theologian Dr. Paul Hoehner discusses the newest released statement from CMDA’s Ethics committee, which is entitled “Disagreement Among Christians on Bioethical Issues”.
Read MoreRestoration In Kenya
A Wake-up Call for Burnout
Dr. Zandra Cheng shares an incredible story about the trials of burnout and the amazing power of God.
Read MoreRestoration
Gene Rudd, MD shares about the process of restoration involved for all who sin in the church but especially for leaders.
Read MoreIn The Fear of God
Michael Booker shares from II Corinthians 1 about unlocking the promises of God by discovering a Holy Awe of God.
Read MorePassages to Israel
Dr. Rae Russell and Rachel Bright, are two CMDA members who recently traveled to Israel on a trip that CMDA helped to coordinate for student leaders.
Read MorePOWs-Prisoners of Worry
Scott Price shares about how the God of Peace commands us not to worry and offers steps to being able to drive worry away.
Read MoreWhen God Intervenes
David Stevens, MD share about how God doesn’t ask us to be successful but faithful and how the Lord has worked in his life to prepare him for a lifetime of ministry.
Read MoreThe Malpractice Threat
Trial lawyer Jimmie C. Miller talks about medical malpractice issues and her advice for how to face the threat of a malpractice case.
Read MoreThorns
Bert Jones shares from Acts 7:30-35 about thorns in our world being the result of the fall and how they can choke the life out of us.
Read MoreThe Community of Side By Side
Rebecca Lehman, the new Executive Director of Side By Side, shares about this ministry for medical wives and how it offers support and community to women through more than 90 chapters around the world.
Read MoreBe Reconciled
Bert Jones shares from Matt. 5:21-26 about our need to concede to proceed to the process of reconciliation.
Read MoreWisdom
David Stevens, MD share about how we can search God’s word and follow the Bible’s moral code to gain wisdom.
Read MoreBeing Part of Something Greater
CMDA President Dr. George Gonzalez, along with his wife Angelica, talk about how their involvement in their local CMDA chapter allows them to make a difference in their community and be part of something greater.
Read MoreThe Most Important Decision
Jeff Barrows, DO asks the question “What does it mean to follow Jesus?” and shares the characteristics we should demonstrate in our walk with the Lord.
Read MoreCameo of Courage featuring Dr. Thomas Eppes
Dr. Mark Crouch talks about serving as a missionary physician at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea for the last decade.
Read MoreThe Fullness of Time
Gene Rudd, MD shares about why Jesus came when He did and the ways God moved in history to prepare the world for our Savior’s arrival.
Read MoreA Model of Obedient and Sustained Service
Dr. Mark Crouch talks about serving as a missionary physician at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea for the last decade.
Read MoreCitizens of God’s Kingdom
Alan Waldecker shares from Matt. 6 about how we are designed for intimacy with God and how, in our fallen world, we have to strive to make Him the core source of our identity.
Read MoreBeing Salt and Light in Today’s World
Dr. Walt Larimore talks about the legacy behind the Faith Prescriptions video series and how it can help healthcare professionals share their faith in practice.
Read MoreSpeaking Comfort to Those in Loss
Eric Fields shares from Psalm 23 about our Good Shepard and how we can find comfort from God in our times of loss.
Read MoreMAF Testimony
Dean Davison shares about his time with MAF and the unusual ministry path the Lord has led him on.
Read MorePsychological Safety
Bill Reichart shares about Psychological Safety and how the object of our trust should be Christ.
Read MoreYokes
David Stevens, MD shares about the purpose of yokes and how we are not working alone when we are yoked together with Christ.
Read MoreDoubting Our Way To Glory
Gene Rudd, MD shares about doubts, that we all have them but need to deal with them as they hinder our relationship with God.
Read MoreOperation Christmas Child
Alex from Rwanda shares about the impact receiving a Operation Christmas Child shoebox had on him and how we can amplify that impact to other children around the world.
Read MoreWandering in the Land of Nod
Gene Rudd, MD shares about how we can wander in a desert until we learn what the Lord is trying to teach us.
Read MoreKnowledge to Wisdom
Trish Burgess, MD shares about how applying knowledge and understanding can lead to wisdom but also understanding the real essence of wisdom is spiritual.
Read MoreCelebrating This Year’s Victories
Chris Schandevel from Alliance Defending Freedom shares news of the big wins we’ve accomplished this year to help protect the conscience freedoms of CMDA members.
Read MoreDetours
George Courtney shares from his recent trip to Greece and how we should view detours in our daily lives.
Read MoreNavigating and Understanding Faithfulness in a New Babylon
David Kinnaman, CEO of Barna Group, talks about Barna’s extensive research they are doing for churches and non-profit organizations.
Read MoreWalking in the WOW of God
Marty Greene shares from Luke 5:1-11 about the awesomeness of God’s Presence, Power and Provision.
Read More10 Laws of Effective Group Functioning
David Stevens, MD share ten ways that we can improve any group or family to better glorify God.
Read MoreThreats, Trends and Opportunities in Advocacy
Nicole Hayes and Anna Pilato from CMDA’s Advocacy department to talk about the latest threats, trends and opportunities in Advocacy.
Read MoreBitterness
Bert Jones shares from Hebrews 12:14-15 about how bitterness impairs your life vision and blows out the candle of joy in your life.
Read MoreThe Perils of PRIDE
Dr. Steven Willing talks about his new book called Superbia, which focuses on insights into the sin and perils of pride.
Read MoreRunning the Race
Bill Reichart shares about the pitfalls of Gospel Forgetfulness and more in Running our Race the Lord puts before us.
Read MoreDeveloping a Quality Quiet Time
Think Eternally
Mick Williams shares some of his testimony about how God has been faithful to him in extreme situations.
Read More4 Sins That Are All Too Common
Gene Rudd, MD shares about sins that are not often heard mentioned in sermons but Christians should avoid at all costs.
Read MoreExperiencing the Awe of God’s Perfect Power pt.2
Mike Chupp, MD shares from II Corinthians 12:7-12 about the paradox of our weaknesses being our strengths thru God’s power.
Read MoreBeing God’s Masterpiece
George Courtney shares about how as image bearers of God, we still have work to do for Him.
Read MoreThe Practice of Faith
Long-COVID Research
Infectious disease expert Dr. Sam Raad talks about his ongoing research with cancer patients who have experienced long-COVID symptoms.
Read MoreCameo of Courage with Dr. Kristin Collier
Dr. Kristin Collier shares her story of resilience and courage when her convictions about the dignity of human life were put to the test.
Read MoreTo Pakistan With Love
Drs. John and Angela Condie, CMDA’s 2023 Missionaries of the Year, share about their 30+ years of service as cross-cultural missionaries in Pakistan.
Read MoreMaintaining Your Conscience in Residency
Dr. Cara Buskmiller chats with Rev. Bill Reichart to discuss what residency interviews are like for Christians and others making decisions based on their conscience and convictions.
Read MoreICMDA World Congress
Biblically Responsible Investing
Cassandra Laymon, the President of Beacon Wealth Consultants, talks about the importance of being faithful stewards of the resources we have for the Lord’s kingdom.
Read MoreWhat to Do when Told to Sit Down and Shut Up
Bill Reichart speaks to ADF attorney Tyson Langhofer on the how Christian students can effectively respond to pushback or even hostility toward their faith and convictions.
Read MoreTactics
Bill Griffin, DDS, shares tactics that can be used in evangelism that involve asking questions to open the thought process of unbelievers.
Read MoreLead Like It Matters to God
Rich Stearns, President Emeritus of World Vision U.S., talks about his ministry and leadership influence, as well as his book Lead Like It Matters to God.
Read MoreRounding with The Great Physician
David Stevens, MD shares about how Jesus spent time with His Father and taught His disciples thru spending time with them.
Read MoreIncarnational Discipleship with Dentistry
Dr. Katie Musser talks about how God is working to create disciples in dentistry through CMDA’s Dental Residency [+] program in Memphis, Tennessee.
Read MoreThe Hope of Glory
Bill Reichart shares from I Corinthians 15 about Easter being a season, not just one day and how we should live with the hope of what is to come for us.
Read MoreBioethics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Dr. Matthew Eppinette, Executive Director of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity, discusses the importance of bioethics in today’s culture, as well as how we can learn from the past to prepare for the future.
Read MoreCovenant Medicine: Being Present When Present
Dr. David Beyda explains the critical difference in care and within medicine between the Covenant approach and the Contract approach – and why it matters for Christians.
Read MoreMinistry in Ukraine
Vitalii Smolin shares about on-going ministry in Ukraine and the connection to our medical outreach teams.
Read MoreJesus as King
Matt Korell shares about the areas of our lives where we claim kingship and how we should really submit to the King.
Read MoreContagious Courage
Professor Robert George from Princeton University, one of the country’s foremost and leading voices in the subject of civil liberties, shares about the good news and the bad news facing us as we seek to protect conscience freedoms.
Read MoreExperiencing the Awe of God’s Power pt1
Mike Chupp, MD shares about the greatness of our God’s power and recognizing it in the world around us.
Read MoreObedience
Trish Burgess, MD shares stories from her time as an ER doc about lessons learned in suffering, both for the patients and herself. Then she expands that with example of the obedience Christ showed in His suffering leading to His Crucifixion.
Read MoreLessons from a U.S. Surgeon General
Dr. Jerome Adams, the 20th Surgeon General of the United States, talks about his journey to serving in public policy and his efforts to lead American through pressing health challenges, like the opioid epidemic.
Read MoreCourage
David Stevens, MD shares about where we can find the Courage to face the Giants in our lives and be examples for others in their walks with the Lord.
Read MoreHow to Speak Spiritual Truth w/o Being a Jerk
Scott Ledford shares ways that we can bring spiritual truths to those around us without coming off like a jerk.
Read MoreAll The King’s Horses
Gene Rudd, MD poses the question “If the problem (our broken world) is rooted in sinful hearts, can governments, courts and social systems ever be the solution to our rebellion against God?”.
Read More9 Life Changing Lessons
Every Piece of Peace
Nicole Hayes shares about how to go from poise to peace as we rely more completely on God.
Read MoreMaking an Impact on Campus
3rd year medical student Ryan Orlando talks about how CMDA is making a difference and impacting him as he journeys through healthcare training.
Read MoreHow to Flourish in your Faith while in School
Caroline Doherty, a third-year MD-PhD student at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota discusses how she is able to flourish in her faith in med school and why campus ministry is so important for every Christian.
Read MoreThe Soul of Desire
Dr. Curt Thompson shares about how our desire for spiritual connection with God and deeper connections with each other can lead us to living more fully integrated, connected lives.
Read MoreCultural Engagement on a Daily Basis
Dr. Darrell Bock from The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary talks about the importance of listening and cultural engagement in today’s world.
Read MoreAwakening of 1792 Onward
Bill Reichart shares a video of Dr. J. Edwin Orr about revival seen through the lens of history and points to a road map of how we can begin the process again.
Read More